THE NEW RULES OF REALISTIC EVALUATION This chapter is a brief recapitulation of the argument of the book. Learning a paradigm, as Kuhn once said, is like learning a languaj'r. This summary takes the form of a final bombardment of realist research terminology, and so is presented as a glossary of the 'key terms'. We havi faced a temptation, in writing this book, to introduce a whole raft of red ist neologisms and to wreak havoc on some of the established evaluation usages. By the end, though, we find that we have been more influenced by our self-imposed injunction to be 'realistic'. Evaluation is, after all, ttpplin research. And although we have called throughout for injections of 'theory into every aspect of evaluation design and analysis, the goal has never been to construct theory per se; rather it has been to develop the theories ol practitioners, participants and policy makers. The proof of this realist pudding thus lies, not so much with the question of what realism can do lor evaluation, but with the issue of what realist evaluation can do for programming and policy making. The upshot is that we have avoided beiiif, terminological terrorists and have tried instead to be conceptual captiva-tors in smuggling the realist paradigm ever so gently into the existing language of evaluation. We remain true to this spirit in this final statement of the essence of our ideas. Accordingly, this realistic evaluation thesaurus is the ultimate pocket reference, and what we feign as a 'bombardment' is in fact a little coruscation of just eight terms. Each concept is introduced with an associated rule for the conduct of evaluation research. With backgrounds in sociology we are naturally super-sensitive to the expression 'rules of inquiry'. The very idea of laying down the law on social science method has remained controversial ever since the famous attempt by Durkheim (1962). Gallons of methodological blood have been spilled subsequently with regard to the extent that one can pre-specify, in abstract and general terms, pathways of investigation which are, by definition, novel, time tied, and location specific. Our usage of 'rules' is not meant to imply we are involved in the production of some axiomatic truths as set down by the realist thought-police, nor is meant ironically. Methodological rules actually develop in the way we have generated them in this book - by going between principle and practice (Diesing, 1972), by traversing logic-in-use and reconstructed logic (Kaplan, 1964). Methodological rules are not written in stone but are the medium and outcome of research practice (Pawson, 1989, Chapter 1). Methodological progress can actually be charted in much the same way as we trace the success of a program. The same realist explanatory principles apply. Our baseline argument throughout has been not that programs are 'things' that may (or may not) 'work'; rather they contain certain ideas which work for certain subjects in certain situations. We hardly have to change terminology at all to come to the appreciation that methodological rules contain ideas which work for certain investigations of certain processes. These ideas on the scope and salience of methodological rules do not simply descend from metaphysical heaven but are established by being tried and tested in research practice. In the beginning, the great epis-temological and ontological principles act as high totems inspiring the research practitioner to certain broad and prized objectives. Success in a specific investigation may be claimed as an embodiment of these principles - but that particular inquiry will necessarily have a range of distinctive features which allowed it to meet the goals. It is the task of the methodol-ogist to elucidate these features, so that the research community can copy the practice. And that practice, having been imitated across a range of inquiries with mixed success, then enables the research community to reflect back on the principles (and allows the methodologist a little carve of the totem). Over time there develops a picture of the research contexts in which the particular investigative mechanisms work best to generate the desired methodological outcomes. Methodological rules, like program theories, are thus under a process of continual refinement. This book has attempted to distil the process by acting as go-between, connecting up the ideas of a half-dozen philosophers and a handful of evaluators. The following statements will thus only gain currency if many more evaluators adopt the rules by adapting them. Rule 1: generative causation Evaluators need to attend to how and why social programs have the potential to cause change. Causation is not to be understood 'externally' and so the basic evaluation task is not to hypothesize or demonstrate the constant conjunction whereby programme X produces outcome Y. The change generated by social interventions should be viewed 'internally' and takes the form of the release of underlying causal powers of individuals and communities. Realists do not conceive that programs 'work', rather it is the action of stakeholders that makes them work, and the causal potential of an initiative takes the form of providing reasons and resources to enable program participants to change. The capacity for change of natural and social phenomena is only triggered in conducive circumstances. The evaluator needs to understand the conditions required for the programs' causal potential to be released and whether this has been released in practice. ZV3 neansuc evaluation Rule 2: ontological depth Evaluators need to penetrate beneath the surface of observable inputs ami outputt of a program. Social (and physical) reality is stratified. That which we observe, including the most manifest and routine regularities, is produced by the operation of underlying generative forces which may not be immi diately observable. Interventions are always embedded in a range CM attitudinal, individual, institutional, and societal processes, and thus pro gram outcomes are generated by a range of macro and micro social forcei In social life, the choice making behaviour of individuals in their different situations is fundamental to understanding their manifest patterns ol behaviour. In social interventions the stakeholders' capacity for choii i making is, of course, subject to social constraint and is always limited l>\ the power and resources of their 'stakeholding'. Program evaluations nei n I to grasp how the changes introduced inform and alter the balance of thi constrained choices of participants. of design and analysis is thus to try to identify the people and situations for whom the initiative will be beneficial by drawing on success and failure rates of different subgroups of subjects within and between interventions. Rule 5: Outcomes Evaluators need to understand what are the outcomes of an initiative and how they are produced. Outcomes provide the key evidence for the realist evaluator in any recommendation to mount, monitor, modify or mothball a program. Programs cannot be understood as undifferentiated wholes, as 'things' with some simple brute facticity. They fire multiple mechanisms having different effects on different subjects in different situations, and so produce multiple outcomes. Realist evaluators thus examine outcome patterns in a theory testing role. Outcomes are not inspected simply in order to see if programs work, but are analysed to discover if the conjectured mechanism/ context theories are confirmed. Rule 3: Mechanisms Evaluators need to focus on how the causal mechanisms which generate social nml behavioural problems are removed or countered through the alternative causM mechanisms introduced in a social program. Realist evaluators seek to under stand 'why' a program works through an understanding of the action of mechanisms. Mechanisms refer to the choices and capacities which lead lt> regular patterns of social behaviour. Causal mechanisms are at work in generating those patterns of behaviour which are deemed 'social prol> lems' and which are the rationale for a program. Programs are often prolonged social encounters and even the simplest initiative will offer sub jects considerable compass for decision making. A key aspect of evaluate »11 research design is thus to anticipate the diversity of potential program mechanisms involved and a key analytic task is to discover whether they have disabled or circumvented the mechanisms responsible for the original problem. Rule 4: Contexts Evaluators need to understand the contexts within which problem mechanisms are activated and in which program mechanisms can be successfully fired. Realist evaluators seek to understand 'for whom and in what circumstances' .i program works through the study of contextual conditioning. The operation of mechanisms is always contingent on context; subjects will only acl upon the resources and choices offered by a program if they are in conducive settings. Context refers to the spatial and institutional locations of social situations together, crucially, with the norms, values, and interrelationships found in them. Just as programs involve multiple mechanisms, they will, characteristically, also include multiple contexts. Another key act Rule 6: CMO configurations In order to develop transferable and cumulative lessons from research, evaluators need to orient their thinking to context-mechanism-outcome pattern configurations (CMO configurations). A CMO configuration is a proposition stating what it is about a program which works for whom in what circumstances. The conjectured CMO configuration is the starting point for an evaluation, and the refined CMO configuration is the finding of an evaluation. Whilst realists know that the same program will often work in different ways in different circumstances, they appreciate that sequences of evaluations oriented to one another can improve the understanding of CMO configurations. Rather than replicate interventions in anticipation of the same results, the realist evaluator sees subsequent trials as an opportunity for CMO configuration focusing, a process in which the relatively well-known action of a program mechanism is fine-tuned to adapt it to local circumstances. Rather than anticipating the cumulation of program wisdom in the form of discovering representative programs which work universally, the realist evaluator seeks to generalize about programs through a process of CMO configuration abstraction, the creation of middle range theories which provide analytic frameworks to interpret similarities and differences between families of programs. Rule 7: Teacher-learner processes In order to construct and test context-mechanism-outcome pattern explanations, evaluators need to engage in a teacher-learner relationship with program policy makers, practitioners and participants. These stakeholders clearly have an insider understanding of the programs in which they are implicated and so constitute key informants in the research process. Programs, however, are embedded in a diversity of individual and institutional fom Accordingly, there will be limitations to the understanding of any partii u lar group of stakeholders, and the evaluator needs to be attentive to th< unintended consequences and unacknowledged conditions of their uVcl sions. Realist evaluators neither assume that stakeholders should a< i i 'respondents' providing answers to the predetermined questions ol ihi researcher, nor assume that their task is the faithful 'reproduction' ol ihi privileged views of stakeholders. This division of expertise require* .1 teacher-learner relationship to be developed between researcher and infoi mant in which the medium of exchange is the CMO theory ami tht function of that relationship is to refine CMO theories. The research hi 1 thus involves 'learning' the stakeholder's theories, formalizing ihcm 'teaching' them back to the informant, who is then in a position to com ment upon, clarify and further refine the key ideas. Such a proi 1 repeated over many evaluations, feeds into the wider cycle of 'enlighten ment' between the research and policy fields. Rule 8: Open systems Evaluators need to acknowledge that programs are implemented in a changing and permeable social world, and that program effectiveness may thus be subvei ted or enhanced through the unanticipated intrusion of new contexts and new causal powers. Unlike the physics laboratory - where empirical systems can approximate theoretical models fairly well, and specified mechanismi can be triggered in well-controlled conditions to produce specifiable reg ularities - in the changing environment of social programs, empirli al closure is chronically compromised. Stakeholders always learn from thell experience of interventions and emergent causal forces threaten ever well-established CMO configurations. The sudden failure of a hitherto successful program is, of course, subject to realist explanation by 'ream structing' the action of the hitherto unconsidered mechanisms and contexts. But this open system character of social life means that all CAI« 1 configurations are ceteris paribus where ceteris are, and can never be paribus. Evaluation is a craft and in this work we have sought to apply a touch (i| intellectual craft to the endeavour. This phrase, of course, belongs to C. Wright Mills and, as our finale, we can apply one of his favourite tricks to our own work. Mills worried over the tendency for social scientists to tread a well-worn pathway to eminence which went from bright ideas to rigorous scholarship to massive erudition to over-blown pomposity. I lis antidote was to show how the 300,000 word monographs of some key thinkers could be reduced to the odd pithy paragraph (Mills, 1959). We close with the ritual humiliation of reducing our own ideas to a single sentence. In Chapter 1, we used the same diagrammatic matrix in ,111 attempt to summarize the guiding themes of experimental, pragmatic, am I naturalistic evaluation (Figures 1.2, 1.3, 1.4). We rely on the same grid in order to make our final summary statement of the rules of realistic evaluation as in Figure 9.1. This diagram does, of course, have a more prosaic purpose as well. Comparing it with the other evaluation paradigms, one can see at a glance that the directional flow of our ideas is foundational in that the fountain-head is with methodological fundamentals. In this respect, we have sought to recapture some of the spirit of the evaluation pioneers, whilst swapping the idealism of their motto of the 'experimental method for the experimenting society' for the harsher realism of a 'realist-method-for-a-realistic-world'. On the other hand, as compared with the construc-tivists and pragmatists, we remain wantonly idealist in refusing to accept that the consequence of programs being peopled and political is that researchers become mere palliators and pundits. We believe, in short, that the strength of evaluation research depends on the perspicacity of its view of explanation. This is perhaps the one methodological rule from which we will not be budged.