Organisation of the course and conditions for its completion
The course will take the form of lectures combined with seminars.
The conditions for successful completion of the course are as follows:
One opinion essay max. 15 points
One oral examination max. 20 points
A minimum of 21 points out of a total of 35 points is required to pass the course.
A prerequisite for passing the course is the preparation and submission of one opinion essay related to each lecture and participation in these lectures.
Essays must be submitted to the Homework folder by 12:00 noon on Saturday before the lecture.
The student will receive a course grade based on the performance demonstrated during the exam, and the student's activity throughout the semester, especially the quality of the essay submitted, will be reflected in the final grade.
Score distribution of the final grade:
A 35 - 33 points
B 32 - 30 points
C 29 - 27 points
D 26 - 24 points
E 23 - 21 points
F 20 or less
The sub-tasks in the course are thus:
1) One opinion essay (see the next section of the interactive syllabus for more on the essay)
2) An oral exam
The exam will cover the material covered in the lectures and required readings assigned for each class.
Important notes on cheating
Teaching at the FSS MU assumes that students know the study regulations and that they do not commit cheating, especially copying in examinations and plagiarism, i.e. passing off other people's ideas as their own and taking over other authors' ideas without attribution. Plagiarism is one of the most serious ethical offences in academia, denying the mission of the university and the purpose of study. Legally, plagiarism is the theft of someone else's intellectual property. Fraudulent performance of study obligations cannot be tolerated at FSS under any circumstances. Any case of fraudulent behaviour will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee. Students are advised to familiarize themselves as thoroughly as possible with the problem of plagiarism and ways to avoid it.