BSSn4495: Qualitative research in security studies Strategies for causal identification: experiments and QCA March 21, 2024 Miriam Matejova, PhD Agenda • Why experiments/QCA? • When should/can we use experiments/QCA? • What are the advantages/disadvantages of the experimental/QCA method? Spurious correlation We may observe a covariation (correlation) between C and E. BUT, this may be because C is NOT a cause of E, but because Z is a cause of BOTH C and E. C E Z Correlation “Assignment” of Causes • Causal claim: Attending University (X) Causes Higher Future Earnings (Y). • Each case represents an individual (a potential student) • How is Attending University (X) “assigned” across cases in the real world? X is typically chosen by individuals on the basis of some Z (e.g. ambition). Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 X Low Z High ZHigh Z Low Z High Z Here, only cases with High Z get X=> Spurious Correlation between X and Y “Assignment” of Causes • But what if we let researchers assign X across cases in such a way that it does not depend on Z Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 X Low Z High ZHigh Z Low Z High Z Case 6 Low Z Here Cases with High and Low Z are equally likely to be assigned X => No Spurious Correlation between X and Y “Random Assignment” “Random assignment” is a procedure for assigning X to cases that ensures that the difference in the value of the Zs between the cases that are assigned X and the cases that are not assigned X disappears as the number of cases gets large (law of large numbers) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 X Low Z High ZHigh Z Low Z High Z Case 6 Low ZThis procedure works even if the researcher does not know what the Z variables are or cannot measure them Limitations of “random assignment” in social sciences • Cost and ethics • Artificial intervention by the researcher vs. real world applicability – The problem of generalization • Cannot study the effects of things that have already happened • Can get biased result if inappropriately designed Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) • A set-theoretic method • QCA as an approach and a data analysis technique Set-theoretic methods • The data consist of set membership scores – crisp, fuzzy, multi-value • Relations between social phenomena modeled in terms of set relations – necessity, sufficiency, etc. • The focus is on causal complexity – equifinality, conjunctural causation, etc. When do we use QCA? • Causal complexity – Multifinality: same factor, different outcomes – Equifinality: different factors, same outcome – Asymmetric causality: • presence and absence of outcome have different explanations – economic growth → democratization – clientelism → non-democratization • Presence and absence of condition produce different outcomes • Mid-sized N Sets: necessary and sufficient conditions What are sets? • Establish qualitative, not quantitative, differences between cases – height  not a set – tall person  set Sets vs. variables Schneider 2017 Types of sets: crisp set • Dichotomous sets • Full member (1) vs. full non-member (0) – Establishes qualitative, not quantitative, differences between cases – E.g., set of big countries • China, Russia (1) vs. Hungary, Lichtenstein (0) Types of sets: fuzzy sets • Allow for degree of membership in set • Partial membership in sets – Any value between 0 and 1 – Three qualitative anchors (0, 0.5, 1) – Qualitative and quantitative differences • NOT probabilities Schneider 2017 QCA: Steps 1) Assemble the universe of cases 2) Collect raw data 3) Calibrate conditions sets and outcome sets 4) Search for necessary conditions 5) Represent empirical evidence in a truth table 6) Identify sufficient conditions by logically minimizing the truth table 7) Do within-case analyses in typical and deviant cases QCA challenges • Location of qualitative anchors • Sometimes false impression of precision • Resources, time, data availability