CDSn4002: POLITICAL VIOLENCE INTRODUCTION & WELCOME MIRIAM MATEJOVA, PHD FEBRUARY 19, 2024 Agenda  Introductions  Syllabus and course overview Introductions 1. Who are you? 2. What are you hoping to get out of this course? Required Literature  The required course readings are available through the course online system or  the library: https://knihovna.fss.muni. cz/ Course website  We have a course website through MUNI Information System (IS):  On the website you will find the readings as well as course announcements, slides, and the syllabus.  Lecture outlines will be posted once a week  You are responsible for regularly checking the website. Syllabus overview  Assignments: 1) In-class group work 2) Critical reflection 3) Final exam In-class group work [20 points]  20 minutes, groups of two to three students, TWICE  Prepare and present a critical response to the assigned readings for that week.  Initiate a discussion with the rest of the class. Self-reflection [10 points]  A one to two-page reflection on your understanding of political violence as it relates to your everyday life, including the things you read (or listen or watch) for class(es), work, or leisure.  Two parts, each worth 5 points for a total of 10 points.  One reflection at the beginning of the course (in week 2) DUE FEB 26 in the IS  One reflection at the end of the course (week 12 – DUE MAY 6 in the IS). In this second reflection you must link your thoughts to the assigned class readings. Final exam [40 points]  Written test after the course concludes  4 short-answer questions  10 points each  Covers required literature and lectures Grade distribution  A: 70-64 points  B: 63-57 points  C: 56-51 points  D: 50-46 points  E: 45-42 points  F: 41 points and less Course overview  Who are the perpetrators and victims of political violence? Why does political violence occur? What are its political impacts?  Part I: the core concepts in the study of political violence, including different types of such violence along with perpetrators and victims.  Part II: select types of direct political violence  Part III: select types of structural political violence Course objectives  Identify and critically evaluate major theories, hypotheses, and debates on causes, types, and impacts of violence used for political goals.  Critically assess theoretical approaches and research methods linked to the study of political violence.  Evaluate different justifications for the use of political violence. WEEK 2 TASKS  Read the syllabus  Sign-up for the readings (a Google Sheet will be emailed to you today – check your MUNI e-mail)  Prepare your critical response if you sign up for week2  Critical reflection #1 Questions?