INTRODUCTION Lucie Konečná GLCb2026 Africas Contemporary Security Challenges 21/2/2024 Assessment and requirements Form of assessment Max. Points Presentation 20 Final exam 40 Assessment and marking: A 6 0 - 5 6 points B 55 - 51 points C 50 - 46 points D 45 - 41 points E 40 - 36 points F 35 and below Each student will prepare a presentation. The topic is chosen by the students themselves, but they should do a detailed case study of one African country (their choice) in which they will focus on one specific security problem such as terrorism, internal conflict, influx of refugees, piracy, food insecurity, violation of human rights etc. It does not have to be a security issue that was mentioned in class, an example is the violation of human rights, various non-environmental problems, etc. The presentation itself should take approximately 15-20 minutes and will take place in the last four classes of the course. Assignment of students to dates will be made at the end of March and the schedule will be uploaded to the information system. The presentation will be graded 0-20 points. Students should discuss the topic of their presentation with the teacher in advance. The topic of the presentation should be approved by the teacher. Students should not choose case studies that the teacher discussed in detail during class The final exam will be in the form of a written test, which will absorb the assigned literature and lecture materials. This will also include some general information from the student presentations. The test consists of 20 closed questions (each with one correct answer). A total of 40 points can be obtained from the final exam. Teaching Schedule Lecture 1 (21st of February): Introduction to the course Lecture 2 (28th of February): Conflicts in Africa Lecture 3 (6th of March): Terrorism in Africa Lecture 4 (13h of March): Organised Crime Lecture 5 (20th of March): Migration, Influx of Refugees, HIV/AIDS and Female Security Lecture 6 (27th of March): Weakening and Failing of the State Lecture 7 (3rd of April): Urbanization and Land Issues Lecture 8 (10th of April): Food and Water Security Lecture 9 (17th of April): Piracy Lecture 10 (24th of April): Students' Presentations. Lecture l l ( l s t of May): Students' Presentations. Lecture 12 (8th of May): Students' Presentations. Lecture 13 (15th of May): Students' Presentations Possibility of pre-term test. Compulsory Readings Schneckener, Ulrich. Spoilers or Governance Actors? Engaging Armed Non-State Groups in Areas of Limited Statehood. p. 3-26. (2009). Williams, Phil. Violent Non-State Actors and National and International Security. (2008): Rotberg, Robert. Failed States, Collapsed States, Weak States: Causes and Indicators (2006) chapter.pdf Swain, Ashok. Understanding Emerging Security Challenges Threats and Opportunities. Routledge. 2013. Emerson, Stephen and Hussein, Solomon. African security in the twenty-first century Challenges and opportunities. Manchester University Press. 2018. 0 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 Nigeria | | 1 76,035,708 Egypt I ™ 45,539,757 Ethiopia I 36,402,809 South Africa | WlS 3^754.540 Congo DR I WBESt 27,227,860 Morocco 20,652,010 Algeria J ^ 20,119,319 Tanzania j g j 19,447,872 K . p r y a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H S B 17,084/179 Sudan ^ 15,175,935 Uganda I ü 13,039,465 Mozambique 12,209,826 Ghana S 11,220,574 1982Angola | Q 9,338,346 Madagascar • 9,044,377 Total: 496,935,887 General Info About Africa Population (2020) 206,140 Angola General Info About Africa - Population 100 Northern Africa Eastern Africa Africa (total) Southern Africa Middle Africa Western Africa General Info about Africa - Form of (^nvprnmpnt presidential republic^ full presidential system presidential republics: executive presidency linked to a parliament presidential republics: semipresidential system parliamentary republics parliamentary constitutional monarchies in which the monarch d not personally exercise power a b s o l v e monarchies Parliamentary vs. Presidential Democracy Parliamentary Democracy Presidential Democracy Executive Select Legislative Eleel Citizens> Executive Legislative Citizens j AFRICA CENTER A . , T . u . v . . A £ ^ F O R S T B A T E U C STUDIES Autocracy and Instability in Africa U n l n n ' M l u i . CABO VERDE \ MAURITANIA 5E TM GAMBI G U H U - H M U ^ U L i SIERRA LEOS" 0 Active Conflict Democracy Democralizer Semi- \ulhoriLirijn Autocratic General Info about Africa - Level of Democracy Democracy Index 2022, global map by regime type Full democracies • 9.0 -10.0 | 8.0 - 9.0 Flawed democracies 7.0 - a.o 6.0 - 7.0 Hybrid regimes 5.0 - 6.0 4.0 - 5.0 Authoritarian regimes I 3.0 - 4.0 I 2.0 - 3.0 • 0-2.0 Mo data Source: EIU. General Info about Africa Shade of corruption Perceived levels of corruption in 180 countries 10- 19 2 0 - 9 9 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 5 0 - 6 9 7 0 - 8 8 General Info about Africa - Terrorism RANK COUNTRY SCORE RANK CHANGE 1 41 Afghanistan 3.622 «-» 2 4ft Burkina Faso 3.564 T 2 3 4 ft Somalia 3.463 «—• 4 4 1 Mali 3.412 T3 B 4 ft Syria 3151 T1 6 4ft Pakistan 3.1 SO T 3 7 11 liaq 3.139 i s a 4 ft Nigeria 3.065 i3 9 4ft Myanmar (Burma) 7.977 Tl 1Ü 4 ft Niger 7.616 I'l11 4 ft Cameroon 7.347 T1 12 4 ft Mozambique 7330 i1 13 I ft India 7.175 ** 14 4 k Democratic Republic of the Congo 6.372 t 2 15 1ft Colombia 5.697 i1 16 4 ft Egypt S.632 i l 17 'i Chile 6.619 T1 18 4 ft Philippines 6.328 i1 19 1ft Chad 6.168 «-» 20 1ft Kenya S.I S3 «-» 21 4 ft Iran 5.S88 t 5 22 ft Yemen 5.S1S i l 23 4 ft Turkiye 5.600 ** 24 4 ft Indonesia 5.502 *-* 25 ft Israel 5.489 t 5 26 4 ft Thailand 5.430 IA27 ft Togo 4.915 r 49 23 ft Benin 4.340 T 23 iThe Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) - Conflicts to watch 2024 SIPRI Conflict Trends 2022 A R M E D C O N F L I C T S BY N U M B E R OF E S T I M A T E D C O N F L I C T - R E L A T E D D E A T H S , 2022 Major armed conflicts with High-intensity armed conflicts Low-intensity armed conflicts 10 000 or more conflict-related with 1000 to 9999 with 25 to 999 conflict-related deaths in 2022. conflict-related deaths in 2022. deaths in 2022. Short Quiz • 1. Which African country currently has the highest incidence of HIV in the population (26% of the total population)? • 2. According to the FSI, which African country has the worst performance and is often labeled a failed state? • 3. Which two terrorist groups committed the most terrorist attacks in Africa in 2023? • 4. Which African country hosted the largest number of refugees in 2023? • 5. Which African country recorded the highest number of piracy attacks in 2023? • 6. Do you know which African city is the most populous? • 7. There are two states in which more than 90% of the urban population lives in slums. Do you know which states those are? • 8. Which countries are currently in dispute over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam? General Info Africa - FSI and Warning Alert j 5 15* • Z-5* • 1 - ZK | _ n . s - i * • DID5% •