Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 1 Representation, Innovation and Disobedience Jiří Baroš, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 2 Representation, Innovation and Disobedience Representation Innovation Disobedience Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 3 Representation, Innovation and Disobedience Representation Innovation Disobedience Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 4 Representation Direct vs. Representative Democracy Sortition Political Parties Constructivism Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 5 Direct vs. Representative Democracy Elected Representatives Fail to Represent Citizens: The Populist and the Corruption Complaints Representative Democracy: Citizens Elect Legislators. Sinking Trust in the Institutions. Direct Democracy? No Stark Contrast: Referendums and Plebiscites Entangled with Representation Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 6 Sortition I Criticism of Electoral Representation: Revisionist History of Electoral Democracy and Empirical Evidence of the Oligarchization Access to Candidacy and Election Significantly Skewed Looking for the Interests of the Less Wealthy (Agenda Setting) Accountability? Political Equality? Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 7 Sortition II Sortition = Selection by Lot or Random Selection. 3 Reasons Why It Is Superior to Election: (1) Political Equality, (2) Representativeness, (3) Epistemic Superiority Why Assembly? (1) Impartiality, (2) Diversity, (3) Equality, and (4) Track Record Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 8 Sortition III Denouncing Lottocracy: (1) It Is a Form of Technocracy, (2) Citizenship Loses Its Agential Component, (3) Civil War Argument Public Opinion and Will Formation: Partisanship Lottocratic Institutions May Be an Important Corrective to the Oligarchic Drift of Electoral Institutions Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 9 Political Parties I Reasons for the New Interest in and Defense of Parties: (1) Pendulum Back From Ideal Theory, (2) Crisis of Party Democracy, (3) A Counterweight to Sortition. 4 Dimensions of Parties and Party Democracy: (1) Positive Contribution of Partisanship to Democracy, (2) Parties Regulate Rivalry, (3) Create a Linkage Between Citizen´s Interests and Preferences and Government, and (3) Public Justification Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 10 Political Parties II 4 Elements of Partisanship: (1) One Has a Cause, Takes a Side, or Cares about Sth Strongly (vs. Polarization) (2) It Mobilizes for a Cause with Others in a Group (Educative Function of Group Membership) (3) A Partisan Mobilizes for the Common Good (vs. Factionalism) (4) Partisans Accept Pluralism and Differences of Opinion in Matters of the Common Good Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 11 Political Parties III 3 Positive Functions of Parties: (1) Avoid Violence and Conflict Through Regulated Rivalry (but What about the Crisis of Party Democracy?) (2) Linking Society to the State, Mediating Their Relationship. The Linkage/Responsiveness View (Revitalize the Linkage; Reverse the Erosion of Party Support: Intra-Party Democracy vs. More Elite Discipline) (3) Present and Justify Policies and Legislative Agendas to Voters (Public Justification and Public Reason: Broadly Inclusive Justifications) Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 12 Constructivism I The Principal/Agent Distinction The Delegative Model: The Instructions The Trustee Model: Independence Different Ways Representatives Relate to Voters Questioning the Principal/Agent Model Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 13 Constructivism II J. Mansbridge: 4 Categories of Representation: (1) Promissory R.: Promises of a Representative (2) Anticipatory R.: Responsiveness, A Retrospective Model (3) Gyroscopic R.: Internal Motivation to Pursue Public Goals, Trust (4) Surrogate R.: Citizen Feel Represented, Descriptive R. Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 14 Constructivism III A Constructive View of Representation (Disch), Beyond Elected Representatives (Saward) Representative Claim: Absent Representation, No People Reverse the Standard View of Responsiveness Manipulation vs. Mobilization Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 15 Representation, Innovation and Disobedience Representation Innovation Disobedience Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 16 Democratic Innovation What is Democratic Innovation? What Counts as Innovation According to this Definition? Criteria to Evaluate the Success, Failure, or Contribution of Democratic Innovation to a Democratic System Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 17 What Is Democratic Innovation? … institution that has been specifically designed to increase and deepen citizen participation in the political decision-making process. Stagnation vs. Innovation Designing Institutions That Will Meet Citizens´ Demands for Better Democracy Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 18 Types of Democratic Innovations The Deliberative Mini-Public Popular Assembly Collaborative Governance Direct Legislation or Citizen Initiatives E-democracy or Digital Participation Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 19 Criteria to Evaluate These Initiatives Input, Throughput, Output Values Well Suited to Problem Solving on Policy that Has Extended Temporal Dimension vs. These Assemblies Are All Consultative Input and Throughput Are Good. But We Are Still Waiting for the Output. Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 20 Representation, Innovation and Disobedience Representation Innovation Disobedience Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 21 Civil Disobedience and Protests Trends: (1) The Widespread Dissatisfaction with Normal Channels of Political Participation (2) Critical Rethinking of the Post-Civil Rights Discourse (3) Dispersed and Contestatory Ideals of Democracy Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 22 Protest and Civil Disobedience in Democratic Theory Protest vs. Civil Disobedience in Deliberative and Radical Democracy What Functions do Civil Disobedience and Protest Play in a Democracy? Habermas´ Radical Democracy and Contemporary Radical Democrats: (1) Continual and Present Constituent Power Vested in Democratic Actors; (2) Democracy Stands in An Antagonistic Relationship To All Settled and Stable Orders Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 23 Contestatory View of Democracy The Iron Law of Oligarchy X Democracy Counteracts This Tendency. Permanent Struggle for Democratization. Contestation, Resistance, Dissent, and Insurgency. Civil Disobedience As a Response and Corrective. Can We Justify Civil Disobedience? Democracy Rather Than Rights. Civil Disobedience Is Episodic, Informal, Extra-(Anti-)Institutional Adobe Systems Pluralism and Disagreement 24 Civil Disobedience and Violence Disobedience Is Not Remedial, But Generative and Transformative Civil Disobedience Vs. Revolution and Insurrection Nonviolence As A Sine Qua Non of Civil Disobedience? Around Martin Luther King Persuasion vs. Coercion. The Coercive Turn in CD Theory Between Disruption and Civility