EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries

EU and Russia - current problems. EU Eastern Neighbourhood in the context of EU-Russia relations and the conflict in Ukraine + Position paper 1. - 6 March 2023

EU and Russia: current state of the affairs and possible future of mutual relations. Discussion about the Position paper Nr. 1

Position paper 1 (supporting literature will be added):

Which future directions in the policy towards Russia should the EU take, in the context of current conflict? Which aims should the EU try to achieve in relation to Russia, in long-term perspective? Which kind of actor should the EU be in relation to Russia? Try to evaluate the EU´s role in relation to Russia (concerning the events before and after February 2022). Explain your position and support it with arguments. 

You may use for your position paper the following text which covers the recent development of the EU-Russia relationsm the EU policy towards Russia after the breakout of the Ukrainian war:

Kadri Liik (2022): The old is dying and the new cannot be born: A power audit of EU-Russia relations. ECFR. Policy Brief, 14 December 2022. On-line:


The following texts, which point out to the characteristics of current Russian political regime as one of the important factors which influence the behaviour of Putin´s Russia in the conflict and also the EU-Russia relations:

Kseniya Kirillova (2023): Putin´s Russia and the Hall of Mirrors. CEPA. February 1, 2023. On-line:

Andrei Kolesnikov (2022): Scientific Putinism: Shaping Official Ideology in Russia. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 21.11.2022 On-line:

Or other texts from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website that are devited to current Russia.


Following texts which look more deeply at the relations and policies of particular EU countries in relation to Russia and also at the phenomenon of pro-Russian political parties in the EU:

Eglantine Staunton (2022) A Useful Failure: Macron's Overture to Russia, Survival, 64:2, 17-24, DOI: 10.1080/00396338.2022.2055819

Maria Snegovaya (2022): Fellow travelers or Trojan horses? Similarities across pro-Russian parties’ electorates in Europe. Party Politics. 2022, Vol. 28(3) 409–418. DOI: 10.1177/1354068821995813

Jan Holzer, Martin Jirušek and Petra Kuchyňková (2020): Russia as Viewed by the Main Czech Political Actors. In: HOLZER, Jan, Miroslav MAREŠ (eds.). Czech Security Dilemma : Russia as a Friend or Enemy? 1st ed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 55-89. New Security Challenges. ISBN 978-3-030-20545-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20546-1.

DEADLINE: Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folders no later than 5 p.m. of the day before the seminar for which the position paper is written, i.e. March 5, 2022, 5 p.m.


In the second part of the meeting we will start to discuss the issue of EU policy towards Ukraine: Ukraine, between Russia and the EU - The evolution and challenges of EU-Ukraine relations in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Eastern Partnership and the current conflict; challenges and prospects for Ukraine in the context of the Eastern Partnership policy, Association Agreement and what it brought for both actors; events before and after 2014; the role of the EU in the Ukrainian conflict; Ukrainian candidate status and its perspectives.


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