English for Media Studies and Journalism - CLASS U36 16:00 - 17:40

Week 1 - Course introduction + Syllabus

Attendance is compulsory with 2 unexcused absences possible

In this course, there are 4 main semester activites:

Profile story: a task involving an interview and then writing and submitting the profile story

Podcast: a group work of recording an audio-based submission on a given topic/news

News article: a task involving writing a piece of news based on the Guardian style format

Listening comprehension: in-class listening marked based on understanding.

Then, there are vocab drills, which students do online and submit into a submission folder by the end of the teaching period (12th May). You need to submit at least 6 to get the points, without the need of them being perfect. After that deadline, you get the keys to the exercises to check yourself.

Final, in the exam period there is an exam consisting of talking about your submissions and talking about a Profile story written by one of the other students that you critically assess beforehand.



Profile story (Week 2-4), submission week 8


Podcast (Week 5-7)

                    News Article (Week 8-10)
                       submission week 12


Listening Comprehension (Week 11-12)


Oral performance (exam period)


formative (must do 6+)