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Semiauthoritarian Media Systems in South East Asia and the Middle East
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Semiauthoritarian Media Systems in South East Asia and the Middle East
Semiauthoritarian Media Systems in South East Asia and the Middle East
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Week 1 Overview of Course and Introduction to instructors.
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Week 2 The media in authoritarian and semi-authoritarian societies - Democratization and Liberalization Propaganda, Censorship & Information Control
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Week 3 - Theoretical Frameworks [1]
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Week 4 - Theoretical Frameworks [2]
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Week 5 - Propaganda: History, techniques and its impact on societies
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Week 6 - Understanding Censorship: Why journalists and media organizations self-censor
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Week 7 - Easter Break
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Week 8 - Games Semi-authoritarian Regimes Play
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Week 9 - Case study: Malaysia & Singapore (guest speaker - Dr Pauline Leong)
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Week 10 - Case study: GCC (Dr Albaraa Altourah)
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Week 11 - Case study: HK & China (Guest speaker: Dr Eric Wishart)
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Week 12 - Review, loose ends and wrap up
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Week 13 - Poster presentations
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Week 4 - Theoretical Frameworks [2]
W4 PMCb1126 Theory 2
Semiauthoritarian Media Systems in South East Asia and the Middle East
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Week 1 Overview of Course and Introduction to instructors.
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Week 2 The media in authoritarian and semi-authoritarian societies - Democratization and Liberalization Propaganda, Censorship & Information Control
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Week 3 - Theoretical Frameworks [1]
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Week 4 - Theoretical Frameworks [2]
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Week 5 - Propaganda: History, techniques and its impact on societies
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Week 6 - Understanding Censorship: Why journalists and media organizations self-censor
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Week 7 - Easter Break
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Week 8 - Games Semi-authoritarian Regimes Play
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Week 9 - Case study: Malaysia & Singapore (guest speaker - Dr Pauline Leong)
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Week 10 - Case study: GCC (Dr Albaraa Altourah)
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Week 11 - Case study: HK & China (Guest speaker: Dr Eric Wishart)
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Week 12 - Review, loose ends and wrap up
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Week 13 - Poster presentations
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