What‘s next? •Monday 28/3, 5 pm, Vlhká 21 – Theatre play in our day center •Everyone is welcome, let me know if you are interested •Week 9 •No class but… •Groups of 2 or 3 •Fieldwork, choose date •7/4 •8/4 •11/4 •13/4 •14/4 •19/4 •Week 11 •One day out •No resources •Panhandling? •Sleepover rough in the park (?) – together • • • Group project •Community/street news pilot based on ethnography •1 issue – this 1 covering homelessness •16 to 20 pages? •What needs to be done •Name •Audience •Purpose •Format, color (using templates may be ok, since it is just a pilot that doesn‘t necessarily have to be published…) •Front page •Topics •Corretions? •… •When • • • Topics •What do you want to explore more and cover? •Who are homeless people? •Understanding homelessness – more perspectives? •Own experiences – participant observation •What does it feel like? •Causes •What can society do more? •What to do when approached by a homeless person? •Interviews •Social workers, academics, politicians, … •Photos •Education •The team behind, purpose • • • • • • • Using homeless people‘s participation •Writing, art, culture, entertainment •Stories •Plans and the future •What to do not to lose home, what to do if you lose it? • • Assignment 2 •Take fieldnotes (try !at least! 15 minutes every day) •Reflective essay on the fieldnotes •Start with questions such as: •What did you see, feel? •What did you make of it? •What have you learnt? •Has anything changed? What, when, why? •What do you need to explore more? •And so on… •Deadline: 10/4 • • • Final essay •2000 words •Follow the shifts of your understanding of homelessness •If not, why? •What have you learnt? •Cover your experience from the field and how you can (if true, if not, explain) use it to report on homelessness in more responsible ways •Use at least 4 sources •Deadline: May 30 • • Next week •Reading week – no class! •Reading – media participation •Go to the field •Take fieldnotes •Reflect • •