GLCb2020 Environmental threats and security Environmental security: history and concepts March 7, 2024 Miriam Matejova, PhD Agenda • What makes the world dangerous? • What is security? • What is environmental security? Realism and global danger • Rational agents with self-interests • Danger and fear linked to the questions of war and violence Realism and security • Security: a need to be protected from danger • Security for states – Focused on the concept of sovereignty – Usually from military perspective – Power understood as military or economic power Human security • 1994 UN Human Development Report • Focus on human life and dignity • Dimensions: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political security Securitization • Barry Buzan and the Copenhagen school – Security is not only military but also political, economic, social and environmental – Securitization agents, using speech acts, turn a problem into a security threat Securitization of the environment Environmental threats and politics •Three political dilemmas: 1) “Threats without an enemy” 2) High cost and economic interests 3) Need for global coordination •Should we explicitly link the environment and security? Why yes/no? Questions?