English for Environmental Studies and Social Policy and Social Work

Week 8

The writing in Task 6 of Seminar 5 (below) is optional, but I would like everyone to have read it, so we can discuss community gardens. (If you write the abstract in Task 6, I will check it over for you. You will all be writing an abstract about your presentation topic. Please upload your text in the week of your presentation.)  

Please bring along any examples of garden initiatives from your country or post them in the Discussion Forum at the bottom of this page. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

While watching this video, write at least 3 comprehension or discussion questions about it:


If you have any favourite videos on permaculture, urban gardening and any other form of sustainable land management, please feel free to contribute them to this Discussion Forum:

Here is where your presentation and abstract should eventuallty be uploaded: