Adobe Systems Typologies of Media Systems II Political and Media Systems, Klára Smejkal Adobe Systems Refreshing knowledge from previous lecture Obsah obrázku text, snímek obrazovky, Písmo, Grafika Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Adobe Systems Media systems and its research ̶All media in the country (McQuail, 1994) ̶Media system research ̶Normative theories – four theories of the press, McQuail and others, inductive approach ​ McQuail (1994) – based on basic communication values – freedom, equality, diversity, information quality (objectivity), solidarity, cultural order​ ̶Empirical theories​ Hallin and Mancini (2004) – but just political dimension​ Adobe Systems Comparing media systems ̶Hallin and Mancini, 2004 ̶arguing that media research from 50‘s shifted to media effects research, neglecting media systems ̶follow-up on Four theories of the Press from 50‘s But based on empirical evidence stayed away from normative approach ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Why comparative approach? ̶It senzitizes us to variation and to similarity ̶Important aspects of different aspects of media systems assumed to be natural ̶Comparison forces us to conceptualize individual aspects more clearly ̶Protect us from generalization Adobe Systems Comparing media systems: characteristics ̶18 countries in Europe and North America ̶3 types of media systems, based on 4 dimensions of comparison ̶Take in the account political and media history – co-evolution ̶Beyond 18 countries – not apply to the rest of the world without modification Adobe Systems Obsah obrázku text, řada/pruh, diagram Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Adobe Systems Dimensions of comparison ̶Development of the mass press ̶Press circulation, mass vs. elite oriented ̶Political paralelism ̶Newspapers have a clear political identification, also manifested in news content ̶Journalistic proffessionalism ̶Autonomy, shared norms and standards, serving the public as a whole ̶The role of the state ̶Public service media, press subsidies Adobe Systems Mediterranean or Polarized Pluralist Model (France, Greece, Italy, Protugal, Spain) Northern European or Democratic Corporatist Model (Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Nertherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland) North Atlantic or Liberal Model (Britain, U.S., Canada, Ireland) Newspaper Industry Low newspaper circulation, elite politically-oriented press High newspaper circulation, mass press Medium newspaper circulation, early mass press Political Parallelism High political parallelism, external pluralism, commentary oriented journalism, parliamentary or government model of broadcast governance External pluralism especially in press, historically strong party press, shift toward neutral commercial press, politics in broadcasting systém with substantial autonomy Neutral commercial press, information-oriented journalism, professional model of broadcast governance – formally autonomous Proffessionalization Weaker professionalization, instrumentalization Strong professionalization, institutionalized self-regulation Strong professionalization, non-institutionalized self-regulation Role of the state Strong state interventation, press subsidies, periods of cenzorship Strong state intervention but with protection of freedom, strong PSB Market dominated (except PSB in Britain and Ireland) Adobe Systems Obsah obrázku text, snímek obrazovky, Písmo, číslo Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Adobe Systems Shortcomings and disadvantages of this approach ̶It is not going beyond western world ̶Didnt take in the account new media and digital media environment ̶Didnt také in the account globalization Adobe Systems Shortcomings and disadvantages of this approach ̶Qualitative analysis ̶Didn‘t go beyond the western world ̶Didn‘t take in the account development of online media environment ̶Didn‘t take in the account globallization Adobe Systems Media systems beyond western world ̶ Adobe Systems Comparing media systems 12 years later ̶Hallin and Mancini's classification caused a revolution - a huge increase in publications and articles responding to their analysis ̶Development of approach focusing on quantitative operationalization ̶Political parallelism manifested in four types of phenomena: structural ties between media and political organizations, political affiliations of journalists, owners and media managers, media content, news consumption patterns ̶Downey and Stanyer – fuzzy-set approach Adobe Systems Obsah obrázku text, snímek obrazovky, číslo, Písmo Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Downey, J., & Stanyer, J. (2010). Comparative media analysis: Why some fuzzy thinking might help. Applying fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to the personalization of mediated political communication. European Journal of Communication, 25(4), 331-347. Adobe Systems New testing – 4 types of media systems ̶Southern (Spain, France, Greece, Italy) à Polarized Pluralist Model ̶Nordic (nordic countries + the Netherlands, Belgium) à Democratic Corporativist Model ̶Strong press subsidies, little ownership regulation ̶Central (Germany and United Kingdom) ̶Weak press subsidies, big ownership regulation ̶Western (U.S., Ireland, Portugal) Adobe Systems Changes in media environment ̶Globalization – convergence to liberal model and commercialization ̶ Online media development ̶Two hypotheses: Blurring national differences Continuity – online media development would reflect offline media environment ̶Systems are not reducible to their component part Adobe Systems Main take aways ̶Neutral press is not existing anymore ̶Diversification in european media ̶Western focused