Current political events in English speaking countries

HW for Week 9

Joe's handout from the April 12th class:

Next week's theme: Environmental security and threats

Alžbeta and Tereza will lead the discussion. Here are their instructions for us:

First, read this article: 

  1. Write down a phrase or a word that peaked your interest or is new to you, and add quotation marks, as well as the paragraph number, where you found the word/phrase.
  2. Which of the environmental threats from the article is the most worrying according to you? How would you defend the existence of this threat to someone who is skeptical of their existence? Note down your answers, you will be asked to share them in class.

Next, read this interview:

If you have any questions, note them down. Also, write down a phrase or a word that peaked your interest or is new to you, and again, add quotation marks, as well as the paragraph number, where you found the word/phrase.


Finally, watch the following video:

This video explains the resource curse and how it effects a country’s stability. 

Listen and read carefully, and take some notes, as you will use the knowledge from the readings and video during our lesson.