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Literatura v Učebních materiálech. V závorce je označení odpovídajících
stránek v naskenovaném v pdf souboru
TATANO, Randy.
Broadcast journalism street smarts :the 2013 survival guide for today's television
newsroom. [s.l.]: Accio Books, 2013. 258 s. ISBN 9781481800174.
76 – 89 (22-
28) The Lazy Package
A3 886 WENGER Advancing the Story
WENGER, Debora
Halpern a Deborah POTTER. Advancing the story: broadcast journalism in a
multimedia world. 2nd ed. Washington: CQ Press, 2012. xxxi, 380. ISBN
– 29 (11 -14) Finding the Story
- 151 (44 – 58) Writing the Story
A3 883 SHOOK_Television Field
SHOOK, Fred,
John LARSON a John DETARSIO. Television field production and reporting: a guide
to visual storytelling. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013. xv, 351. ISBN
162 – 180 (13-21) Write Like a Storyteller