TERRORISM Lucie Konečná GLCb2026 Africas Contemporary Security Challenges 06/03/2024 Terrorism - Definition and Typology • Peter Waldmann - Terrorist Calculus: a) Violent act (or threat to commit it) b) intended strong emotional reactior (fear in the enemy, positive emotions in sympathizers) c) subsequent certain reaction (hasty panic-dictated protective and retaliatory measures, but also active assistance in the combat effort) Table 1. Frequencies of definitional elements in 109 definitions of terrorism Element Frequency % 1 Violence, force 83.5 2 Political 65 3 Fear, terror emphasised 51 4 Threat 47 5 (Psychological) effects and (anticipated) reactions 41.5 a Victim - target differentiation 37.5 7 Purposive, planned, systematic, organised action 32 8 Method of combat, strategy, tactic 30.5 9 Extranormahiy, in breach of accepted rules, without humanitarian constraints 30 10 Coercion, extortion, induction of compliance 28 11 Publicity aspect 21.5 12 Arbitrariness; impersonal, random character; indiscrimination 21 13 Civilians, noncombatants, neutrals, outsiders as victims 17.5 14 Intimidation 17 15 Innocence of victims emphasised 15.5 16 Group, movement, organisation as perpetrator 14 17 Symbolic aspect, demonstration Lo oLhers 13.5 IS Jriculcul ability, unpredictability, unexpectedness of occurrence of violence 0 19 Clandestine, covert nature 9 20 Repetitiveness; serial or campaign character of violence 7 21 Criminal 6 22 Demands made on third parlies 4 Terrorism - Definition and Typology „Terrorism is the use of aggressive and excessive violence (or the threat of such violence) that is planned with the dominant purpose of sending a serious intimidating message to a significantly larger number of people (the target audience) than just those who are directly harmed by the primary violent acts or threats." M. Mares David Rapaport: The Anarchist wave (1878-1919), the Anti-Colonial wave (the 1920s-early 1960s), the New Left wave (mid-1960s-1990s), and the Religious wave (1995-?). Typology Mares - the ultra-left, ultra-right, ethnic and territorial, religious, ecological, criminal, psychopathological, single-issue. SchlTlid! There are many types of terrorism, the most prominent ones being: * single-issue terrorism; * lone wolf/actor terrorism * vigilante terrorism; * separatist (ethno -nati onal i st) terrori s m; * left-wing terrorism; * right-wing terrorism; * religious terrorism; * cyber-terrorism, * chemical.. Biological, Radiological and Nuclear ( C B R N ) terrorism; * state (or regime} terrorism.2 3 Trends of Contemporary Terrorism • 2007-2022 - number of terrorist attack? • Violent conflicts the main driver of terrorism, 97% of terrorist attacks in 2022 took place in a country where is an ongoing conflict. • The worst situation is in the Sahel, 48% of all victims, the worst situation in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA), Jamaat Nusrat AlIslam wal Muslimeen (JNIM). • Improvement in Nigeria (Boko Haram) • IS the deadliest terrorist group (Islamic State - Khorasan Province (ISKP), Islamic State - Sinai Province (ISSP) and ISWA). • Three main trends in Africa. • https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/ 2022 SCORECARD: AL QAEDA AND ISIS AQIM Est. 2007 i . o o o i / 1 ŤJNIM Est. 2014 2,000# H u r r a s a l Din Est 2018 1,000-3, o o o # ISIS Est. 2013 #6,000-10,000 ISKP Est. 2015 #1,500-4,000 ISGS Est. 2015 Unknown # t l S W A P Est. 2015 3,000-5,000# t l S C A P Est. 2018 Unknown # ISM Est 2022 é200-400 Trajectory t Rapidly Stre ngthe ning Strengthening — Maintaining % We ake ning ® Al Qaeda Affiliate Islamic State Branch Katherine Zimmerman and Kate Chesnutt Fighter estimates derived from the 2020 US State Department Country Reports on Terrorism and UN ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Monitoring Team reports. A l y - i T i.k W«m»= M r i r In f W I t.l ill k|| t W A J i . l . . - , . . ^ N r . ; . . i r w C i u b f r i a h i r j |IS£i Source; Arm*d Conflict Lw^ion Ewnt Uita Prgjpcl | AC LED) irtdi Afrit* C*rn#rfor Strttvgic Studi« Trends of Contemporary Terrorism - Africa Uqba ibn Nafi Brigad Al-Shabaab Allied Democratic Froces Ansar al-Sunna/Ahlu Sunnah wa Jama'a Boko Haram JNIM ISGS ISWA/ISWAP Trends of Contemporary Terrorism RANK RANK COUNTRY SCORE CHANGE 1 4ft Afghanistan 3.622 «-+ 2 4ft Burkina Faso 3.564 T 2 3 1ft Somalia 3.463 *—• 4 41 Mali 3.412 T 3 5 4ft Syria 8.1 Gl T 1 e