Č o v á s i n š p i r o v a l o p r i h l á s i ť s a d o p r o g r a m u ? D E S I G N T H I N K I N G ( p a r t 2 ) Q u i c k R E C A P S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s Perception PROBLEM SOLUTION S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s Reality PROBLEM SOLUTION D e s i g n T h i n k i n g Proven process & way of thinking 1 . F o c u s o n t h e r i g h t p r o b l e m . 2 . F o c u s o n t h e r i g h t s o l u t i o n . 1.Who is our target group? E m p a t h y + A c t i v e l i s t e n i n g • B e c u r i o u s • T a l k t o y o u r c u s t o m e r s • P u t o n t h e s h o e s o f y o u r c u s t o m e r 2 . W h a t d o t h e y r e a l l y n e e d ? *Valuepropositioncanvas. 3 . H o w m i g h t w e s o l v e i t ? D e s i g n T h i n k i n g Proven process & way of thinking Limits 4 . H o w t o t e s t y o u r i d e a ? Visualize your solution, so that you can test it with your customers C o m e u p w i t h q u e s t i o n s y o u n e e d a n s w e r s t o T h i s w a s a r e c a p N o w l e t ’ s w o r k F i n a l a s s i g n m e n t : Prepare a powerpoint presentation outlining an innovative solution to a problem. The presentation should include: • Problem statement • Definition of target group and a persona, including an empathy map • POV + How might we question? • Description of a solution and an MVP (visualization of your solution) – how is it solving the problem? • Summary of insights from users (both in the problem definition phase and in solution validation phase) – conduct at least 3 interviews with users • Summary of learnings from the process 1 . W h a t a r e ’ y o u r ’ p r o b l e m s ? “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein • Avoid proposing solutions. • Ask why. • Be specific. 1. Problem: Individuals find grocery shopping to be time-consuming and overwhelming due to crowded aisles, long lines, and difficulty in locating items. 2. Problem: Many school lunch options lack nutritional value and appeal, leading to children making unhealthy choices and potentially impacting their health and academic performance. 3. Problem: Existing public transportation systems suffer from inefficiencies, lack of accessibility features, and environmental concerns, resulting in inconvenience for users and negative impacts on urban areas. 3. Problem: Restaurants generate excessive single-use plastic waste, contributing to environmental pollution and harming ecosystems, while consumers increasingly demand eco-friendly alternatives. 4. Problem: Online learning platforms lack engaging and interactive features, hindering student participation and comprehension, as well as teacher-student interaction. 2 . W h o a r e y o u r c u s t o m e r s a n d w h a t d o y o u w a n t t o l e a r n f r o m t h e m ? Min. 10 questions 5 min D e f i n e a p e r s o n a H o w m i g h t w e … INSIGHTS Problem: Individuals find grocery shopping to be time-consuming and overwhelming due to crowded aisles, long lines, and difficulty in locating items. How might we: Improve the grocery shopping experience to make it more enjoyable and efficient for busy individuals? Problem: Many school lunch options lack nutritional value and appeal, leading to children making unhealthy choices and potentially impacting their health and academic performance. How might we: Create healthier and more appealing school lunch options to encourage children to make nutritious choices? Problem: Existing public transportation systems suffer from inefficiencies, lack of accessibility features, and environmental concerns, resulting in inconvenience for users and negative impacts on urban areas. How might we: Redesign public transportation systems to be more accessible, user-friendly, and environmentally sustainable? 1. How might we: Improve the grocery shopping experience to make it more enjoyable and efficient for busy individuals? 2.How might we: Create healthier and more appealing school lunch options to encourage children to make nutritious choices? 3.How might we: Redesign public transportation systems to be more accessible, user-friendly, and environmentally sustainable? 4.How might we: Develop solutions to reduce single-use plastic waste in restaurants without compromising convenience or hygiene? 5.How might we: Improve the online learning experience for students and teachers to make it more engaging and effective? 3 . H o w d o w e s o l v e i t ? No limits vs limits What if you only had 1 week and 1,000 EUR for the design? Visualize your solution, so that you can test it with your customers C o m e u p w i t h q u e s t i o n s y o u n e e d a n s w e r s t o F i n a l a s s i g n m e n t : Prepare a powerpoint presentation outlining an innovative solution to a problem. The presentation should include: • Problem statement • Definition of target group and a persona, including an empathy map • POV + How might we question? • Description of a solution and an MVP (visualization of your solution) – how is it solving the problem? • Summary of insights from users (both in the problem definition phase and in solution validation phase) – conduct at least 3 interviews with users • Summary of learnings from the process