I 5. HIERARCHIES, JOBS, BODIES: * A THEORY OF GENDERED ORGANIZATIONS JOAN ACKER Most of us spend most of our days in work organizations that arc almost always dominated by men. The most powerful organizational positions are amiosTentirely occupied by men, with the exception of the occasional biological female who acts as a social man (Sorenson 1984). Power at the national and world level is located in a 11-male enclaves at the pinnacle of large state and economic organizations. These facts are not news, although sociologists paid no attention to them until feminism came along to point out the problematic nature of the jafcvious (Acker and Van Houten 1974; Kanter 1975, 1977). Writers on organizations and organizational theory now include some consideration of women and gender (Clegg and Dunkerley 1980; Mills 1988; Morgan 1986), but their treatment is usually cursory, and male domination is, on the whole, not analyzedandnot explained (HearnlmTparktii 1983). Among feminist social scientists there are some outstanding contributions on women and organizations, such as the wort of Moss Kanter (1977), Feldberg and Nakano Glenn (1979), MacKinnon (1979), and Ferguson (1984). In addition, there have been theoretical and empirical investigations of particular aspects of organizational structure and process (Izraeli 1983; Martin 1985), and women's situations have been studied using traditional organizational ideas (Dexter 1985; Wallace 1982). Moreover, the very rich literature, popular and scholarly, on women and work contains much material on work organizations. However, most of this new knowledge has not been brought together in a systematic feminist theory of organizations. A systematic theory of gender and organizations is needed for a UTT oPivorki including " " number of reasons. First, the/geTWi divisions between paid and unpalcPwork, Is partly created through organizational practices. Second, and related to gender segregation, income and statujUnc^uality^between women and men is also partly 162 I Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies 163 created in organizational processes; understanding thejsjprocesses is necessary foTunderstanding gender inequality. Third, prganjzätipin are one arenajn whicji_widely_diššerhinated cultural images offender are invented and reproduceďTKnowlcdge of cultural production is important for understanding gender construction (Hearn and Parkin 1987). Fourth, some aspects of individual gender identity, perhaps particularly masculinity, are also products of organizational processes and pressures. Fifth, an important feminist project is to make large-scale organizations more democratic and more supportive of humane goals. In this chapter, I examineforgarrizarions as gendered-^roceyses in which both gender and sexuality have been obscure $ thro ugh Tge hd er-neutral, asexual discourse, and suggest some of the ways that gender, the body, and sexuality are part of the processes of control in work o^mzafions. Atthe end, I point to some directions for feminist theory "aíoúTthis ubiquitous human invention. INVISIBLE WOMEN Both traditional and critical approaches to organizations originate in the male, abstract intellectual domain (Smith 1988) and take as reality the world as seen from that standpoint. As a relational phenomenon, gender is difficult to see when only the masculine is present. Since men in organizations take their behavior and perspectives to represent the human, organizational structures and processes are theorized as gender neutral. When it is acknowledged that worn enand men are affected differently by organizations, it is argued that gendered attitudes and behavior are brought into (and contaminate) essentially gender-neutral structures. This view of organizations separates structures from the people in them. Current theories of organization also ignore sexuality. Certainly, a gender-neutral structure is also asexual. If sexuality is a core component of the production of gender identity, gender images, and gender inequality, organizational theory that is blind to sexuality does not immediately offer avenues into the comprehension of gender domination (Hearn and Parkin 1983, 1987). MacKinnon's. (1982) compelling argument that sexual domination of women is_embedded within legal organizations has not to date become part of mainstream discussions. Rather, behaviors such as sexual harassment are viewed as deviations of gendered actors, not, as MacKinnon (1979) might argue, as components of organizational structure. 7_ 5 164 GENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKPLACE FEMINIST ANALYSES OF ORGANIZATIONS The treatment of women and gender md§t assimilated into the literature on organizations is Moss Ranter's Men and Women of the Corporation (1977). Moss Kanter sets out to show that gender differences in organizational behavior are due to structure ratherthan to characterjs- ' 1-2). She argues that tics of women and meajasTnd iv id tialrfryfTrSp. Tfie^TO^Iemswomen have in large organizations are consequences of their structural placement, crowded in dead-end jobs at the bottom and exposed as tokens atlhe top. Gender enters the picture through organizational roles that "carry characteristic images of the kinds of people that should occupy them" (p. 250). Here, Moss Kanter recognizes the presence of gender in early models of organizations: A "masculine ethic "_of rationality and reason can be,i(l«]titled in the early image of managers. This "masculine ethic" elevates trie trails assumed to belong to men with educational advantages to necessities for effective organizations: a tough-minded approach to problems; analytic abilities to abstract and pIan;Tclfi^acTtytoseTaside personal, emotional considerations *~ in the interests' of task accomplishment; a cognitive superiority in problem-solving and decision making. (1974, p. 43) Identifying the central problem of seeming gender neutrality. Moss Kanter observes: "While] organization s/we re being d^uied as^,CA-JRCJJL-jral machines, masculi_ne_jUTnctples were dominating their authority structures" (1977. p. 46). In spite of these insights, organizational structure, not gender, is the focus of Moss Kanter's analysis. In posing the argument as structure or gender, Moss Kanter also implicitly posits gender as standing outside of structure, and she fails to follow up her own observations about masculinity and organizations (1977, p. 22). Moss Kanter's analysis of the effects of organizational position applies as well to men in low-status positions. Her analysis of the effect of numbers, or the situation of the "token" worker, applies also to men as minorities in women-predominant organizations, but fails to account for gender differences in the situation of the token. In contrast to the token woman, White men in women-dominated workplaces are likely to be positively evaluated and to be rapidly promoted to positions of greater authority. The specificity of male dominance is absent in Moss Kanter's argument, even though she presents a great deal of material that illuminates gender and male dominance. Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies 165 Another approach, using Moss Kanter's insights but building on the theoretical work ofHajrtmann (1976), is the argument that organizations have a fd»al structure^ bureaucracv_and patriarchy (Ressner 1986b]T Ires Kessncr argues that bureaucracy has its own dynamic, and gender enters through patriarchy, a more or less autonomous structure, that exists alongside the bureaucratic structure. The analysis of two hierarchies facilitates and clarifies the discussion of women's experiences of discrimination. exclusiaiL-segregation, and low wages. However, this approach-" has all the problems of two systems theories of women's oppression (Young 1981; sec also Acker 1988): the central theory of bureaucratic or organizational structure is unexamined, and patriarchy is added to allow the theorist to deal with women. Like Moss Kanter, Ressner's approach implicitly accepts the assumption of mainstream organiza-tionaljh^ory that organizations are gender-neutral social phenomena. irguson) in The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy (1984), develops a radical feminist critique of bureaucracy as an organization of npnres&ive male power, arguing that it is both mystified and constructed "through an abstract discourse on rationality, rules, and procedures. TRul, in contrast l6~thTimplicit arguments of Moss Kanter and Ressner, Ferguson views bureaucracy itself as a construction of male domina-tion. In response to this overwhelming organization of power, bureaucrats, workers, and clients are allC^TeminizejQ as they develop ways of managing their powerlessness that at the same time perpetuate their jtependence. Ferguson argues further that feminist discourse, rooted in women's experiences of caring and nurturing outside bureaucracy's control, provides a ground for opposition to bureaucracy and for the development of alternative ways of organizing society.—^ However, there are problems with Ferguson's tneoretical formulation. Her argument that feminization is a metaphor for bureaucratization not only uses a/stereotype of femininity as oppressed, weak, ana passive^jut also, bynffqliating the experience of men and women clients, womerrworkers, and men bureaucrats, o&Cuflfi the specificity of women's .experiences and the connections between masculinity ana power (brown" 1984; see also MartiiT 1987; Mitchell 1986; Ressners ysoa). Ferguson builds on Foucault's (1979) analysis of power as widely diffused and constituted through discourse, and the problems in her analysis have their origin in Foucault, who also fails to place gender in his analysis of power. What results is a disemrxxheliTandj^ lyjjenderlieutrar bureau- cracy as the oppressor. That is, of course, not a new vision of bureaucracy, but it is one in which gender enters only as analogy, rather than as a complex component of processes of control and domination. \ 166 GENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKPLACE Hierarchies, J Ltbst Bodies 167 In sum, some of the best feminist attempts to theorize about gender and organizations have been trapped within the constraints of definitions of the theoretical domain that cast organizations as gender neutral and asexual. These (heo jits take us only part of the way to understand-ibeddet led'gender is in organizations. There is ample i"ejow deeply !\a «^-'f^" empirical evidence: We know now that gender segregation is an amazingly persistent pattern and that the gender identity of jobs and occupations is repeatedly reprojlucgjf, ofteiTin new Forms (Bielby and Baron 1987; Reskin and Roos 1987; Strober and Arnold 1987), The reconstruction of gender segregation is an integral part of the dynamic of technological and organizational change (Cockburn 1983, 1985; Hacker 1981), Individual men and particular groups of men do not always win in these processes, but masculinity always seems to symbolize self-respect for men at the bottom and power for men at the top. while confirming for both their gender's superiority. Theories that posit organization and bureaucracy as gender neutral cannot adequately account for this.continual gendered structuring. We need different theo- —^> retjcal strategies that examine organizations as gendered processes in which sexuality also .plays a part. ORGANIZATIONS AS GENDERED PROCESSES The idea that social structureand social processes are gendered has slowly emerged in diverse areas of feminist discourse. Feminists have elaborated gender as a concept to mean more than a socially constructed, binary identity and image. This turn to gender as an analytic xaisgory (Connell 1987; Harding 1986; Scott 1986) is an attempt to find new avenues into the dense and complicated problem of explaining the extraordinary persistence through history and across societies of the subordination of women. Scott, for example, defines gender as follows: "The core of the definition rests on an integral connection between two propositions; gender is a constitutive element of social relationships based_jm^jierceived differences between tjig^sexes, and gender is a primary way of signifyi ngjre 1 at ion s h ip s o f po we r" (198t^> Every job has a place in the hierarchy, another essential element in organizational logic. Hierarchies, like jobs, are devoid of actual workers and based on abstract differentiations. Hierarchy is taken for granted, only its particular form is at issue. Job evaluation is based on the assumption that workers in general see hierarchy as an acceptable principle, and the final test of the evaluation of any particular job is whether its place in the hierarchy Looks reasonable. The '*« rK" [TuTsame universal individual who in social rcidjtyj.sjjman. The concept 172 GENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKPLACE Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies 173 of a universal worker excludes and marginalizes women who cannot, almost by definition, achieve the qualities qf.a real worker because to do so is to become like a man. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL, GENDER, AND THE BODY "tTnTaEStifauL bodiless worker), who occupies the abstract, gender-neutral job has no sexuality, no emotions, and does not procreate. The absence of sexuality, emotionality, and procreation in organizational logic and organizational theory is an additional element that both obscures and helps to reproduce the underlying gender relations. New work on sexuality in organizations (Heam and Parkin 1987), often indebted to Foucault (1979), suggests that this silence on sexuality may have historical roots in the development of large, all-male organizations that are the primary locations of societal power (Connell 1987). ; The history of modern organizations includes, among other processes, the suppression of sexuality in the interests of organization and the r conceptual exclusion of the body as a concrete living whole (Burrelt -t984,1987; Heam and Parkin 1987; Morgan 1986), tfawfltl In a review of historical evidence on sexuality in early modern organizations, Burrell (1984, p. 98) suggests that "the suppression of 1^^^ sexuality is one of the first tasks the bureaucracy sets itself." Long_J 7 before the emergence of the very large factory in the nineteenth century, other large organizations, such as armies and monasteries, which had allowed certain kinds of limited participation of women, were excluding women more and more and attempting to banish sexuality in the interests of control of members and the organization's activities (Burrell 1984, 1987; Hacker and Hacker 1987). Active sexuality was^j the enemy of orderly procedures, and excluding women from certain / areas of activity may have been, at least in part, a way to control sexu- J ality. As Burrell (1984) points out, the exclusion of women did not eliminate homosexuality, which has always been an element in the life of large all-male organizations, particularly if members spend all of their time in the organization. Insistence on heterosexuality or celibacy i were ways to control homosexuality. But heterosexuality had to be practiced outside the organization, whether it was an army or a capitalist '< workplace. Thus the attempts to banish sexuality from the workplace were part of the wider process that differentiated the home, the location of legitimate sexual activity, from the place of capitalist production. Tfje concept oXSie^discmbodied job symbolizes this separation »f ^nrk and sexuality. —' ' i Similarly, there is no place within the disembodied job or the gender-neutral organization forother "bodied" processes, such as humartjegro-aucrtoa {Rothman 1989) or the free expression of emotions (Hochschild —r983TTSexuality, procreation, and emotions all intrude upon and disrupt I the ideal functioning of the organization, which tries to control such / interferences. However, as argued above, the abstract worker is actually «J a man, and it is the man's body, its sexuality, minimal responsibility in procreation, and conventional control of emotions that pervades work and organizational processes. Women's bodies—female sexuality, their-"! frWAV ability to procreate and their pregnancy, breast-feeding, and child care, 1 L( menstruation, and mythic "emotionality"—are suspect, stigmatized,J rvtftr1* and used as grounds for control and exclusion. The ranking of women's jobs is often justified on the basis of w^m^_ en's identification with childbearing and domestic life. Women are luse they are assumed to be unable to conform to the de-rfTaTof the abstract job. Gender segregation at work is also sometimes openly justified by the necessity to control sexuality, and women may be barred from types of work, such as skilled blue-collar work or top management, where most workers are men, on the grounds that potentially disruptive sexual liaisons should be avoided (Lorber 1984). On the other hand, the gendered definition of some jobs "includes sexualization of the woman worker as a part of the job" (MacKinnon 1979, p. 18). These are often jobs that serve men, such as secretaries, or a largely male public (Hochschild 1983), The maintenance of gendered hierarchy is achieved partly through such often-lacit controls based on argument about women's reproduc- tion^ emotionality, and sexuality, helping tf^gginrnaj^he_organiza-ti o n al structures created Through abstract, i nteTTěctu alized techniques. More oveTfcTmtrols, such as sexual harassment, relegating childbearing women to lower-level mobility tracks, and penalizing (or rewarding) their emotion management, also conform to and reinforce hierarchy. MacKinnon (1979), on the basis of an extensive analysis of legal cases, argues that the willingness to tolerate sexual harassment is often a condition of the job, both a consequence and a cause of gender hierarchy. While women's bodies are ruled out of order or sexualized and objectified, in work organizations, men's bodies are not. Indeed, male sexual imagery pervades organizational metaphors and language, helping to give form to work activities (see Heam and Parkin 1987, for an extended discussion). For example, the military and the male world of sports are considered valuable training for organizational success and provide images for teamwork, campaigns, and tough competition. The 174 GENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKPLACE Hierarchies, Jobs Bodies '75 ^sjfmlKjlhrcYprcssIon of male sexuality may be used as a means of control over male workers, too, allowed or^even encouraged within the bounds of the work situation to create cohesion or., alleviate stress (Collinson 1988; Heam and Parkin 1987). Management approval of pornographic pictures in the locker room or support for all-male work and play groups where casual talk is about sexual exploits or sports are examples. These ftymboTTc expresslHii^f male dominance also act as significant controls oyer wpmenJii work organizations because they are ■perSeexcluded from the informal bonding men produce with the "body talk" of sex and sports. Symbolically, a certain kind of male heterosexual sexuality plays an important part in legitimating organizational power. Connell (1987) calls this^hegemorTk mast III hi! ly,[emphasizing that it is formed around dominance over women and in opposition to other masculinities, although its exact content changes as historical conditions change. Currently, hegemonic masculinity is typified by the image of'hp g, technically competent, authoritative leader wno'is sexually potent and _ attractive, has a family, and has his emotions under control. Images of male sexuaffunction and patriarchal paternalism may also be embedded in notions of what the manager does when he leads his organization (Calas and Smircich 1989). Women's bodies cannot be adapted to hegemonic masculinity; to function at the top of male hierarchies requires women to render irrelevant everything that makes them women. According to many management experts, the image of the masculine organizational leader could be expanded, without altering its basic elements, to include other qualities also needed in contemporary organizations, such as flexibility and sensitivity to the capacities and needs of subordinates. Such qualities are not necessarily the symbolic monopoly of women. For example, the wise and experienced coach is empa-thetic and supportive of his individual players and flexibly leads his team against devious opposition tactics to victory. The connections between organizational power and men's sexuality may be even more deeply embedded in organizational processes. Hacker (1989) argues that eroticism and technology have common roots in human sensual pleasure and that for the engineer or the skilled worker, and probably for many other kinds of workers, there is a powerful erotic element in work processes. The pleasures of technology, Hacker continues, become harnessed to domination, and passion becomes directed toward power over nature, the machine, and other people, particularly women, in the work hierarchy. Hacker believes that men lose a great deal in this transformation of the erotic into domination, but they also win in other ways. For example, many men gain economically from the organizational gender hierarchy. As Crompton and Jones (1984) point out, men's career opportunities in white-collar work depend on the barriers that deny those opportunities to women, if the mass of female clerical workers were able to compete with men in such work, promotion probabilities for men would be drastically reduced. Class relations as well as gender relations are reproduced in organizations. Critical, but nonfeminist, perspectives on work organizations argue that rational-technical systems for organizing work, such as job classification and evaluation systems and detailed specification of how work is to be done, are parts of pervasive systems of control that help to maintain class relations (Edwards 1979). The abstract job, devoid of a human body, is a basic unit in such systems of control. The positing of a job as an abstract category, separate from the worker, is an essential move in creating jobs as mechanisms of compulsion and control over work processes. Rational-technical (ostensibly gender-neutral) control systems are built upon and conceal a gendered substructure (Smith 1988) in which men's bodies fill the abstract jobs. Use of such abstract systems continually reproduces the underlying gender assumptions and the subordinated or excluded place of women. Gende reprocesses, including the manipulation and management of women's and men s sex-uality, procreation, and emotion, are part of the control processes of organizations, maintaining not only gender stratification but also contributing to maintaining class and, possibiy^jacgjuid"ethnic relations. Is Theabstract worker White as well as male? Are White-male-dominated organizations also built on underlying assumptions about the proper place of people with different skin colors? Are racial differences produced by organizational practices as gender differences are? CONCLUSION Feminists who want to theorize about organizations face a difficult task because of the deeply embedded gendering of both organizational processes and theory. Commonsense notions, such as jobs and positions, which constitute the units managers use in making organizations and some theorists use in making theory, are posited on the prior exclusion of women. This underlying construction of a way of thinking is not simply an error, but rather a part of the processes of organization. This exclusion in turn creates fundamental inadequacies in theorizing about gender-neutral systems of positions to be filled. The creation of more adequate theory may come only as organizations are transformed 17« GENDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKPLACE in ways that dissolve the concept of the abstract job and restore the absent female body. Such a transformation would be radical in practice because it would probably require the end of organizations as they exist today, along with a redefinition of work and work relations. The rhythm and timing of work would be adapted to the rhythms of life outside of work. Caring work would be just as important and well rewarded as other work: Having a baby or taking care of a sick mother would be as valued as making an automobile or designing computer software. Hierarchy would be abolished, and workers would run things themselves. Of course, women and men would share equally in different kinds of work. Perhaps there would be some communal or collective form of organization where work and intimate relations are closely related, children learn in places close to working adults, and workmates, lovers, and friends are all part of the same group. Utopian writers and experimenters have left us many possible models (Hacker 1989). But this brief listing begs many questions, perhaps the most important of which is _how, given the present organization of economy and technology and the pervasive and powerful, impersonal, textual!y mediated relations of authority and hierarchy (Smith 1988), so radical a change could come about. "» Feminist research and theorizing, by continuing to puzzle out how gender provides the subtext for arrangements of subordination, can make some contributions to a future in which collective action to do what needs doing—producing goods, caring for people, disposing of the garbage—is organized so that dominance, control, and subordination, particularly the subordination of women, are eradicated, or at least minimized, in our organizational life. r REFERENCES Acker, J. 1987. "Sen Bias in Job Evaluation: A Comparable Worth Issue," Pp. 183-96 in Ingredients forWomen's Employment Policy, edited by C. Bote and O. Spilze. Albany: SUNY Press. -. 1988. "Qua, Gender and the Relations of Distribution." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13:473-97. -. 1989. Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class and Pay Equity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. -. 1990./The Oregon Case." In State Experience with Comparable Worth, edited by R Steinberg. 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