AE with a Focus on Intercultural Communication - CLASS U36 14:00 - 15:40

Week 8-10 - Questionnaires (no class on 16. April = MUNI FSS day)

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Terezie Hlačinová

Adam Franěk

Alexandra Benkeová

Michaela Thielová

Natálie Pindorová

René Gašpar

Julie Mrázová

Markéta Machová

Klára Poddaná

Axelle Fagot Revurat

Aneta Majtánová

Tereza Horká




Anna Mikušová

In these groups, your job is to create together a questionnaire that will dive into some intercultural topic. The questionnaire should be created using MS Forms or another online tool that provides you with a link that can be send around. The deadline for the questionnaire is before the next lesson in week 10. It is the last assignment during the semester.

Remember the strategies we talked about in Research proposals - think of your Research questions and Thesis statement and how to find the answers. You may use any topic/idea that was already presented in the course via podcast or any other activity.

This questionnaire will be actually given to about 60 students from Faculty of Social Studies and one of the local highschools in Brno. For the exam period, you are then supposed to look into the results and be prepared to talk on your own individually about your findings with me during the final questionnaire presentation (taking place in exam period). This can be a powerpoint presentation or just a discussion between me and you, whichever you prefer.

Questionnaire links: