L1.3 Energy Resources: Past, Present, and Future Windmill & Oil Well, Photo, Photos, Photographs, Pictures, Picture Stock Photo: Traffic Jam http://free-stock-photos.com/science/pics/solar-panel-2.jpg “The profound change that then occurred seemed to be rather due to the fact that, for the first time in history, men began to tap a large capital store of energy and ceased to be entirely dependent on the revenue of sunshine. All the requirements of pre-scientific men were met out of the solar energy of their own times. The food they ate, the clothes they wore, and the wood they burnt could be envisaged, as regards, the energy content which gives them use-value, as stores of sunlight. But in burning coal one releases a store of sunshine that reached the earth millions of years ago.” Soddy 1926 P 58 The FOSSIL FUEL REVOLUTION! Who'd buy a coal mine? Two very different bids Energy in real time (renewable) à ancient, stored sunlight (non-renewable) Energy is the ability to do work Forms of energy: potential, kinetic, thermal, chemical, electrical, etc. 1st Law of Thermodynamics: energy cannot be created or destroyed 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: energy goes from a high quality to a lower quality during each energy transformation; while energy is conserved, it’s ability to do work decreases Review of energy concepts The energy available determines what humans can do •Humans are energy convertors (food to biomass/ maintenance) until we die •Low-energy convertors rely on renewable, sustainable solar energy •High-energy convertors rely on non-renewable, unsustainable fossil fuels •Society has transitioned from low-energy to high-energy convertors and has become dependent on them, even though they are nonrenewable and unsustainable Surplus energy •If the harvest produces enough grain to replace the seed, to supply the amount of energy expended in planting, cultivating, and harvesting the crop, and to get something more: there is surplus energy • •The struggle to create morals which will furnish a rationale for the disposition of surplus energy is probably one of the crucial points of conflict in modern society (Cottrell 1956) Energy is needed to maintain system structure and complexity Natural and human systems build and maintain order and organization by taking in high quality energy, using it, and passing degraded energy outside of the system boundary. Our society is dependent on the energy flows that support it AND having a sink for the waste. System (human or natural) High quality Energy Input Low quality Energy output (waste heat) All systems need energy to sustain themselves http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/102/ecycle.gif Simplified Ecosystem Primary Energy Consumption Chart, pie chart Description automatically generated 102,689 Petajoules Most of the energy we use is from fossil fuels – only a small fraction (10%) is renewable and most of that is hydro and biomass Denmark – 2018 update Total primary energy supply in Denmark in 2016 (Source: World Energy Balances © OECD/IEA 2018) Energy Consumption by Source, 1635-2006 Energy Consumption by Source, 1635-2006 The long trend of energy use in the U.S.A. Started with wood as the only source. In late 19^th century added coal , then oil in early 20^th century, then natural gas in mid 20^th century. Note the three fossil fuels did not replace each other but stacked making the overall use HUGE! Map of oil and gas infrastructure in the Czech Republic aenert.com/countries/europe/energy-industry-in-the-czech-republic/ Map of power plant and Renewable energy infrastructure in the Czech Republic Map of Renewable energy infrastructure in the Czech Republic Energy end uses: Heat Transport Electricity Energy Sectors: Residential/Commercial Industrial Transportation We need energy to do three main things: 1) heat stuff (water, space, food, etc.), 2) move ourselves and goods around, 3) make electricity (which can be used to do many things. We use about 1/3 of energy for each of the main sectors: 1) transport, 2) industrial and 3) home/office/stores Mumbai Daily Life Historical Energy Use Earlier civilizations used renewable energy sources exclusively Biomass for heat and cooking Humans need to use energy to cook and heat, which historically was burning wood Historical Energy Use Earlier civilizations used renewable energy sources exclusively Animal and human energy for labor The most reliable energy source was muscle labor from animals or humans Historical Energy Use Earlier civilizations used renewable energy sources exclusively Wind for windmills (pumping) and sailing Humans learned to tap into the wind for transportation and pumping water Historical Energy Use Earlier civilizations used renewable energy sources exclusively Water for watermills (milling) Harpers Ferry Tapping into the energy of a flowing river can be used to mill grain and converted into mechanical energy. The lower photos are Harper’s Ferry which was an early industrial center (weapons manufacture) using river power Historical Energy Use Earlier civilizations used renewable energy sources exclusively Biomass for heat and cooking Wind for windmills (pumping) and sailing Water for watermills (milling) Solar for thermal regulation Animal and human energy for labor These sources are renewable with little long-term impact on the environment, but have a generally low energy density. Energy density is the amount of energy per volume These energy sources were available in limited supply and used in real time Industrial Revolution and Steam Engine (James Watt, 1774) greatly increased demand for raw energy (to do work) DeWitt Clinton (locomotive) - Wikipedia DeWitt Clinton Locomotive (1831) Burning lots of wood! The switch to coal (which was plentiful at the time in England) was to reduce the deforestation. Transition to fossil fuels Coal – used as early as 13th century, extensive use by mid-19th century, starting in UK and USA Oil – used mid-late 19th century Natural Gas – used late 19th century, big boom after WWII F:\MEDIA\1793\179349.JPG http://ideonexus.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/coalformation.jpg Fossil Fuels are derived from partially decomposed organic materials transformed in Earth’s crust by pressure, heat and bacterial processes. It takes millions of years for these organisms to chemically change into fossil fuels. UNDERSTAND WHERE FOSSIL FUELS COME FROM! http://www.minepermits.ky.gov/NR/rdonlyres/06BC5AA8-EF18-4762-8585-C517CD57E71B/0/Ed_coal_formation .jpg Coal formation Coal – four basic types of coal rated by its carbon (energy) and sulfur content Energy (MJ/kg) Sulfur Anthracite High (>32) Low Bituminous Med-High (30-32) High Subbituminous Low-Med (19-30) Low Lignite Low (14-19) Low Firewood (16 MJ/kg) Charcoal (30 MJ/kg) Natural Gas (39 MJ/m3) Crude Oil (45-46 MJ/kg) http://www.pitt.edu/~cejones/GeoImages/6MetamorphicRocks/Anthracite/AnthraciteBlueBackground.jpg The most energy dense coal is in shortest supply – mostly used already. The next highest energy coal has high sulfur which creates sulfur dioxide (a precursor to acid rain) when it is burned. Coal only occurs in certain areas, almost none in South America or Africa which inhibited development in these regions Magnets plus copper wire plus motion equals electricity Electricity Generation whether from fossil fuels, nuclear, renewable fuels, or other sources - is usually* based on the fact that: "When copper wire is moving through a magnetic field, an electric current is generated in that wire." www.hawaii.gov/dbedt/ert/electgen.html * exceptions are electrochemistry (batteries) and photovoltaic effect LEARN HOW ELECTRICITY IS MADE! Motor: shaft spins around, electricity is produced. In the picture, the shaft and armature (with copper wire) spin around. The magnets are on the outside (they don't move). Electricity, at the "+" and "-" terminals, is shown in the picture as a lighting bolt. The wire is in the presence of the magnetic field, but is NOT touching the magnet In 1870s, invention of incandescent light bulb led to lighting being one of the first publicly available applications of electricity. NYC 1882 Mahen Theatre in 1882 was one of the first public buildings in the world lit entirely by electric light. Electric trolley Electric traffic light When was the first traffic light installed? Today in 1914. - Vox 1914 Steam turbine – 1884 – generates about 80 percent of electric power in the world So where do all the different energy sources come in? It's all a question of how to get (and keep) the system moving (i.e., how to keep the copper wire spinning around). In a steam power plant, fuels (such as petroleum, coal, or biomass) are burned to heat water which turns into steam, which goes through a turbine, which spins...turning the copper wire (armature) inside the generator and generating an electric current. Electric generators are essentially very large quantities of copper wire spinning around inside very large magnets at very high speeds. A commercial utility electric generator -- for example, a 180-megawatt generator is 20 ft in diameter, 50 ft long, and weighs >50 tons. The copper coils (called the "armature") spin at 3600 rpm. Although the principle is simple (copper wire and magnets), it's not necessarily easy! In a nuclear power plant, nuclear reactions create heat to heat water, which turns into steam, which goes through a turbine, which spins...turning the copper armature inside the generator and generating an electric current. In a wind turbine, the wind pushes against the turbine blades, causing the rotor to spin...turning the copper armature inside the generator and generating an electric current. In a hydroelectric turbine, flowing (or falling) water pushes against the turbine blades, causing the rotor to spin...turning the copper armature inside the generator and generating an electric current. The different energy sources just provide energy to do the same basic thing...turning the copper armature inside the generator and generating an electric current. There are many ways to get energy of motion which can be converted into electrical energy, but burning stuff (fossil fuels, wood, biomass) to make steam is the most common. Hamsters Humans Motion used to spin a turbine to make electricity Generator produces electricity: wind spins armature, produces electricity. Motor uses electricity: electricity spins armature, spins fan. A "generator" and "motor" are essentially the same thing: what you call it depends on whether electricity is going into the unit or coming out of it. A generator produces electricity. In a generator, something causes the shaft and armature to spin. Lots of things can be used to make a shaft spin. It doesn't matter what's used to spin the shaft - the electricity that's produced is the same. A motor uses electricity. The electric current causes the armature and shaft to spin. A motor is a generator in reverse. It can use the electricity to make motion, such as spin a fan Original Col. Drake Well, August 27, 1859 Titusville, Pa http://www.thelampworks.com/images/oil1.jpg First oil well in the world was in Pennsylvania Conventional gas is easier to extract Tight gas or shale gas must spend energy to extract Production now meets consumption, but some is exported Early Pennsylvania oil industry (1860s) Ohio oil rush (1885) Kilgore oil field in East Texas (1930s) Notice complete lack of concern for the landscape/environment Kilgore TX - Oil field Saudi Arabia oil production http://www.environmental-action.org/images/map01_1024.jpg Oil is very uneven across the globe We are not finding as many large oil fields, to replace the ones when they become depleted Size and Speed matter Kinetic Energy = ½ mv2 •Ford Expedition weight 5,692 lbs = 2582 kg • •Honda Fit weight 2,648 lbs =1201 kg • •55 mph = 24.59 m/s •780,627 J Expedition at 55 mph •363,103 J Fit at 55 mph • •75 mph = 33.53 m/s •1,451,421 J Expedition at 75 mph •675,119 J Fit at 75 mph • Honda Fit Features and Specs Gas prices around the world Cars in Europe are smaller and overall much more efficient – different expectation of cars and higher gas prices (click the link – doesn’t seem to work in ie). Note, many European countries pay over $7/gal. US has the 2^nd most affordable gas in the world. Fuel-efficient driving techniques •1. Accelerate gently – don’t spill your coffee! •2. Maintain a steady speed •3. Anticipate traffic •4. Avoid high speeds •5. Coast to decelerate • •Avoid idling your vehicle •Measure your tire pressure every month •Don’t carry unnecessary weight •Remove roof or bicycle racks •Use air conditioning sparingly •Use a fuel consumption display •Track your fuel consumption - Challenge yourself to refill as seldom as possible. •Plan ahead Combine trips •Drive less - Best way reduce fuel consumption is to drive less (walk, bike, mass transit, car pool). •Challenge yourself www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-transportation-alternative-fuels/personal-vehic les/fuel-efficient-driving-techniques/21038 The Age of Oil began in 1900 and will last at most two hundred years. M.K. Hubbert’s view of the oil age over the long-term From a long-term perspective the age of oil will be at most a century or two, a blip in the overall timeline of human civilization – finding alternatives will not be easy but will be key Natural Gas Overview https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/US_Natural_Gas_Production.svg/1280px-US_N atural_Gas_Production.svg.png Production now meets consumption, but some is exported Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year around 2013 Natural gas is more globally distributed http://pdphoto.org/jons/pictures3/getty_5_bg_081003.jpg River polluted by acid mine drainage. Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use [NOAA OR&R Photo] http://www.evostc.state.ak.us/images/facts/19.jpg Oil spills Photochemical smog Acid mine drainage Photo by Eric Loring Climate Change Ecosystem disruption Environmental impacts of fossil fuel use Recovery – land disruption, loss of habitat, surface water pollution, air pollutants, land subsidence Off-shore oil drilling –oil seepages, aesthetic degradation Refining – spills leaks, soil and groundwater pollution Delivery – Spills Use CO2 – emission, air pollution (smog), acid rain BOTH SUPPLY AND USE ISSUES WITH FOSSIL FUEL RESOURCES Summary •Energy is needed for all work/activities in society, economy and life •Mostly we use fossil fuels •They form as stored solar energy from millions of years ago •They are responsible for the vast complex and convenient society we currently live in •They are non-renewable and thus limited in supply •Unevenly spread around the world •Use of them has severe environmental impacts