z Personality Profiles Department of Media Production Henry Loeser PhD z Department of Media Production §Fusion §Education, Research, Professional practice §Inspire learning, advance knowledge and enrich society. § § § § z Department of Media Production §Description §The value of rapport in successful collaboration §The role of personality profiles in the professional experiences of media industry workers. z Department of Media Production §Aim •Equip graduates with the business knowledge and skills necessary to become a media professional in a challenging and ever-changing industry § z Department of Media Production § §Disclaimer: §“The concepts and techniques you are about to see are not considered academically rigorous.” z Department of Media Production § §Rapport §“A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.” z Department of Media Production §Communication §Active listening §Adapting your style to your audience. ... §Volume and clarity §Friendliness, Confidence §Giving and receiving feedback §Empathy, Respect z Department of Media Production §Personality Profile Systems §Meyers - Briggs §Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) §Merrill - Wilson z Department of Media Production §Meyers-Briggs §Introversion/Extraversion §Sensing/Intuition §Thinking/Feeling §Judging/Perception z Department of Media Production A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated z Department of Media Production §Neuro-linguistic Programming §a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. §It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes z Department of Media Production §NLP categories §Visual §Auditory §Kinestetic z Department of Media Production §Merrill-Wilson 4 Quadrants §Simple to understand §Easy and quick to identify z Department of Media Production § Image result for personality profiles quadrant driver expressive analytical z Department of Media Production §Building rapport: §-identify §-mirror §-pace z Department of Media Production §Aim •Equip graduates with the business knowledge and skills necessary to become a media professional in a challenging and ever-changing industry § z Personality Profiles Department of Media Production Henry Loeser PhD