Exponential growth 6 Exponential growth? 7 Exponential growth? 8 A standard model of logistic growth 9 A standard model of logistic growth 10 Optimal resource use • Optimal versus stable / resilient plans • Is Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) the optimal resource use? Poplar plantationSource: Lignovis GmbH Common beech forest 14 Multifunctional resource use 15 Forest policy law from 1876 with orders / prohibitions: Ø Planning duty Ø Prohibition of privatization Ø Prohibition of clear cuts and order to maintain forests Example: Switzerland 1903 1961 16 Forestry and sustainability 1903 1961 17 German forestry in the 18th century «Sylvicultura oeconomica oder haußwirthliche Nachricht und Naturmäßige Anweisung zur wilden Baum-Zucht» (1713) ‘continuirlich beständige und nachhaltende Nutzung’ Context: Mining and smelting led to deforestation, timber shortage, increasingly long timber transports, rising prices => Economic, not ecological considerations led to the demand for a different use ('suffer great need in the future'). At the same time, Carlowitz invoked the creation mandate of "preservation". Hans Carl von Carlowitz 1645-1714 Forest policy and biomass use 18 Dynamical systems: population growth 19 https://6a13c5b2fc59e0f5cc2d-504d68e748ee944d3fccba00fd5e2fd4.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/Logistic/index.html