Media representation of marginalized identities

Introduction - course, teacher and students are introducing themselves

Basic information about the course:

The course is focused on the media representation of particular identities. Its attendees will learn about different media representations of (mostly marginalized) identities (such as race or sexual one). We will discuss the importance of media representation, its impact, and the consequences of negative or stereotypical representation. After discussing the theoretical background, examples from movies, TV series, news, and advertisement will be presented and analyzed in group discussions. An active approach from students is expected and required for the successful completion of the course.

For successful passing of the course, the students need to:

  • attend the classes (2 absences are allowed)
  • be active during the classes (and read the compulsory literature or watch the compulsory videos ahead)
  • present a presentation for other students at the end of the semester (by choosing some identity and introducing how it is represented in the media) - create a team of 2-4 people - more information about the realization is available in the description for the first week of presentations
  • pass group oral exam (teams of 3-4 people discussing a topic from the semester's lectures)

Sources of information - here in the IS system, contact me - through email.