1 GLCb2020 Environmental threats and security Group presentation Each group will choose a local, national, or regional environmental problem. This problem should also be viewed as an environmental threat. The presentation won’t last longer than 15 minutes, which will be followed by a class discussion. You will also write a one-page summary of the presentation and upload it in advance to the course website. The summary must be uploaded into the IS before the presentation. As part of the presentation, you must answer the following questions: • What environmental problem are you presenting and why is it a problem? • What is the nature and location of the problem? Describe the context and give some basic information about the problem. • Who are the main actors involved (e.g., the actors behind the problem, affected population, etc.)? • Why/how is this problem a security threat? • How could this problem be solved? (If anyone has attempted to solve this problem before, why did they fail?) For your presentation use Microsoft Powerpoint or similar software. Summary may be in a bullet-point format or written in full sentences. Add a list of references (as an extra page). In your presentation as well as in the summary, include the names of all team members. Assessment Group work (max. 5 points) 1 2 3 4 5 Content Superficial assessment of the topic; very few required questions were answered Missing key concepts; many required questions were unanswered; many inaccuracies Good material; most required questions were answered; some information inaccuracy Topic was well examined; all required questions were answered; accurate information All required questions were answered; accurate information; creativity; critical approach to the topic Teamwork and communication Not all team members were presenting; presenters didn’t know how to start or what to say; clear lack of All team members presented but some said very little; poor coordination All team members took part in presenting but some more than others; All team members took part in presenting; presentation was a result of individual Clear evidence of teamwork; individual parts of presentation were a result of team effort; 2 preparation; bad coordination good coordination effort; excellent coordination excellent coordination Presentation Presentation wasn‘t smooth; structure was unclear and/or illogical; presentation was too short Presentation was smooth with small errors; structure was mostly logical but sometimes unclear; didn’t meet the time limit Presentation was good; structre was logical; presentation was a bit too long or a bit too short Presentation was clear and smooth; structure was logical and interesting; time limit was met Balance between presented time and team member roles; smooth transitions between parts; engaging presentation style; time limit was met Individual activity (max. 10 points) 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Communication Unclear, illogical information; presentation didn’t fit with the rest of the group Presentation didn’t quite fit with the rest of the group; presented information was mostly unclear Well presented information even if with a few unclear moments; presentation fit well with other parts Information presented clearly and politely; presentation was very well linked to other parts Clear, professional, and engaging presentation Presentation Presentation was incomprehensible, impolite Monotonous voice, uninterested presenting Good body language but lack of confidence or interest Confidence, good body language, good voice Confidence, enthusiasm, excellent body language Summary (max. 5 points) 1 2 3 4 5 Content Summary didn’t match the presentation; unclear structure Some parts of presentation were left out; inaccuracies between presentation and summary Some key parts of presentation left out; many errors All key presentation points were included; logical and clear structure All key presentation points were included; clear structure; good format without errors Sources No or very few sources Sources lacked quality and/or there were few of them Good sources but no academic literature Good sources, inaccuracies/ inconsistencies in referencing Good sources (mix of academic and other sources); accuracy and consistency of referencing