2024 Group Assignment Presentation and critical review of the country/ region/ corporate green transition/ low carbon or decarbonization strategy Green Transition from International and European Perspective Task at hand: • •By a group of two students •Select any country, region, municipality of company with publicly available NDC, green transition or climate/ decarbonisation strategy/ report and targets •Where to look for examples: •Natiional Determined Contribution Rergister - https://unfccc.int/NDCREG •SBTi: https://sciencebasedtargets.org/companies-taking-action#dashboard (2,199 companies with approved targets) •CDP: https://www.cdp.net/en/responses (sign-in required, free) • Presentation structure (max 10 slides, 15 minutes): 1)Brief information about the country, region, company including: geography, size, areas of business activities, GHG emission profile, sources of GHG emissions, size of carbon footprint per scope and categories, proposed targets/ measures, monitoring system 2) 2)Benchmarking: comparison of country commitments or companies’ relevant KPIs with other countries or companies in the same geography, typology, sector and other industry benchmarks 3) 3)Critical review of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy of the strategy and recommendations for improvement, assessing all or some of the areas mentioned below under items 5-7 - - - - - Presentation structure (max 10 slides, 15 minutes): - - - - - - 5)Climate risks assessment: what are the material risks for the country/ company associated with climate change/ green transition based on geography, structure of economy, nature of its business activities and assets and their location? 6) 6)Country/ corporate decarbonisation targets: short-term and long-term d targets and their critical review for alignment with Paris goals (1,5 or 2C) 7) 7)Climate/ green transition policies, action plans and resources: a.Decarbonisation: Policies and actions to reduce emissions and/or achieve net zero (regulatory, technological, organizational, compensatory actions, etc) b.Adaptation: Policies and actions to mitigate exposure to climate risks c.Use of R&D and innovation d.Climate governance e.Financing 5)List of literature/ references Other useful sources: •SBTi sectoral guidance on science-based target setting: •https://sciencebasedtargets.org/sectors •Sectoral net zero emission pathways (via google), e.g.: •Steel: https://www.netzerosteelpathwayproject.com •Fashion: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/Milestones.pdf •Climate risk assessments: •National Communication to UNFCCC: https://unfccc.int/non-annex-I-NCs and https://unfccc.int/NC7 •Sectoral assessments: e.g. energy https://climate-adapt.eea.europa.eu/en/metadata/publications/climate-change-risk-assessment-energy