35 THEORIES OF HOW THE WORLD BECAME RICH activity, they do not provide the full story. Firms benefit from being near each \-other. So do workers. Economies of scale and the network effects associated with close proximity (known in economics as agglomeration effects), rather than geographic fundamentals, often explain why certain cities outperform others. Most importantly, geography on its own cannot account for the timing of the Industrial Revolution, the onset of modern, sustained economic growth in the 19th century, or the various reversals of fortune that we observe in the historical record. Where does this leave us? Is there a role for geography in explaining why the world became rich? Hopefully, this chapter has convinced you that geogra- ■ phy has played an important role in determining certain outcomes that differ between societies, but that it cannot explain everything. If it could explain everything, our fate would have been written thousands of years ago with little room for human agency. In the remaining chapters, we will show that human actions have played a significant role in determining the economic trajectorins of societies. These decisions range from the most intimate (how many babies to have) to the type of legal and political systems societies have. Yet, even though human actions have played a key role in determining the world's economic dis- > tribution, geography likely played some role in these decisions. To some degree, geography has helped shape societies' institutions (the subject of Chapter 3), j culture (the subject of Chapter 4), demography (the subject of Chapter 5), and colonization (the subject of Chapter 6). We will keep these interactions in mind as we proceed through the first half of the book. 3 Is It All Just Institutions? In Afghanistan, justice is mostly provided at the tribal level. Whether you win your case or not depends in part on its merit. But it also depends on who you are, which tribe you belong to, and who is overseeing your case (Murtazashvili, 2016). In the Ottoman Empire, a weU-functioning court system existed. But it was biased: it favored men, Muslims, and elites, regardless of the merits of their cases (Kuran and Rubin, 2018). These systems of justice differ considerably from those found in the wealthier parts of the contemporary world. True, the rich can buy better lawyers, and justice is hardly color-blind, especially in the US. But the fact is that the disadvantaged can, and frequently do, win cases when the facts are in their favor. The relative impartiality of courts, in turn, encourages economic activity. When people know they have legal recourse should their partner cheat them, they are more likely to engage in exchange. Might these differences in legal systems have played some role in determining which parts of the world have become rich? Differences across societies are hardly relegated to the legal sphere. At a higher level, differences in political systems can play an important role in economic decision-making. Where autocrats rule, violence often follows. In North Korea, those on the wrong side of the regime tend not to last long. In Stalin's Soviet Union, anyone remotely expected of having anti-regime sentiments ended up in a gulag or executed (as well as many who had no such sentiments). Political systems affect more than just violence. They affect whether you have to pay bribes to do business, whether you have the right to sell and use your property as you please, and whether you have the freedom to move when the economic opportunity presents itself. The degree to which a society enables - or restricts - people in this fashion is of first-order importance in determining its economic potential. These political, legal, religious, and economic organizations are a society's institutions. In this chapter, we examine the literature on institutions. We begin by explaining what institutions are and why they impact economic development. We then show why different institutions in different parts of the world have placed societies on different economic trajectories. 38 THEORIES OF HOW THE WORLD BECAME RICH IS IT ALL JUST INSTITUTIONS? 39 What Are Institutions? Until recently, textbook accounts of economic growth focused on investment in physical capital and technological change as the key determinants of growth. Such an approach is natural for economists interested in creating mathematical models of economic growth. However, it is of limited value in understanding the historical origins of economic growth. There are simply too many examples of societies not investing in capital or technology to boil it down to investment decisions. This is as true of the past as it is today. Investment is relatively sparse in places like Afghanistan, Haiti, and Niger. The marginal return to capital in these countries is likely very high. Why, then, do individuals in these societies forgo what is more or less a free lunch? What are the constraints people face in these societies? And how do these constraints evolve over time? These questions were posed by North and Thomas (1973). They argued that the factors on which economists focused - investment in capital machinery, factories, and schooling - were not independent causes of economic growth. They were economic growth. To understand the causes of growth, one has to study the incentives that led individuals in some societies to build factories and invest, to go to school, and to acquire new skills. One must also study why individuals in other societies were not incentivized to do these things. North and his co-authors called the aspects of society that formed these incentives institutions and they proposed reorienting the study of economic growth around the study of them. For North, institutions are the rules of the game. For example, in a game of football (soccer), the rules detennine the nature of the game and thus structure the incentives facing the players. If we want to explain the different behavior of players in football compared to a game of rugby, the best explanation may reside not in differences in the individuals playing the two games but in the different rules, and hence incentives, they face. North's thinking about institutions evolved over the course of his career. Initially, North and Thomas (1973) supposed that institutions had a tendency to evolve towards efficiency. Over time, inefficient institutions would be weeded out and more efficient institutions would be promoted in the same manner as market competition weeds out less efficient firms in favor of their more efficient competitors. Later, North (1981) came to the view that there is no process analogous to the competitive market process to "select" the most efficient institutions. The incentives in the political sphere differ from those in the marketplace. Hence, inefficient institutions can persist for decades or even centuries. Such inefficient institutions can be a source of lasting poverty. They may even be a leading cause of why some countries are rich and others are poor. Building on North's insights, Greif (2006) developed an alternative definition of institutions. His framework incorporates the critical role cultural beliefs play in enforcing, and indeed constituting, institutions. For Greif, institutions are not only the "rules of the game," but also comprise the beliefs and social norms that uphold these rules. Beliefs and social norms, like institutions, can be hard to change. This is true even when there are clear economic benefits from doing so. One of Greif s key insights is that cultural beliefs and institutions can reinforce each other. When one strengthens the other, both are all the harder to change. Greif proposes this as a key reason why some economies fail to grow while others prosper. We discuss these insights further in Chapter 4. One key component of institutions is the degree to which they permit economic freedom. The more economic freedom a society has, the more individuals are free to allocate their resources as they see fit. Economic freedom is closely associated with the rule of law. When a society follows the rule of law, laws are applied equally and all types of rights are protected. This of course includes economic rights. Economic freedom is strongly correlated with per capita income (Gwartney, Lawson, and Holcombe, 1999; Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, and Murphy, 2019). Rodrik, Subramanian, and Trebbi (2004) show that raising the degree to which a society follows the rule of law one standard deviation - roughly corresponding to the difference in institutions between Bolivia and South Korea -is associated with a 6.4-fold difference in per capita income (see Figure 3.1). Incidentally, this is about the income gap between Bolivia and South Korea. This finding should not be taken as gospel, however. There are major challenges o -1---,-,-r .2 .4 .6 .8 2020 Rule of LawTridex Figure 3.1 Rule of law vs. per capita GDP Data sources: World Justice Project (2020) for rule of law, Bolt and van Zanden (2020) for per capita GDP. 40 THEORIES OF HOW THE WORLD BECAME RICH IS IT ALL JUST INSTITUTIONS? 41 in estimating the importance of institutions when relying solely on variation [ across countries. This is because countries differ across so many dimensions it i is hard to isolate the specific effects of institutional quality. For this reason, one of the most persuasive examples illustrating the importance of institutions is the comparison between North and South Korea (Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson, 2005a). For centuries, North and South ', Korea were part of a single country, with the same language, culture, and reli- |; gious traditions. To the extent that there were major regional differences, the f north of the country was more industrialized and developed. Then, in 1948, the Communists took over the North. Ever since the war that followed, the economic story between the two nations has been one of divergence. The contrast between the prosperity of the South and the poverty of the North reveals the importance of their different institutions: market-based in the South 1 versus Communist in the North. These differences are immediately visible in I Figure 3.2, which is a photograph taken from space of the two countries at night. Night lights are a measure of economic prosperity because they reveal economic activity and electrification. One can clearly see the South Korean border and its many economic hubs. North Korea is almost entirely pitch black. We rarely have examples as clean-cut as North and South Korea, however. t In their absence, institutional arguments can be difficult to test. One critique I is that "good institutions" is simply a label for all things a particular author approves of (Clark, 2007, pp. 145-65). The problem is that a label of approbation j has little explanatory value. It cannot be operationalized or used to discriminate between points of view. There are two ways around this problem. One is that pioneered by Greif and his co-authors. Greif developed carefully specified theoretical models of how specific economic institutions functioned. These models have two virtues: Figure 3.2 Night lights on the Korean Peninsula Source: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.plip?i