Vol.: (0123456789) 1 3 Small Bus Econ (2024) 62:325–352 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-023-00769-z The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles Inessa Love   · Boris Nikolaev · Chandra Dhakal Accepted: 8 April 2023 / Published online: 8 May 2023 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023 Abstract  The current study presents new evidence on the well-being of women entrepreneurs using data from the World Values Survey for 80 countries. Results indicate that in low- and middle-income countries, female entrepreneurs have lower wellbeing than male entrepreneurs, while in high-income countries, they have higher well-being. Several macro and micro-level mechanisms– institutional context, gender roles, and individual characteristics–that potentially moderate this relationship are explored. The gender gap in well-being is larger in countries with higher gender inequality, lower level of financial development, and stricter adherence to sexist gender roles. Additionally, women entrepreneurs with lower education, more children, and risk-averse preferences are more likely to report lower well-being. The results suggest several policy mechanisms that can be used to enhance the well-being of women entrepreneurs. Plain English Summary  Women entrepreneurs are less happy than men in low-income countries, while the opposite holds in high-income  countries. This negative effect is stronger for less educated women, for women with children, and in countries with greater  gender discrimination, low access to financial resources, and more traditional gender roles. This study documents a wellbeing gap between female and male entrepreneurs in countries with different levels of economic development. In low income countries, women entrepreneurs report lower subjective wellbeing relative to men, while in high-income coun- tries, women entrepreneurs are happier than men. In low-income countries, women face more obstacles and constraints to being  an entrepreneur, such as lower education, lack of childcare options, lack of access to finance, unfair legal treatment, and  more sexist gender roles and traditions. The results are consistent with the proposition that in low-income countries women  prefer wage employment. When their labor market outcomes are limited, they are more likely to be “pushed” into entrepreneurship and derive lower satisfaction from their entrepreneurial activities. The primary policy implications should  aim at equalizing the playing field for men and women entrepreneurs, improving labor market conditions, and increasingwage-earning opportunities for women. Keywords  Well-being · Women entrepreneurs · Institutions · Entrepreneurship · Non-economic outcomes JEL Classifications  I14 · I31 · L26 I. Love (*)  University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA e-mail: ilove@hawaii.edu B. Nikolaev  Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA C. Dhakal  Royal Thimphu College, Thimphu, Bhutan 326 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) 1 Introduction Entrepreneurship scholars are increasingly recognizing “the importance of studying well-being as a key outcome in entrepreneurship research” (Lerman et al., 2021; Nikolaev et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2022; Stephan, 2018; Wiklund et al., 2019, p. 580). In fact, an increasing number of studies document that majority of people start new ventures not because they look for financial gain but because they want greater freedom, more meaningful work, and an outlet for creative expression (Dellot, 2014; Parker, 2021; Shane, 2010). In turn, numerous recent studies suggest that engaging in entrepreneurship holds promise in fulfilling people’s basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, meaning, and relatedness, and, in turn, can lead to higher levels of subjective well-being (e.g., Andersson, 2008; Benz & Frey, 2004; Binder & Blankenberg, 2021; Binder & Coad, 2013, 2016; Blanchflower, 2004; Blanchflower & Oswald, 1998; Kautonen et  al., 2017; Lindfors et  al., 2007; Ljunggren & Kolvereid, 1996; Nikolaev et  al., 2020a, 2020b; Nikolova et al., 2023; Przepiorka, 2017; Shir et al., 2019; Stephan et al., 2020; Taylor, 2004; Wolfe & Patel, 2018). Despite that promise, however, there is still lack of systematic analysis that explores well-being differences between male and female entrepreneurs in different institutional and developmental contexts. Recent meta-analyses (e.g., Lerman et  al., 2021; Stephan et  al., 2022) and reviews of the literature (e.g., Stephan, 2018) explore the determinants and consequences of the health and well-being of entrepreneurs and identify no papers that focus on gender differences in well-being. As Stephan et al., (2022, p. 27) conclude: “Unpacking gender effects in entrepreneur wellbeing is thus another area in need of more research.” Yet, understanding gender differences in wellbeing is important because the rate of entrepreneurship is markedly lower among women in most developed and developing countries (Bosma et al., 2018). In addition, women entrepreneurs are more likely to be motivated by non-economic outcomes such as self-empowerment, time flexibility, self-perceptions, work-life balance, and life satisfaction (Love et  al., 2023). Thus, if entrepreneurship holds promise to increase the non-monetary rewards from one’s work, which women tend to value more, it is critical to understand what factors drive the well-being of women entrepreneurs, especially in less developed economies where gender inequality still persists, labor market opportunities are scarce, and women are more likely to face institutional and cultural constraints (World Economic Forum, 2022). The present study addresses this gap in the literature by exploring differences in well-being between male and female entrepreneurs in a large cross-section of countries. It further explores several macro and micro-level mechanisms–economic development, institutional context, gender roles, and individual characteristics–that potentially moderate this relationship. These developments contribute to the entrepreneurship literature on well-being in several ways. First, the paper explores gender differences in the relationship between entrepreneurship and wellbeing, answering recent calls to examine the heterogeneity of well-being among different groups of entrepreneurs (e.g., Nikolaev et  al., 2020a, 2020b; Stephan, 2018; Wiklund et  al., 2019). It is hypothesized that while women may derive greater wellbeing from having a more autonomous working environment since they value schedule flexibility and work-life balance more than men (Arai, 2000; DeMartino et  al., 2006), they are nonetheless more likely to report lower levels of well-being relative to men. Compared to men, women are more likely to enter entrepreneurship out of necessity rather than an opportunity (GEM, 2019), to have lower endowments (e.g., assets, education, skills, or networks), and to face more institutional and cultural constraints (e.g., restrictive social norms, unequal legal treatment, unfair family responsibilities, and financial discrimination), which in turn can compromise their wellbeing (Brush et al., 2009; Campos & Gassier, 2017; Klapper & Parker, 2011; McGowan et al., 2012; Poggesi et al., 2016).1 Second, the study investigates whether the gap in well-being between women and men entrepreneurs 1  It is important to note that a recent study by (Hmieleski & Sheppard, 2019) explores differences in well-being of men and women entrepreneurs in a US sample. However, their focus is primarily on how the masculine characteristics (such as creativity) and feminine characteristics (such as teamwork) differentially impact the well-being of men and women. While broadly related to our study, their focus is narrower both in scope of their research questions and the sample used. 327The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) is affected by the level of economic development. Self-employment choices could be driven by different motives in high- and low-income countries. In highincome countries, women are more likely to enter self-employment to realize their creative potential, to feel more independent, or to have a better work-life balance. In low-income countries, women often don’t have any other feasible employment options and thus are more likely to enter self-employment out of necessity (Kirkwood, 2009). For example, in Sub-Saharan Africa, women are 64% more likely to be necessity entrepreneurs than men (GEM, 2019). Hence, in lowincome countries, women entrepreneurs are more likely to experience lower well-being relative to men (e.g., De Neve et al., 2018). Third, the paper explores the role of several institutional factors–regulations that constrain the ease of doing business, gender inequality, and financial development–on the well-being gender gap. In many countries, there is gender discrimination, be it in the legal sector, financial sector, or in social norms and traditions. For example, several studies have documented that women entrepreneurs are more likely to face financial disadvantages, including high loan denials, high-interest rates, and additional collateral requirements (Alesina, 2013; Coleman, 2000; Muravyev et al., 2009). These constraints can be especially challenging in countries with burdensome regulations and low levels of financial development where access to private capital is scarcer. Similarly, in many societies, starting and running a business is often viewed as a male role (Bird & Brush, 2002). Women continue to face sociocultural biases and gender myths and are often perceived as less credible than men (Brush et al., 2009; Minniti & Nardone, 2007). In turn, such institutional constraints and culturally defined gender roles can further compromise the well-being of female entrepreneurs. Finally, the paper examines the extent to which three individual-level characteristics–education, the presence of children, and risk preferences–moderate the gender gap in well-being. For example, higher education is considered to be one of the most important investments in human capital that can provide many monetary and non-monetary benefits (Card, 1999; B. Nikolaev, 2016; Oreopoulos & Salvanes, 2011). Yet, there are still significant gender gaps in educational attainment, especially in less developed countries (UN, 2022). In turn, women with lower levels of education are likely to experience lower levels of well-being. To test these hypotheses, data from the World Values Survey (WVS), which is a large cross-country database that includes measures of well-being as well as other personal characteristics, is used. The WVS is well-suited for the analysis for several reasons. First, this dataset has been widely used in the wellbeing literature (Blanchflower & Oswald, 2004; Hammond et al., 2011; Peiró, 2006; Salinas-Jiménez et al., 2013). Second, the WVS includes information on employment outcomes, including self-employment. Third, the dataset contains a large set of questions on people’s values and preferences. Fourth, the WVS survey has been conducted in a large set of countries at different income levels, and most countries have been surveyed more than once. Specifically, the final dataset contains 80 countries, many of which with two or more years of data, for a total of about 180,000 individuals. 2 Literature review and hypotheses development This paper seeks to evaluate differences in well-being between male and female entrepreneurs and investigate what factors drive these relative differences. The following sections provide an overview of the literature and develop the main hypotheses tested in the study. 2.1 Defining subjective well‑being Well-being is a multifaceted concept that encompasses “optimal experience and functioning” (Ryan & Deci, 2001, p.141). Research on well-being is informed by two main theoretical traditions: the hedonic perspective and the eudaimonic perspective. The hedonic perspective focuses on subjective wellbeing (SWB) and views well-being as a combination of positive emotions, the absence of negative emotions, and favorable life evaluations (e.g., see Diener et al., 1985). The eudaimonic perspective focuses on self-realization and meaning and defines well-being as the extent to which a person is functioning at their full potential (e.g., Ryff, 1989). This study follows prior research in the entrepreneurship literature, which has primarily focused on subjective well-being. Specifically, overall life 328 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) satisfaction is used as a proxy for well-being (Binder & Coad, 2013, 2016; Hamilton, 2000; Hundley, 2001).2 Hence, as it is common in the literature, the terms well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction are used interchangeably. Life satisfaction is one of the most widely used measures of subjective well-being and refers to a person’s overall life evaluation (Diener et al., 1985). It reflects a person’s overall satisfaction with circumstances in their life that they consider most relevant (e.g., personal, social, or economic). Importantly, life satisfaction is a global measure of well-being and as such it can be applied across different cultures and countries, making it an ideal indicator for cross-country research (Diener et al., 2013). One of the key motivations for using life satisfaction as a measure of well-being in cross-country research is its widespread availability of data. In the context of the current study, the World Values Survey provides a comprehensive coverage across a large number of countries with different institutional and development backgrounds. In addition, life satisfaction is a robust and reliable measure of well-being, with a high degree of consistency in responses across different populations (see Diener et al., 2013). 2.2 Relative well‑being differences between men and women entrepreneurs There are several reasons to expect differences in well-being between female and male entrepreneurs. First, business outcomes are often weaker in womenowned businesses. For example, women-run businesses tend to be smaller in size (Bardasi et al., 2011; Bruhn, 2009) and operate in more crowded, competitive, and less profitable service sectors (Hisrich & Brush, 1984; Singh et al., 2001; Storey & Greene, 2010), have lower productivity and profitability (Aterido et  al., 2011; Hundley, 2001; Islam et  al., 2020), grow slower (Singh et  al., 2001), and have lower survival rates (Boden & Nucci, 2000; McPherson, 1995). A substantial body of research that shows that income (and economic performance more generally) is strongly and positively correlated with subjective well-being, both within and across countries. This is one of the most well-established relationships in the cross-country literature on well-being that has become a stylized fact (e.g., Kahneman & Deaton, 2010; Killingsworth, 2021; Stevenson & Wolfers, 2013). Therefore, because of weaker economic performance, being an entrepreneur may be less psychologically rewarding for women than it is for men. Second, women entrepreneurs are likely to face more obstacles and constraints, which could, at least in part, also explain the weaker economic performance of their businesses. For example, ample evidence suggests that endowments such as income, assets, and skills tend to be skewed toward men, especially in less developed countries (e.g., for a review, see Love et  al., 2023). Similarly, various external factors, such as laws that restrict women’s economic activities, tend to further disadvantage women entrepreneurs (World Bank, 2018). These challenges may further increase the well-being gap between men and women, especially in less developed countries. Third, women entrepreneurs are more likely to enter entrepreneurship out of necessity, such as a lack of other options for gainful employment (DeMartino et al., 2006; GEM, 2019; McGowan et al., 2012; Moore et al., 1999). Thus, they are more likely to be “pushed” into entrepreneurship by necessity rather than “pulled” by opportunities such as the pursuit of a creative business idea or a drive for independence. Economic necessity, such as a lack of jobs or a need for extra income, is the most prominent push factor (Eversole, 2004; Holmen et  al., 2011). Gender inequality in wage and salary earnings may provide an additional push for women to leave wage employment for self-employment (Boden, 1996). The distinction between necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship is one of the most comparatively well-researched areas with regard to well-being. Previous studies consistently show that necessity entrepreneurs report lower levels of well-being (for a review, see Binder & Blankenberg, 2021; Stephan, 2018). These results have been validated in British and German samples (e.g., Binder & Coad, 2013, 2016) as well as in many other countries (e.g.,Larsson & Thulin, 2019; Zbierowski, 2014). Therefore, if 2  Respondents are asked to answer: “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days? Using this card on which 1 means you are “completely dissatisfied” and 10 means you are “completely satisfied” where would you put your satisfaction with life as a whole?”. 329The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) women are more likely to be “pushed” into selfemployment, they will derive less satisfaction from their entrepreneurial activities, and hence their wellbeing will be lower. Finally, women may enter into self-employment for non-economic reasons, such as self-empowerment, independence, better work-life balance, and flexibility of schedule to allow them to better care for their family (Boden, 1999; Kirkwood, 2009). In most societies, women are still considered to be the primary housekeepers and caretakers of children (e.g., Rubio-Bañón & Esteban-Lloret, 2016). Their businesses are more often located in their homes, which makes it easier to juggle business and home demands. Thus, self-employment may give women important non-economic benefits (such as schedule flexibility or proximity to home), which they may value relatively more than self-employed men. However, for many self-employed women, greater freedom and flexibility of running a business is tempered by more stress and conflicting commitments: constant work demands, managing the interests of children and other dependents, and a sense of guilt for neglecting children and family (Duberley & Carrigan, 2013; McGowan et al., 2012). Previous studies show that women still face workplace adversity (Weyer, 2007) that can even undermine the positive returns from higher educational attainment, even in developed countries (Heilman & Chen, 2003; Solomon et al., 2022; Stevenson & Wolfers, 2009). Thus, it is expected that: Hypothesis 1: Women entrepreneurs have lower well-being than men entrepreneurs. Next, the paper examines four boundary conditions–(1) economic development, (2) institutional factors, (3) gender roles, and (4) personal characteristics and attitudes–that can influence the well-being gender gap. 2.3 The role of economic development There are several reasons why a country’s income level may moderate the gender well-being gap. First, “women are disproportionately more likely than men to report a necessity motive in most countries” (GEM, 2019, p. 22). However, women in lowincome countries are more likely to be “pushed” into self-employment than women in high-income countries. Data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), for example, reveals that necessity-driven entrepreneurship for women is highest among lowincome countries, while opportunity-driven entrepreneurship for women is highest in high-income countries. These differences can be striking – for example, only 9% of women entrepreneurs in North America started a new business venture out of necessity, while in sub-Saharan Africa, close to half of all women reported being pushed into entrepreneurship out of necessity (GEM, 2019). Sub-Saharan Africa also shows the largest gender gap in necessity motivations–women are 64% more likely to be necessity entrepreneurs relative to men (GEM, 2019). Women are “pushed” into self-employment when they face limited job prospects, more discrimination on the job market, or simply need to supplement their family income. These factors are likely to be more pronounced in low-income countries where women continue to face higher entry barriers in the formal labor market and often have to resort to entrepreneurship as a way out of unemployment and poverty (GEM, 2019; Minniti & Naudé, 2010). Such outcomes can be further exacerbated because endowments such as income, assets, and skills tend to be skewed toward men in less developed countries (e.g., for a review, see Love et al., 2023). Second, while women, in general, have lower productivity businesses, this productivity gap is much larger in low-income countries. For example, in Africa, as well as in many other developing countries, women entrepreneurs tend to concentrate on sectors that are more crowded and hence have lower profitability and growth prospects (Aterido et  al., 2011; Bardasi et  al., 2011). Some of these differences are explained by (1) the adverse business environment women face, (2) access to digital assets, (3) firm-age disadvantage and lack of access to foreign investment, and (4) the size of the sector in which women-owned businesses operate (e.g., see (Islam et al., 2020). Overall, as rates of necessity entrepreneurs tend to be much higher in less developed countries, such push and pull factors tend to be at the heart of the observed differences in well-being among entrepreneurs across countries (e.g., see De Neve et  al., 2018). Because women tend to be disproportionally more likely to be necessity entrepreneurs and run less-profitable businesses in less-developed countries, it is expected that: 330 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) Hypothesis 2: Women entrepreneurs who live in less developed societies will experience relatively lower well-being than men. 2.4 The impact of institutional factors Women entrepreneurs are also more likely to face more severe obstacles to running their businesses in low-income countries due to a range of institutional constraints–from access to financial resources to gender discrimination in the labor market (Love et  al., 2023; Minniti & Naudé, 2010; Wu et  al., 2019). In turn, such institutional constraints can limit women’s opportunities even further, both in the labor market and self-employment, and lead to lower levels of well-being. The following section discusses three institutional factors that can potentially influence the well-being gender gap: (1) the level of financial development, (2) the ease of doing business, and (3) gender discrimination. First, substantial literature suggests that financial capital is critical to entrepreneurship (Acs & Szerb, 2007; Fairlie & Krashinsky, 2012). For example, bank loans are a common source of finance for new ventures (Eddleston et al., 2016), and micro-loans are a critical resource for creating economic opportunities and empowering self-employed women, especially in developing countries (Samineni & Ramesh, 2020). However, research has documented several disadvantages faced by women entrepreneurs, including high loan denials, high-interest rates, and additional collateral requirements (Alesina, 2013; Coleman, 2000; Muravyev et al., 2009). These constraints may be especially pronounced in countries with a low level of financial development, where women are more likely to be excluded from the formal financial sector (Morsy & Youssef, 2017). For example, when financial capital is scarce, bankers may disproportionately lend to male entrepreneurs (Orser & Riding, 2006). Aidis et  al. (2007) show that access to funds is a more significant barrier to the progress of women business owners in Lithuania and Ukraine than to men. Similarly, Muravyev et al. (2009) use cross-country data and find that womenmanaged firms are less likely to obtain a bank loan and are charged higher interest rates when loan applications are approved. Women borrowers are also more likely to pay higher interest rates and have higher collateral requirements (Coleman, 2000; Riding & Swift, 1990). Finally, women continue to be dramatically underrepresented in the financial services workforce, even in developed countries (Ellingrud et al., 2021). Thus, it is anticipated that women entrepreneurs in countries with a low level of financial development will have lower well-being. Second, business regulations such as licensing restrictions, administrative requirements, bureaucracy costs, and tax compliance increase the cost of doing business (Djankov et al., 2002) and reduce new venture creation and growth rates (De Soto & Diaz, 2002; Dean & Meyer, 1996; Djankov et  al., 2002). Because highly regulated economies are susceptible to corruption (Holcombe & Boudreaux, 2015), and women are less likely to use bribes than men (Swamy et al., 2001), in countries with more cumbersome regulations, women may face greater constraints to starting, running, and growing new ventures. Recent research, for example, finds that women in countries with more business regulations have lower early-stage growth aspirations (Boudreaux & Nikolaev, 2019). Therefore, when the cost of doing business is high, women entrepreneurs will experience lower levels of well-being. Finally, women entrepreneurs who live in countries with higher levels of gender inequality may have have lower well-being. A substantial body of research documents that a higher level of inequality at the country level is associated with many negative outcomes–from lower physical and mental health to lower levels of trust and cooperation (e.g., Buttrick & Oishi, 2017). Similarly, numerous studies suggest that discrimination is strongly associated with a variety of negative well-being outcomes–from lack of self-esteem and depression to anxiety and life dissatisfaction) (e.g., Schmitt et al., 2014). Therefore: Hypothesis 3: Women entrepreneurs who live in societies with greater gender discrimination, higher barriers to starting a business, and less access to financial resources experience relatively lower well-being than men. 2.5 The role of cultural gender norms In addition to formal institutional constraints, many of the social norms and traditions may affect women 331The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) entrepreneurs differently than men. Social norms define appropriate behaviors and desirable attributes for women and men, creating gender roles in realms outside of the family, such as work (Eagly & Kite, 1987; Williams & Collins, 1995). They include rules and traditions regarding many relevant aspects of business, such as property ownership (i.e., whether or not women are allowed to own assets in their name), location (i.e., whether or not women have freedom of movement and location), restrictions on contact with men who are not their relatives, types of economic behaviors that are allowed for women, including their career choices, and social attitudes on working outside of the home (for a review, see Love et al, 2023). In many societies, social norms are more restrictive toward women, especially when it comes to gender roles in the labor market and, in particular, self-employment (e.g., Marques, 2017; Rubio-Bañón & Esteban-Lloret, 2016). For example, it is by now well-established that men are more likely to start businesses (Eagly & Kite, 1987; Langowitz & Minniti, 2007; McKay et al., 2010; Themudo, 2009). One reason is that social norms and traditions “put women in the home, doing housework and caring for children and elderly, while men are responsible for working and bringing home money to support the family” (Rubio-Bañón & Esteban-Lloret, 2016, p. 10) Therefore, starting and running a business is often viewed as a male role (Bird & Brush, 2002). In this respect, women continue to face sociocultural biases and are often perceived as less credible than men (Brush et al., 2009; Minniti & Nardone, 2007). As a result, women experience gender discrimination when seeking start-up capital (Fay & Williams, 1993) and have a more difficult time exploiting business opportunities (Carter & Rosa, 1998). Similarly, women often face more discrimination in societies where entrepreneurship is viewed as a male activity (Baughn et al., 2006). In addition, in developing countries, the views on gender roles may push women into low-growth sectors (Estrin & Mickiewicz, 2011). Finally, unequal intra-household power allocation can limit women’s ability to gain the benefits of their entrepreneurial activities (Kantor, 2002). In turn, women entrepreneurs who live in societies that place more importance on traditional values, and those that subscribe to sexist gender roles, are likely to find themselves less happy being self-employed. Hypothesis 4: Women entrepreneurs who live in societies that favor sexist gender roles will experience relatively lower well-being than men. 2.6 The role of education, children, and risk preferences The next hypothesis considers how individual characteristics and attitudes influence the gender gap in well-being. Specifically, there are significant gender differences when it comes to educational attainment, childcare expectations, and risk preferences that can influence the well-being of men and women entrepreneurs. First, education is widely considered to be one of the most important investments in human capital that helps individuals develop a multitude of competencies that provide many monetary and non-monetary benefits. Numerous studies show that more educated people are more likely to have better job opportunities, greater labor force flexibility, earn higher incomes and live longer and healthier lives (Card, 1999; B. Nikolaev, 2016; Oreopoulos & Salvanes, 2011). Higher education is also strongly and positively correlated with subjective well-being–more educated people view their lives as more meaningful, experience more positive and less negative emotions, and are more satisfied with most life domains, including financial, family, and job satisfaction (Nikolaev, 2016; Nikolaev & Rusakov, 2016). Education is also an important factor in starting a business as it expands the owner’s competencies, cognitive skills, and social networks (Delmar & Davidsson, 2000; Henley, 2005; Kim & Baylor, 2006; Parker, 2021; Shane, 2010). For example, higher education is strongly correlated with high-growth entrepreneurship–the vast majority of the world’s selfmade billionaires have professional degrees and are highly educated (e.g., see Henrekson & Sanandaji, 2014). However, only 12 percent of the world’s billionaires are women (Frank, 2016; Sandler, 2022). Overall, women entrepreneurs with higher education will report higher levels of well-being relative to their less educated counterparts–they will be less likely to be pushed into entrepreneurship out of necessity and more likely to rip the monetary and non-monetary benefits from their higher education. However, while transformative gains in women’s education have unfolded in recent decades, significant 332 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) gender gaps in completion rates still exist, especially in less developed and rural areas ((UN, 2022). Women now outnumber men in tertiary education in some areas of the world (Parker, 2021), but they are a minority of students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and hold only 2 in 10 science, engineering, and communication technology jobs globally Women are also far less likely to hold managerial and high executive jobs–only 1 in 3 managers is a woman (UN, 2022), and women make up only about 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs (Zarya, 2018). Thus, higher education may disproportionally benefit female entrepreneurs. Second, prior work suggests that women cope with occupational demands differently than men, especially as family needs such as childcare emerge (Brett & Stroh, 2003; Heilman & Chen, 2003). For example, discontent with corporate life and opportunities for advancement can push women into entrepreneurship as an alternative route for professional success (Heilman & Chen, 2003). In addition, highly educated women tend to specialize both at home and in the labor market (Cunningham, 2007), which can create more stress and lower their job satisfaction even if they have higher education (Solomon et al., 2022). In turn, lower job satisfaction may push women into entrepreneurship (Nikolaev et al., 2020a, 2020b). Previous studies, for example, document that married women with young children, especially in less developed countries, are more likely to enter entrepreneurship (Minniti & Naudé, 2010). This is likely because of a lack of suitable wage work options that would allow them sufficient flexibility in childcare. In addition, most cross-sectional and longitudinal studies suggest that having children is associated with lower levels of subjective well-being (for a review, see Hansen, 2012). This negative effect is mostly driven by children living at home, particularly among women who have low socio-economic status and live in fewer pronatalist societies (Hansen, 2012). Thus, women with children may be more likely to be pushed into entrepreneurship and experience extra pressure to balance family and business responsibilities, which will be reflected in lower well-being. Finally, previous studies suggest that women, on average, are more risk-averse than men (Croson & Gneezy, 2009; Eckel & Grossman, 2008; MeyersLevy & Loken, 2015). However, running a business is inherently uncertain and risky–most businesses fail, while the owners of those that do survive are likely to experience volatile and below-average incomes (Hamilton, 2000; Parker, 2021; Shane, 2010). In turn, more risk-averse women entrepreneurs, those who have a lower propensity for risk and adventure, may derive less satisfaction from being an entrepreneur. On the contrary, women who express a preference for a stimulating and interesting life are more likely to be “pulled” into entrepreneurship as a form of selfexpression. In this case, a better person-environment fit may lead to higher levels of well-being (Markman & Baron, 2003). Hypothesis 5: Women entrepreneurs with lower educational attainment, more children, and more risk-averse preferences will have relatively lower well-being than men. 3 Data and methods 3.1 World values survey The data used for the analysis came from the World Values Survey (WVS), which is the largest crosscountry dataset that provides individual-level data on well-being and values across the globe.3 Data is available for six successive waves starting in 1980. For this study, data from waves five (2004–2009) and six (2010–2014) is used. The WVS interviews nationally representative samples of adult residents with a targeted minimum sample size of 1,000 respondents per country. Data were collected using face-to-face interviews at the respondent’s homes to make sure that respondents with no internet or phone connection were represented in the survey. The WVS is ideal for the current analysis because it includes individuallevel data on life satisfaction, age, education, gender, marital status, other personal characteristics, and, importantly, a large set of value-based questions. Well‑being  Well-being is proxied with a measure of overall life satisfaction. Specifically, respondents are asked to answer: “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days? Using 3  The data are publicly available and can be downloaded at: www.​world​value​ssurv​ey.​org 333The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) this card on which 1 means you are “completely dissatisfied” and 10 means you are “completely satisfied” where would you put your satisfaction with life as a whole?”. The economic literature uses the terms “life satisfaction,” “happiness,” and “well-being” interchangeably. These alternative measures are highly correlated and have similar coverage (Stevenson & Wolfers, 2009). Large literature supports the use of life satisfaction as a measure of well-being (Bennett & Nikolaev, 2017; Howell & Howell, 2008; Layard & Oparina, 2021; Naudé et al., 2013). For example, according to the World Happiness Report (2021), overall life satisfaction provides a broader indication of human welfare than measures of income, poverty, health, education, and good governance since it captures the overall quality of life. Gender roles  Two measures are used to capture society’s gender roles. First, the proportion of people in a country that agree or strongly agree with the following statement: “On the whole, men make better business executives than women do.” Thus, this variable captures the extent to which society accepts sexist gender roles. There is a huge cross-country variation–in Egypt, 85 percent of the population agrees that men make better business executives, while in the Netherlands and Sweden, less than 10 percent of the population agrees with the statement, reflecting more equal gender roles. In addition, a variable “Tradition” was created that captures the proportion of the population who answers that the following statement is “like me” or “very much like me”: “Tradition is important to this person; to follow the customs handed down by one’s religion or family.”4 Prior studies show that more traditional values tend to affect how men and women view family and work expectations, with more traditional societies expecting women to spend disproportionally more time on household chores and taking care of children (e.g., Cerrato & Cifre, 2018). Appendix 7. provides detailed descriptions of variable construction. Individual moderators  Three individual levels of characteristics are explored as potential moderators– education, number of children, and risk preferences. Education captures four different levels of education: no formal education ‘0’, elementary education ‘1’, secondary education ‘2’, and college education or higher ‘3’. Similarly, the number of children is measured with a categorical variable that captures: no children ‘0’, one child ‘1’, two children ‘2’, and more than three children ‘3’. To measure risk preferences, a new variable was created that was equal to 1 if a person responds that the following statement is “like me” or “very much like me”: “Adventure and taking risks are important to this person; to have an exciting life.” Table 1 reports the average level of well-being broken down by several individual-level variables–e.g., self-employed, employed, unemployed, married, etc. Table 2 provides summary statistics of all individual-level variables. Table  3 shows pairwise correlations for all variables used in the analysis. The average well-being is 6.8, with a standard deviation of 2.3. Women represented 52% of the sample, and most respondents were married (63%). Employed individuals comprised 42% of the sample, while self-employed 12%. The average well-being of selfemployed individuals was 6.6, which is higher than the unemployed (6.1) but lower than the employed (7.0). Individuals with higher education, which comprised 58% of the sample, reported higher well-being (7.0) compared to individuals with basic education (6.5). The WVS data does not contain the person’s actual income, only the decile of the income distribution. However, relative income shows similar influences on an individual’s life satisfaction as absolute income (Salinas-Jiménez et  al., 2013). Almost half of the sample (48%) contains individuals whose household income falls in the middle-income category, and 22% of the sample comes from high-income households. A monotonic relationship between household income and average well-being is observed. Individuals from high-income households have the highest well-being 4  Survey questions used to measure people’s attitudes are coded on a 5-point Likert scale that ranges from 1 to 5 representing a range of possibilities from one extreme to another. In converting Likert-type scale variables to dichotomous variables, the goal was to make sure that the two categories (i.e., 0 and 1) are as close to dividing the sample in half as possible, which corresponds to a common practice of splitting the sample at the median. The results are similar if original (ie nondichotomized) Likert-scale variables are used. In addition, the use of dichotomous categories avoids the problem with interpreting the original ordinal variables as cardinal. 334 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) Table 1  Life Satisfaction by Group Note: Each cell reports the mean life satisfaction, standard deviation an percentage of people in each category. N represents the number of observations in each category. “Other” employment category includes retired, housewife, students and other. “Other” Marital status category includes separated, widowed, and divorced Variables Mean SD Percent N Variables Mean Sd Percent N Well-being 6.8 2.3 100% 168,725 Marital-Status Gender Other 6.3 2.5 12% 20,207 Female 6.8 2.3 52% 88,744 Married 6.9 2.3 63% 106,702 Male 6.8 2.3 48% 81,319 Single 6.8 2.2 25% 42,842 Employment Status No. of Children Other 6.8 2.4 37% 61,227 No Child 6.8 2.2 30% 48,435 Employed 7.0 2.1 42% 68,973 One 6.7 2.3 16% 26,597 Self-employed 6.6 2.3 12% 20,040 Two 6.8 2.3 25% 40,689 Unemployed 6.1 2.5 10% 15,899 3 or More 6.7 2.4 29% 48,168 Education Level Child dummy No-Formal 5.7 2.6 7% 11,600 Yes 6.7 2.3 70% 115,454 Elementary 6.7 2.4 34% 57,854 No 6.8 2.2 30% 48,435 Secondary 6.8 2.2 35% 59,841 University 7.1 2.1 23% 39,662 Income Level Education dummy Low 6.1 2.7 30% 48,783 Basic 6.5 2.5 41% 69,454 Middle 6.8 2.1 48% 76,032 Higher 7.0 2.2 59% 99,503 High 7.6 1.9 22% 35,167 Gender roles Yes 6.5 2.4 42% 65,473 Stimulation No 7.0 2.2 58% 91,531 Yes 6.8 2.3 57% 88,811 Tradition No 6.8 2.3 43% 66,644 Yes 6.8 2.4 58% 91,033 No 6.8 2.1 42% 66,072 Table 2  Descriptive Statistics Variable N Mean Std. Dev Min Max Life Satisfaction 169,000 6.774 2.305 1 10 Female 170,000 .521 .5 0 1 Self-Employed 170,000 .118 .322 0 1 Unemployed 166,000 .096 .294 0 1 Age 170,000 41.782 16.534 15 99 Married 170,000 .629 .483 0 1 Number of Children 164,000 1.541 1.195 0 3 Education 169,000 1.755 .89 0 3 Income Level 160,000 .915 .719 0 2 Tradition 160,000 .579 .178 .103 .957 Men Better CEOs 164,000 .416 .211 .052 .851 Risk Taking 155,000 .429 .495 0 1 Log GDP 169,000 8.986 1.327 5.607 11.425 Gender Inequality 92,897 .298 .157 .047 .83 Financial Development 160,000 3.744 .871 -.203 5.469 Ease of Doing Business 138,000 -.233 .845 -1.996 1.566 335The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) Table 3  PairwiseCorrelations *  Showssignificanceatthe.05level Variables(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16) (1)LifeSatisfaction1.000 (2)Female0.009*1.000 (3)Self-Employed-0.022*-0.120*1.000 (4)Unemployed-0.089*-0.033*-0.120*1.000 (5)Age-0.017*0.009*-0.008*-0.122*1.000 (6)Married0.051*-0.019*0.071*-0.113*0.227*1.000 (7)NumberofChildren-0.010*0.081*0.075*-0.085*0.501*0.508*1.000 (8)Education0.127*-0.051*-0.097*-0.066*-0.161*-0.064*-0.229*1.000 (9)IncomeLevel0.232*-0.035*-0.001-0.091*-0.102*0.037*-0.084*0.267*1.000 (10)Tradition-0.090*-0.0020.042*0.073*-0.161*0.012*0.065*-0.164*-0.025*1.000 (11)MenbetterCEOs-0.207*-0.008*0.057*0.054*-0.183*0.033*0.036*-0.149*0.015*0.635*1.000 (12)Risk&Stimulation0.018*-0.107*0.045*0.057*-0.220*-0.107*-0.146*0.032*0.090*0.102*0.119*1.000 (13)LogGDP0.199*0.012*-0.157*-0.105*0.226*-0.009*-0.034*0.237*0.068*-0.531*-0.602*-0.127*1.000 (14)GenderInequality-0.039*-0.020*0.110*0.101*-0.218*-0.0030.067*-0.211*-0.029*0.598*0.430*0.116*-0.716*1.000 (15)FinancialDev0.138*0.008*-0.108*-0.067*0.186*0.022*-0.031*0.127*0.060*-0.422*-0.326*-0.090*0.616*-0.630*1.000 (16)EaseDoingBus-0.042*-0.019*0.078*0.051*-0.153*-0.011*0.012*-0.180*-0.099*0.231*0.185*0.054*-0.463*0.442*-0.443*1.000 336 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) of 7.6, which decreases to 6.8 for those with middle household income and to 6.1 for those with low household income. Country‑level moderators  WVS data is combined with country-level data from various sources. First, data on Gender Inequality Index (GII) was used, which came from the United Nations Development program.5 The data are available as average annual estimates for 2005–2020. GII reflects genderbased disadvantage in three dimensions—reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market. It shows the loss in potential human development due to inequality between women and male achievements in these dimensions. The GII ranges from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect inequality). Second, the Ease of Doing Business index came from the World Bank (Wrold Bank, 2019). The data are available for 2003–2019. Since the goal of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the business environment and the well-being of entrepreneurs, the focus was on a subset of indicators relating to starting a business. Specifically, three indicators were used: the time, cost, and the number of procedures required to start a business. These indicators were used individually and also as a single index constructed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Third, data on Financial Development (FD) was available from the World Bank. The data are available for all the years covered by WVS in the study sample (2004–2014). Specifically, a measure of private credit by deposit money bank to GDP (%) was used, which is the most commonly used proxy for financial development. Finally, data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita (constant 2010 US$) came from the World Bank, which is also available for all the years in the sample. 3.2 Empirical methodology The empirical methodology relied on a standard wellbeing equation where individuals’ reported well-being score is regressed on various individuals’ characteristics (DiTella et al., 2003). Precisely, dependent variable is the self-reported life satisfaction level with values from 1 (dissatisfied) to 10 (satisfied). A set of personal characteristics commonly included in well-being regression was used as control variables: education, age, number of children, income level, and marital status. A detailed description of the variables used in this study is provided in Appendix Table 9. The first model is given by: where i denotes individuals, c denotes countries, t denotes time, αct are country-year fixed effects, WB is well-being, F is a dummy variable equal to one for females, SE is a dummy for self-employed, X is a vector of control variables, ­eict is an idiosyncratic error. The country-year fixed effects capture all common factors that could affect average well-being in a country in a year of the survey. The error term is also clustered at the country-year level to allow for unspecified correlation between individual-level observations in each country-year combination. The first hypothesis evaluates whether there is a “well-being gap,” i.e., it was tested whether the wellbeing of self-employed women is different from the well-being of self-employed men. Formally, the test examined whether β3 = 0, i.e., the focus was on the interaction of F (female) and SE (self-employed) dummies. This model was run first on the full sample, and then on three subsamples based on the country’s level of development: low, medium, and high level, based on the World Bank classification. Thus, it was tested whether the results hold at different levels of economic development, which is the first test for hypothesis 2. The second model was used to test the remainder of the hypotheses–i.e., the relative effect of a country’s economic, institutional, and cultural environment as well as individual characteristics on the “well-being gap” between men and women. This effect was captured by the triple interaction of F (female dummy), SE (self-employed dummy), and the moderating factors (denoted by M), which are either institutional or individual factors. Thus, the second model is given by: This model is an extension of model (1), so for brevity, here only the main differences are discussed. (1) WBict = 𝛽1Fict + 𝛽2SEict + 𝛽3Fict ∗ SEict + 𝛽4Xict + αct + eict (2) WBict = 𝛽1Fict + 𝛽2SEict + 𝛽3Fict ∗ SEict + 𝛽4M ∗ Fict + 𝛽5M ∗ SEict + 𝛽6M ∗ Fict ∗ SEict + 𝛽7Xict + 𝛼ct + eict 5  Data are publicly available and can be downloaded at: https://​hdr.​undp.​org/​en/​conte​nt/​gender-​inequ​ality-​index-​gii 337The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) Specifically, M was added to represent either country-level or individual-level moderating factors. The main interest is in the triple interaction coefficient β6. Because a triple interaction was added, two additional double interactions had to be also added that were captured by the coefficients β4 and β5. The double interactions capture how moderating factors M affect all women (coefficient β4) and how moderating factors M affect all self-employed (coefficient β5). The main focus, however, is on the coefficient β6, which captures the effect of moderating factor M on the relative difference between men and women. In other words, the triple interaction captures how the moderating factors M affect the well-being gap. There are two sets of moderating factors. For testing hypothesis 2, the moderating factors are countryyear institutional variables (and hence M will have a subscript of ct). Four country-year measures were used: economic development (log GDP per capita), financial development (private credit), gender inequality index, and business regulation. For testing hypothesis 3, the moderating factors are individual characteristics (and hence M will have a subscript of cit). Five individual characteristics were used: the presence of young children, education, preference for stimulation, gender roles, and adherence to tradition. These measures were discussed in the data section and Appendix Table 9. When country-year moderating factors were used, the level of factor M is subsumed into the country-year fixed effects. When individual moderating factors were used, M was added as a separate variable among the control variables given by vector X. 4 Results 4.1 Estimating the well‑being gap Table  4 presents results that test the main hypothesis (H1). The results on all control variables are consistent with the prior literature, which offers reassurance in the proposed empirical methodology. To streamline the presentation of the main results, the results for control variables are discussed in Appendix 7.. The main focus here is on the interaction of female and self-employed dummies, given in the model by the β3 coefficient. It is found that the interaction is significantly negative. In other words, women entrepreneurs are less happy than men entrepreneurs, even after controlling for a large Table 4  Baseline results for the full sample Note: Dependent variable is well-being. See Table 9 for variable definitions. All regressions include country-year fixed effects and the error term is clustered at the country-year level. P-values are in parenthesis Standard errors clustered at the country-year are reported in parenthesis. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 (1) Well-being (2) Well-being (3) Well-being Female 0.10*** 0.11*** 0.11*** (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) Self-employed * Female -0.10** -0.10*** (0.04) (0.03) Age -0.05*** -0.05*** -0.05*** (0.004) (0.004) (0.004) Age Squared 0.0005*** 0.0005*** 0.0005*** (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Employed 0.05* 0.05** -0.01 (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) Self-employed -0.01 0.02 -0.01 (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) Unemployed -0.52*** -0.52*** -0.40*** (0.04) (0.04) (0.004) Married 0.61*** 0.61*** 0.48*** (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) Single 0.28*** 0.28*** 0.21*** (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) One Child -0.08*** -0.08*** -0.04 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) Two Children -0.03 -0.03 -0.002 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) Three or more Children 0.02 0.02 0.07** (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) Elementary Education 0.29*** 0.29*** 0.20*** (0.06) (0.06) (0.06) Secondary Education 0.49*** 0.49*** 0.28*** (0.08) (0.08) (0.07) University Education 0.73*** 0.73*** 0.36*** (0.07) (0.07) (0.07) Middle Income 0.77*** (0.05) High Income 1.39*** (0.07) Observations 156,873 156,873 148,205 R-squared 0.17 0.17 0.21 338 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) number of demographic characteristics (column 2), including income (column 3). This result suggests that there is a negative well-being gap for self-employed women, which supports H1. The magnitude of this effect is relatively small – being a self-employed female is associated with a 5% standard deviation reduction in well-being.6 Nevertheless, this effect is equal to the difference in well-being between non-self-employed women and men (i.e., the coefficient on the Female dummy without interaction is a positive 0.1). The selfemployed dummy, which captures the effect on men from being self-employed, is not significant. Another way to interpret these results is that women suffer a loss in well-being from being self-employed, while men do not. This difference in well-being between selfemployed men and women is “the well-being gap.” 4.2 The role of economic development In Table 5, the most complete model from Table 4 (i.e. column 3) is replicated on four sub-samples of countries based on their level of economic development: low, middle, and high-income countries, as well as a combined low- and middle-income sample. It is found that the well-being gap is negative in low- and middleincome countries and positive in high-income countries. The magnitude of the gap is larger and more significant in low-income countries than in middle-income countries (although the difference in magnitudes of 0.03 is not statistically significant). These results provide support for H2 – women entrepreneurs experience lower levels of well-being in low- and middle-income countries but experience higher levels of well-being in high-income countries. Both of these effects are relatively small in magnitude (Cohen, 1988). 4.3 The role of the institutional environment Table 6 examines the role of the institutional environment on the well-being gap. The main focus here is on the triple interaction between the institutional characteristic M (institutional environment) with F (female) and SE (self-employed), i.e., the coefficient β6. The same control variables discussed above are included but not reported. The results in column 1 confirm the sample splits results seen earlier in Table 5: countries with a higher level of GDP per capita have a smaller well-being gap. The interaction with GDPPC is positive, meaning higher GDP shrinks the well-being gap (i.e., making it less negative), and it is significant at the 5% level. Log GDP is used in these regressions, which ranges in the sample from 5.6 to 11.4 with an average and a median of around 9. Therefore, in the country with the lowest level of economic development (Ethiopia), the well-being gap is equal to -0.23 (i.e., -0.51 + 0.05*5.6). In countries with an average level of economic development (e.g., Lebanon, Romania, and South Africa), the well-being gap shrinks to -0.06. In countries with the highest level of economic development, the well-being gap is positive and equals about 0.05 for Switzerland and 0.06 for Norway. Thus, the difference in the well-being gap between the lowest and the highest income country in the sample is about 0.3 (i.e., 0.23 + 0.06). While this is still considered a small effect (Cohen, 1988), this effect is comparable to the effect of higher education in low- and middle-income countries (column 4 in Table  5) and corresponds to a 15% change in standard deviation in well-being. In column 2, the Gender Inequality Index is used as a measure of the institutional environment. The triple interaction is also significant at 5% despite a significant loss of observations. Specifically, gender inequality has a significantly negative impact on the well-being gap. It is important to note that higher values of the GII indicate worse outcomes – i.e., higher gender inequality. Thus, countries with higher gender inequality have a larger (more negative) well-being gap. In the sample, the countries with the highest GII (the worst gender discrimination) are Yemen, India, Iran, Qatar, and Zimbabwe. For these countries, the well-being gap ranges between -0.27 and -0.5.7 In the sample, the countries with the lowest GII (the least gender discrimination) are Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, and Singapore. For these countries, the well-being gap is positive and ranges between6  The discussion of magnitudes of various coefficients relied on classification of effect sizes in behavioral sciences proposed by (Cohen) 1988 The Cohen’s d is calculated as difference in means scaled by the standard deviation. The values below 0.2 are considered small, above 0.8 are considered large and the values in-between are medium size. 7   Obtained as 0.22-0.87*0.57 for low end and 0.22-0.87*0.83 for high end. 339The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) 0.15 to 0.18. Thus, the range of the well-being gap is significantly more pronounced when the GII index is used. Specifically, the well-being gap range from the lowest GII to the highest GII country is 0.68. This difference is equivalent to a 30% of standard deviation increase in well-being from the least to the most genderequal country. In terms of Cohen’s (1988) size effect scale, this is considered a medium-size effect. Table 5  Sample splits for countries with different income levels Note: See notes to Table 4. Each column represents a subgroup of countries as listed in the heading. Standard errors clustered at the country-year are reported in parenthesis. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) Low- Income Middle-Income High-Income Low-Middle Income Female 0.12*** 0.10** 0.13*** 0.11*** (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.03) Self-employed*Female -0.17*** -0.13** 0.15* -0.16*** (0.05) (0.06) (0.07) (0.04) Age -0.03*** -0.05*** -0.05*** -0.04*** (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) Age Squared 0.0003*** 0.0004*** 0.0005*** 0.0004*** (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) Employed -0.01 0.04 -0.04 0.01 (0.05) (0.04) (0.03) (0.03) Self-employed 0.04 0.05 -0.07 0.02 (0.06) (0.06) (0.06) (0.04) Unemployed -0.20*** -0.47*** -0.59*** -0.34*** (0.06) (0.05) (0.07) (0.04) Married 0.39*** 0.46*** 0.57*** 0.43*** (0.09) (0.05) (0.04) (0.05) Single 0.31** 0.17*** 0.17*** 0.22*** (0.012) (0.05) (0.04) (0.06) One Child -0.05 -0.03 -0.05 -0.04 (0.06) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) Two Children -0.05 -0.03 0.05 -0.04 (0.07) (0.05) (0.03) (0.041) Three or more Children 0.06 0.07 0.08** 0.06 (0.06) (0.06) (0.04) (0.04) Elementary Education 0.13* 0.08 0.23 0.16** (0.07) (0.11) (0.14) (0.06) Secondary Education 0.21** 0.16 0.31* 0.23*** (0.10) (0.14) (0.14) (0.08) University Education 0.36*** 0.21 0.42** 0.31*** (0.09) (0.13) (0.15) (0.07) Middle 1.08*** 0.63*** 0.61*** 0.84*** (0.08) (0.09) (0.05) (0.07) High 1.96*** 1.30*** 0.98*** 1.60*** (0.11) (0.13) (0.07) (0.09) Constant 5.42*** 6.77*** 7.04*** 6.11*** (0.20) (0.20) (0.18) (0.13) Observations 43,504 54,916 49,785 98,420 R-squared 0.20 0.20 0.13 0.21 340 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) In column 3, financial development is used and the triple interaction is found to be significant at 5%. Here the coefficient is positive since higher levels indicate better financial development. Thus, in countries with higher levels of financial development, there is a smaller gap in well-being, i.e., women entrepreneurs are not as disadvantaged. Finally, in column 4, the regulatory burden of starting a new business (DB) is used. However, the results are not significant. The measure of DB captures how cumbersome it is to start a new formal business. One possible explanation for this insignificant finding is that the DB measure does not capture the level of inequality between men and women when it comes to regulations that constrain business activity. Unfortunately, such data is not available. Thus, while it is possible that women are disproportionately affected by more cumbersome business regulations, the DB measure does not capture such gender differences. Overall, these results provide support for H3. Female entrepreneurs who live in countries with more discriminatory institutions toward women and lower levels of financial development experience lower levels of well-being than men compared to female entrepreneurs who live in countries with greater gender equality and better financial development. 4.4 The role of gender roles Next, the analysis focuses on the impact of cultural values and gender roles on the well-being gap. To do so, an aggregated country-level measures of the prevalence of gender stereotypes based on individual responses was created. These results are presented in Table 7 and suggest that societies in which a greater proportion of people subscribe to sexist gender values (column 1) and more traditional values (column 2), the well-being gap is bigger. However, only the interaction effect with traditional values is significant (column 2). The results imply, for example, that the difference in well-being between the least traditional (Japan) and most traditional society (Qatar) is close to 30% of a standard deviation in well-being, which is a moderately strong effect. Table 6  Interactions with institutional characteristics Note: All regressions include the same control variables used in Table 5. Only the interaction terms and related controls are included. See notes in Table 4. Each column reports interactions with a different institutional characteristic, which is given in the column heading. Dependent variable is well-being. GII = Gender Inequality Index, FD = Financial Development, DB = Ease of Doing Business. Standard errors clustered at the country-year are reported in parenthesis. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) Institution Variable GDP GII FD DB Female -0.08 0.14 0.02 0.11*** (0.15) (0.09) (0.12) (0.001) Self-employed*Female -0.51** 0.22 -0.35*** -0.11*** (0.023) (0.13) (0.13) (0.04) Self-employed -0.17 -0.11 -0.34*** 0.01 (0.21) (0.10) (0.10) (0.04) Female *Institution 0.02 -0.06 0.02 -0.05** (0.02) (0.34) (0.03) (0.02) Self-employed *Institution 0.02 0.37 0.09*** 0.01 (0.02) (0.29) (0.03) (0.04) Female*Self-Employed*Institution 0.05* -0.87** 0.07** 0.001 (0.03) (0.35) (0.04) (0.04) Constant 6.46*** 6.69*** 6.46*** 6.40*** (0.011) (0.016) (0.011) (0.12) Observations 147,147 82,311 138,741 120,867 R-squared 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.21 341The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) 4.5 The role of education, children, and risk preferences Finally, the role of education, children, and risk preferences on the well-being gap is examined in Table  8. Again, the focus here is on the triple interaction coefficient, in this case, of an individual characteristic with F (Female) and SE (Self-employed) dummies. The findings suggest that women entrepreneurs with higher education have higher well-being (i.e., lower well-being gap) (column 1). These results imply that it is mostly uneducated women entrepreneurs who suffer a loss in wellbeing. Second, women with children suffer a greater loss in well-being (column 2). Finally, women entrepreneurs with a higher preference for risk and stimulation experience a smaller loss in well-being (column 3). These effects are moderate in size. For example, compared to women who had no formal education, female entrepreneurs with a college education experience a well-being boost close to 25% of a standard deviation in well-being. Similarly, compared to women with no kids, women who have three or more kids experience a well-being penalty that is close to 22% of a standard deviation in well-being. 5 Discussion The current study presents new evidence on the relative well-being of men and women entrepreneurs and evaluate how gender differences in well-being are affected by economic, institutional, cultural, and individual factors. The results suggest that women entrepreneurs have lower well-being in low- and middle-income countries but a higher level of wellbeing in high-income countries. In other words, a negative “well-being gap” in low- and middleincome countries and a small but positive gap in high-income countries is documented. The study provides a further exploration of how institutional, cultural, and individual factors moderate the wellbeing gap. The findings suggest that greater gender inequality, lower levels of financial development, and more traditional cultural values increase the well-being gap, with gender inequality having the largest negative effect. At the same time, higher levels of education, fewer children, and greater preferences for risk and stimulation reduce the gender gap in well-being. Table 7  Interactions with cultural values Note: All regressions include the same control variables used in Table 5. Only the interaction terms and related controls are included. See notes in Table 4. Each column reports interactions with a different individual characteristic, which is given in the column heading. Dependent variable is well-being. Standard errors clustered at the country-year are reported in parenthesis ***  p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 (1) (2) Cultural Value Men Better CEOs Traditional Values Female 0.080* 0.132* (0.044) (0.070) Female self-employed -0.037 0.324** (0.094) (0.141) Self-employed 0.058 -0.058 (0.063) (0.119) Female * Cultural Value 0.074 -0.035 (0.120) (0.133) Self-employed * Cultural Value -0.102 0.108 (0.145) (0.182) Female * Self-Employed * Cultural Value -0.180 -0.741*** (0.203) (0.237) Constant 6.470*** 6.465*** (0.111) (0.111) Observations 142,971 142,321 R-squared 0.198 0.198 342 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) 5.1 Theoretical implications An increasing number of studies have documented that engaging in entrepreneurship can lead to higher levels of subjective well-being by fulfilling people’s basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness (e.g., Benz & Frey, 2004; Nikolaev et al., 2020a, 2020b; Stephan et al., 2020). Despite this growing literature, however, there is still lack of systematic analysis that explores well-being differences between male and female entrepreneurs (Stephan, 2018). This study advances this growing literature by answering recent calls to examine the heterogeneity of well-being of male and female entrepreneurs in different institutional, cultural, and individual contexts (Stephan, 2018; Wiklund et  al., 2019). Consistent with previous studies, the results suggest that entrepreneurship can lead to higher levels of well-being, but this is highly dependent on the developmental, institutional, and cultural context within which entrepreneurs operate. However, ours is a first study to show that female entrepreneurs tend to experience significant well-being disadvantages, especially in countries with lower levels of economic development, high gender inequality, and more traditional cultural values. The well-being gap is also larger for less educated female entrepreneurs who also have more kids. These results are consistent with the idea that in low- and middle-income countries, women are more likely to be “pushed” into entrepreneurship by necessity, while in high-income countries, where they have more opportunities in the labor market, they are more likely to be “pulled” by opportunity. In addition, in low- and middleincome countries, women entrepreneurs are likely to face more severe obstacles and constraints than their male counterparts. These constraints could be in the form of restrictive social norms and traditions and legal, financial, and labor market discrimination. Table 8  Interactions with individual characteristics and attitudes Note: All regressions include the same control variables used in Table 5. Only the interaction terms and related controls are included. See notes in Table 4. Each column reports interactions with a different individual characteristic, which is given in the column heading. Dependent variable is well-being. Standard errors clustered around country-year are reported in parenthesis ***  p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 Individual Characteristic: (1) Education (2) N Children (3) Risk & Stimulation Female 0.13*** 0.11*** 0.15*** (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) Self-employed * Female -0.20*** 0.03 -0.19*** (0.06) (0.07) (0.05) Self-employed 0.07 -0.06 0.07* (0.05) (0.05) (0.04) Individual Characteristic 0.14*** -0.005 0.13*** (0.001) (0.02) (0.03) Female*Individual -0.02 0.005 -0.06** (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) Self-employed*Individual -0.15*** 0.08 -0.12** (0.05) (0.06) (0.05) Female* Self-employed* Individual 0.19*** -0.17** 0.15** (0.07) (0.08) (0.07) Constant 6.44*** 6.46*** 6.44*** (0.11) (0.11) (0.11) Observations 148,205 148,205 138,844 R-squared 0.21 0.21 0.20 343The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) Finally, the well-being gap is highly dependent on several individual characteristics. Specifically, women entrepreneurs have higher well-being if they are more educated, have no children, and have a stronger preference for risk and stimulation. In this respect, higher education holds significant promise in reducing the negative well-being gap. Overall, these results suggest that the well-documented well-being premium from entrepreneurship is highly contingent on the institutional and cultural environment as well as the individual characteristics of entrepreneurs. For example, the negative wellbeing gap is significantly higher (close to 30% standard deviation in well-being) between the least and most gender-unequal countries. This effect is larger than the negative well-being effect documented from unemployment, which has been consistently found to “depress mental well-being and lower life satisfaction … more than any other single characteristic” (Powdthavee & Vernoit, 2013). 5.2 Policy implications The results have several policy implications. First, economic development plays a critical role in promoting well-being equality, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of male and female entrepreneurs. While in the least developed countries, women entrepreneurs experience significantly lower well-being than their male counterparts, in the most developed countries, the gender gap is non-existent or even reversed. However, achieving equality requires more than economic development and is also contingent on the cultural and institutional environment. Even in the most developed countries, women who face more sexist and traditional gender roles and greater discrimination are more likely to experience significant gaps in well-being. Therefore, policies that aim to equalize the playing field for men and women by reducing gender inequality also hold significant promise in reducing gender inequalities in well-being. Similarly, policies that promote equality in educational outcomes between men and women are also likely to reduce the gender gap in well-being. In this respect, while transformative gains in women’s education have unfolded in recent decades, significant gender gaps still remain (UN, 2022). For example, women are still a minority of students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and hold only 2 in 10 science, engineering, and communication technology jobs globally (UN, 2022). The results suggest that education is a powerful tool for empowering women entrepreneurs across the world. Thus, promoting equal access to education and increasing the number of women in STEM fields may significantly reduce the well-being gender gap. The results also suggest that women with children are more likely to be pushed into self-employment than those without children (and hence experience lower well-being from their activities). Or, even if they engage in entrepreneurship to pursue opportunities, women may experience more stress due to juggling both work and family responsibilities. In this respect, policies should make it easier for women with children to work outside of the home. For example, better options for childcare and more flexible hours might support not only women entrepreneurs but wage earners as well, who will be less likely to be pushed into entrepreneurship. More generally, many traditional values continue to be unfair and discriminating toward women (UN, 2022), so naturally, those who feel more bound by these traditions will experience more challenges in their business endeavors. For example, given the endurance of distinct gender roles even in developed countries (e.g., Bianchi et  al., 2012; Grunow et  al., 2012), women are more likely to aspire to excel both at home and in the labor market (Cunningham, 2007; Yavorsky et al., 2015). However, family duties can often lead to conflict with career development (Phillips & Imhoff, 1997; Stroh & Reilly, 1999). In this respect, the division of household labor typically disadvantages women even in developed societies (Bianchi et al., 2012; Kamp Dush et al., 2018), regardless of whether women earn more or less than their male partners (Bittman et  al., 2003; Solomon et al., 2022). In this respect, policies associated with eliminating forced marriages, working to end the exploitation of women, valuing unpaid childcare, promoting shared domestic responsibilities, having universal access to reproductive rights and health, and, more generally, strengthening policies that promote gender equality through legislation will likely to continue to reduce the gender gap in well-being. Finally, it is important to emphasize that the results are consistent with the notion that women prefer wage employment and only when it is not available they are likely to be pushed into entrepreneurship. 344 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) While no direct test for this effect is provided, it is shown that more educated women, who are likely to have more opportunities for wage employment, have higher well-being from being an entrepreneur likely because they are pulled into entrepreneurship rather then pushed. The results on women with children are consistent with this proposition as well: since women with children are often discriminated in the labor market, especially in low-income countries, they are more likely to be pushed into entrepreneurship. In conclusion, the results are consistent with the UN’s Developmental Goals–reducing poverty (goal 1), quality education (goal 3), and gender equality (goal 5) can significantly enhance the relative well-being of women entrepreneurs (UN, 2022). As societies make progress with these goals, this may encourage more women to enter entrepreneurship by choice rather than by necessity, which could not only enhance their personal well-being but result in positive societal gains. Finally, the results call attention to focusing on non-economic outcomes of entrepreneurship, such as well-being, and reducing the emphasis on profits and growth as the main metrics of success. 5.3 Limitations Although the WVS provides a large sample size and inclusion of countries and individuals with different levels of income and values, there are several limitations to the study. First, the time gap between different waves is, on average, five years, and each wave covers a different set of countries surveyed in different years. While some countries appear in both waves, others appear only in wave five, and some only in wave 6. See Appendix Table 10 for a detailed list of countries and years included in each wave. Second, since the data set is not a panel, there is no possibility for a longitudinal analysis or including individual fixed effects (DiTella et  al., 2003; Kruse et al., 2017). Thus, it is difficult to identify the direction of causality. Without such data, the results should be interpreted as correlational and not causal. Nevertheless, the focus of the paper is on the well-being gap between men and women and the interaction effects, which should not suffer from serious endogeneity. Finally, several of the variables used are single-item measures. For example, well-being is proxied with a single-item life satisfaction measure. Previous studies suggest that single-item life satisfaction measures perform very similarly compared to multi-item measures, providing virtually identical answers to substantive questions (Cheung & Lucas, 2014). At the same time, other variables used in the study, such as risk preferences or gender roles and traditional values, have not been validated. Therefore, readers should use caution when interpreting these results. Data Availability  WVS data are publicly available on https://​www.​world​value​ssurv​ey.​org/. Appendix A 1. Discussion of results for control variables Results on control variables for the whole sample Here we briefly describe the results for our control variables based on Table 4. We find predictable patterns for all our control variables. Age has a non-linear U-shaped relationship with well-being. women have slightly higher well-being then men, but the magnitude of the difference is small: the coefficient is equal to 0.1, which is small according to Cohen’s metric. Employed have slightly higher well-being than those out of the labor force (the omitted category), while unemployed have a significantly lower well-being. The magnitude is equal to 0.5, i.e. almost half a point difference in wellbeing, however, according to Cohen’s metric it is still considered small. When we add income level dummies in model 3 the employed dummy is no longer significant, while the magnitude of unemployed dummy drops to 0.4. This means that only some of the negative impact of unemployment is due to the pure income effect. Interestingly, the self-employed dummy is not significant. This might be because the positive and negative influences of selfemployed on well-being discussed earlier cancel out. Among different relationship status categories, married people are the happiest, followed by single, and the least happy are divorced or separated (the omitted category). People with one child are slightly less happy, while those with two, three or more children are not significantly different in well-being from those with no children (the omitted category). Education has a monotonically positive relationship with well-being (the omitted category is “no formal education”). In model 3 we add two income level dummies for middle and high income (the omitted category is low 345The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) Table 9  Variabledefinitions VariableDefinitionDataSource/SurveyQuestions SectionA:IndividualCharacteristics WBSelf-declaredlife-satisfactionlevelfrom1(notatallsatisfied)to10 (verysatisfied) (WVS):Allthingsconsidered,howsatisfiedareyouwithyourlife asawholethesedays?Usingthiscardonwhich1meansyou are“completelydissatisfied”and10meansyouare“completely satisfied”wherewouldyouputyoursatisfactionwithyourlifeasa whole?(Codeonenumber): AgeAgeoftherespondent(WVS):cantellmeyouryearofbirth,please? FemaleDVwhichtakesthevalue1iftherespondentisfemale,0otherwise(WVS):Coderespondent’ssexbyobservation EducationlevelCategoricalvariablewhichtakesvalueof0,1,2,3forno-formal education,elementary,secondaryanduniversityeducationlevel respectively. (WVS):Whatisthehighesteducationallevelthatyouhaveattained? EducationdummyDVwhichtakesthevalueof1(highereducation)iftherespond- enthassecondaryoruniversitylevelofeducation,and0(basic education)otherwise. (WVS):Whatisthehighesteducationallevelthatyouhaveattained? Marital-statusCategoricalvariablewhichtakesvalueof0,1and2forother,mar- riedandsinglerespectively.Othercategoryincludesdivorced, separatedandwidowed. (WVS):Areyoucurrently(readoutandcodeoneansweronly). EmploymentStatusCategoricalvariablewhichtakesvalueof0,1,2and3forother, employed,self-employedandunemployedrespectively.Other categoryincludesretired,housewife,students,andothers. (WVS):Areyouemployednowornot?(codeponeanswer) No.ofChildrenCategoricalvariablewhichtakesvalueof0,1,2and3forno-child, one-child,two-child,andthreeormorechildrespectively. (WVS):Haveyouhadanychildren?(code0ifno,andrespective numberifyes). ChilddummyDVwhichtakesthevalue1(yes)ifrespondenthasanychildrenand 0(no)otherwise. (WVS):Haveyouhadanychildren?(code0ifno,andrespective numberifyes). IncomelevelCategoricalvariablewhichtakesvalueof0,1and2forlow,middle- andhigh-incomelevelrespectively.Lowincludesresponses(1-3), middleincludesresponses(4-6)andhighincludesresponses (7-10). (WVS):Wewouldliketoknowinwhatgroupyourhouseholdis(1 indicatesthelowestincomegroupand10thehighestincomegroup inyourcountry).Please,specifytheappropriatenumber,counting allwages,salaries,pensionsandotherincomesthatcomein.(Code onenumber) GenderRolesDVwhichtakesthevalue1(yes)iftherespondentanswersagreeor stronglyagreewiththestatement(ontheright),0(no)otherwise. (WVS):Foreachofthefollowingstatements,canyoutellmehow stronglyyouagreeordisagreewitheach.Doyoustronglyagree, agree,disagree,orstronglydisagree?“Onthewhole,menmake betterbusinessexecutivesthanwomendo.” TraditionDVwhichtakesthatvalue1(yes)iftherespondentanswersvery muchlikemeorlikemetothestatement(ontheright),0(no) otherwise (WVS):Foreachdescription,pleaseindicatewhetherthatperson (brieflydescribesomepeople)isverymuchlikeyou,likeyou, somewhatlikeyou,notlikeyou,ornotatalllikeyou?“Tradition isimportanttothisperson;tofollowthecustomshandeddownby one’sreligionorfamily”. 346 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. (1234567890) income). The income dummies are highly significant and have meaningful magnitudes. Having a self-declared high income (note that the income responses are in the form of the decile relative to the rest of the population), is associated with 1.4 higher well-being than declaring low income. According to Cohen’s metric this is a medium size effect. People declaring that they have a middleincome level have on average about 0.8 higher well-being than those with low income. Results on control variables in samples splits These results are based on Table 5. The income effect is much stronger in low- and middle-income countries. The coefficient on high income dummy is almost twice as large in low-income countries as it is in high income countries: it equals to 1.96 in low income countries and 0.97 in high income countries (note that low income is the omitted category). According to Cohen’s metric, the impact in low-income countries can be considered large. The coefficient on middle income dummy is about half of the high-income dummy. Our results show that poor are more miserable in low-income countries. This could be due to lack of social safety net which is present in high income countries. On the flip side, the loss of well-being due to unemployment is larger in a high-income country. Note that since we control for income, this coefficient captures non-pecuniary effects of unemployment such as loss of meaning, connections, self-esteem and other psychological effects. This larger well-being loss could be due to less prevalent unemployment in high income countries: in our sample the unemployment rate is about 6% in high income countries, while it is 12.6% in low-income countries. When unemployment is a common occurrence, i.e. in low income countries, people are more likely to adapt to being unemployed, which will result in smaller loss of well-being. In addition, if more people around are unemployed, the unemployment is less psychologically stinging. The well-being relationship with education has about the same magnitude in all three sets of countries, although results are more statistically significant in low-income countries. This is likely because there are very few people with “no formal education,” which is our omitted category, in high income courtiers. There is a higher well-being advantage to being married in a middle- and high-income countries, which there is almost no difference to being single or married in low income countries. Table 9  (continued) VariableDefinitionDataSource/SurveyQuestions StimulationDVwhichtakesthevalue1(yes)iftherespondentanswersvery muchlikeme,orlikeme,orsomewhatlikemetothestatement (ontheright),0(no)otherwise. (WVS):Foreachdescription,pleaseindicatewhetherthatperson (brieflydescribesomepeople)isverymuchlikeyou,likeyou, somewhatlikeyou,notlikeyou,ornotalllikeyou?“Adventure andtakingrisksareimportanttothisperson;tohaveanexciting life.” SectionB:countrylevelvariables GDPGrossDomesticProduct,GDPpercapita(constant2010US$)WorldBank FDFinancialDevelopment,measuredbyprivatecreditbydeposit moneybanktoGDP(%) WorldBank,InternationalMonetaryfund, DBIndexofstartingabusiness,constructedusingweightsgenerated bythePrincipalComponentAnalysis(PCA)ofthreevariables: numberofprocedures,costandtimerequiredtostartabusiness. WorldBankandauthor’scalculations GIIGenderInequalityIndexshowsthegender-baseddisadvantagein threedimensions:reproductivehealth,empowermentandlabor market. UnitedNationDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP) DVstandsfor“dummyvariable” 347The well‑being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles 1 3 Vol.: (0123456789) Table 10  List of countries and years in WVS data Country Wave 5 Wave 6 Country Wave 5 Wave 6 Algeria 2013 Libya 2014 Andorra 2005 Malaysia 2006 2012 Argentina 2006 Mali 2007 Armenia 2011 Mexico 2005 2011 Australia 2005 2012 Moldova 2006 Azerbaijan 2011 Morocco 2007 2011 Bahrain 2014 Netherlands 2007 2012 Belarus 2011 New Zealand 2004 2011 Brazil 2006 2014 Nigeria 2011 Bulgaria 2005 Norway 2007 Burkina Faso 2007 Pakistan 2012 Canada 2006 Palestine 2013 Chile 2006 2011 Peru 2007 2012 China 2007 2012 Philippines 2012 Colombia 2005 2012 Poland 2005 2012 Cyprus 2006 2011 Qatar 2010 Ecuador 2013 Romania 2005 2012 Egypt 2013 Russia 2006 2011 Estonia 2011 Rwanda 2007 2012 Ethiopia 2007 Serbia and Montenegro 2005 Finland 2005 Singapore 2012 France 2006 Slovenia 2005 2011 Georgia 2009 2014 South Africa 2006 2013 Germany 2006 2013 South Korea 2005 2010 Ghana 2007 2012 Spain 2007 2011 Great Britain 2005 Sweden 2006 2011 Guatemala 2004 Switzerland 2007 Hong Kong 2005 2013 Taiwan 2006 2012 Hungary 2009 Thailand 2007 2013 India 2006 2014 Trinidad and Tobago 2006 2011 Indonesia 2006 Tunisia 2013 Iran 2007 Turkey 2007 2011 Iraq 2006 2012 Ukraine 2006 2011 Italy 2005 United States 2006 2011 Japan 2005 2010 Uruguay 2006 2011 Jordan 2007 2014 Uzbekistan 2011 Kazakhstan 2011 Viet Nam 2006 Kuwait 2014 Yemen 2014 Kyrgyzstan 2011 Zambia 2007 Lebanon 2013 Zimbabwe 2012 348 I. Love et al. 1 3 Vol:. 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