Are you a male or a female?[INS: (your gender) :INS] How old are you?[INS: (your age) :INS] Are you single or married[INS: /separated/divorced :INS] ?[INS: ( :INS] [INS: your :INS] [INS: civil status) :INS] Do you have children? (if yes, how [DEL: much :DEL] [INS: many :INS] ) What is your highest level of education? What job[INS: /s :INS] do you have?[INS: Clear idea about the nature of their employment (whether it’s a permanent/casual/ :INS] [INS: daily basis/ contract basis/ nothing? :INS] [INS: If the answer is nothing? Please ask why? :INS] What is your monthly income?[INS: :INS] [INS: Do you have a bank ac :INS] [INS: count? If not why? :INS] What is your monthly cost of living? How is your relationship with family and friends?[INS: :INS] [INS: This is difficult to measure. So you can :INS] [INS: break :INS] [INS: the questio :INS] [INS: n into, :INS] [INS: Do you stay with your children/parents? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: How often do you visit your/children/parents/friends? :INS] [INS: (if applicable) :INS] Do you live in your own apartment/house or do you pay rent? What do you think about the cost of living and how has it affected you?[INS: What :INS] [INS: is :INS] [INS: the aim of t :INS] [INS: his question? I mean, how it supports your research objectives? :INS] Do you think you are earning enough for yourself and your family (if applicable)? Do you receive any social help from the government[INS: /any other :INS] [INS: organisations :INS] ?[INS: What type of support ? financial/food/material support :INS] [INS: (whether it’s on a monthly basis/occasional? :INS] Do you believe that you live in poverty?[INS: :INS] [INS: What do you m :INS] [INS: ean by poverty? :INS] If so, do you think it could be changed? How would you like to be helped in regard to your current standard of living? Have you ever had a business idea[INS: /plan/concept :INS] that you could not bring into practice? If so, why do you think it failed?[INS: :INS] [INS: Have you ever applied for a :INS] [INS: loan? is so, what purpose :INS] [INS: /s :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: In a financial crisis situation, :INS] [INS: how do you get :INS] [INS: financial :INS] [INS: su :INS] [INS: pport/s to overcome the crisis? What are the sources? Asking from friends/ :INS] [INS: neighbours :INS] [INS: / bank/ :INS] [INS: More specifically, local money lenders :INS] Do you like to start[INS: :INS] up [DEL: a :DEL] your own business/self-employment[INS: ? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: If no; why don’t like to start a business :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: If yes: :INS] [INS: As you think, what are the major challenges that you :INS] [INS: would :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: face :INS] [INS: if you implement your business plan :INS] [INS: ? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: “ :INS] [INS: Imagine that :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: you are provided :INS] [INS: with :INS] [INS: a :INS] [INS: one million :INS] [INS: interest-free :INS] [INS: loan :INS] [INS: by the :INS] [INS: government” :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: tell us what you are going to do with that money :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Technical comments/general :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Order of the questions :INS] [INS: Number of questions :INS] [INS: Questions should always support the Objectives of the study :INS] [INS: Total interview should be limited to :INS] [INS: 45-60 minutes :INS] [INS: Number of research participants would be 5- :INS] [INS: 10 :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Presentation will be on :INS] [INS: 27^th :INS] [INS: April, so please :INS] [INS: manage :INS] [INS: your data collection and analysis before the presenta :INS] [INS: tion :INS]