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Dutkiewicz, J. Whittaker, and M. Gurnis, as well as from careful reviews by M. Kominz, R. O'Connell, and an anonymous reviewer, which improved the paper substantially. Ideas for New Jersey margin mantle-driven subsidence evolved during a sabbatical at the California Institute of Technology in discussions with M. Gurnis and S. Spasojevic. This work was funded by the Australian Research Council. Supporting Online Material Materials and Methods Figs. SI to S6 Tables SI and S2 Database SI 9 October 2007; accepted 30 January 2008 10.1126/science.ll51540 Antisocial Punishment Across Societies Benedikt Herrmann,1 Christian Thoni,2 Simon Gachter1* We document the widespread existence of antisocial punishment, that is, the sanctioning of people who behave prosocially. Our evidence comes from public goods experiments that we conducted in 16 comparable participant pools around the world. However, there is a huge cross-societal variation. Some participant pools punished the high contributors as much as they punished the low contributors, whereas in others people only punished low contributors. In some participant pools, antisocial punishment was strong enough to remove the cooperation-enhancing effect of punishment. We also show that weak norms of civic cooperation and the weakness of the rule of law in a country are significant predictors of antisocial punishment. Our results show that punishment opportunities are socially beneficial only if complemented by strong social norms of cooperation. Recent research has shown that altruistic punishment, that is, a person's propensity to incur a cost in order to punish freeloaders who fail to pull their weight in cooperative endeavors, can explain why genetically unrelated individuals are often able to maintain high levels of socially beneficial cooperation (l^f). This holds even when direct and indirect reciprocity (5, 6) or laws and regulations provide no incentives to behave cooperatively (7). 1Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, University of Nottingham, School of Economics, Sir Clive Granger Building, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. university of St. Gallen, FEW-HSG, Varnbuelstrasse 14, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: In this paper, we direct attention to a phenomenon that [with a few exceptions (8-10)] has been largely neglected: People might punish not only freeloaders, but cooperators too. For example, participants who had been punished in the past for contributing too little might retaliate against the cooperators because the cooperators are precisely those individuals most likely to punish the free-riding low contributors. Our experimental evidence from 16 participant pools with various cultural and economic backgrounds shows that antisocial punishment of prosocial cooperators is indeed widespread in many participant pools; interestingly, the participant pools in which most of the previous research on altruistic punishment has been conducted form the main exception. Our observation of antisocial punishment grew out of our research goal to understand whether there are cross-societal differences in people's punishment and cooperation behavior. Previous large-scale cross-cultural evidence comes mainly from one-shot bargaining games conducted in small-scale societies around the world (11, 12). However, there is no systematic large-scale evidence on cooperation games. We therefore conducted cooperation experiments with and without punishment opportunities. Moreover, we ran our experiments as repeated games to see whether different cooperation levels emerge and remain stable across groups. Such a possibility is precluded in one-shot experiments. Our research strategy was to conduct the experiments with comparable social groups from complex developed societies with the widest possible range of cultural and economic backgrounds (13) to maximize chances of observing cross-societal differences in punishment and cooperation. The societies represented in our participant pools diverge strongly according to several widely used criteria developed by social scientists in order to characterize societies (14-16). This variation, covering a large range of the worldwide available values of the respective criteria, provides us with a novel test for seeing whether societal differences between complex societies have any impact on experimentally observable disparities in cooperation and punishment behavior. Experiments. The workhorse for our cross-societal analysis is the public goods game with and without punishment (1). The public goods game is a stylized model of situations that require 1362 7 MARCH 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE RESEARCH ARTICLES cooperation to achieve socially beneficial outcomes in the presence of free-rider incentives. Examples abound: warfare, cooperative hunting, voting, paying taxes, fighting corruption, contributing to public goods, teamwork, work morale, neighborhood watch, common pool resource management, recycling, tackling climate change, and so on. These are frequent situations with the common feature that cooperation leads to a group-beneficial outcome but is jeopardized by selfish incentives to ride free on others' contributions. To implement a cooperation game with and without punishment opportunities, we adapted a design developed by (1). In each participant pool, we conducted the exact same public goods experiment with real monetary stakes and two treatment conditions: a no-punishment condition (the N experiment) and a punishment condition (the P experiment). Groups of four members played the following public goods game in both conditions: Each member received an endowment of 20 tokens. Participants had to decide how many tokens to keep for themselves and how many to contribute to a group project. Each of the four group members earned 0.4 tokens for each token invested in the project, regardless of whether he or she contributed any. Because the cost of contributing one token in the project was exactly one token whereas the return on that token was only 0.4 tokens, keeping all one's own tokens was always in any participant's material self-interest, irrespective of how much the other three group members contributed. Yet, if each group member retained all of his or her tokens, there were no earnings to be shared; on the other hand, each member would earn 0.4 x 80 = 32 tokens if each of them invested their entire 20-token endowment. All the interactions in the experiment were computer-mediated (17) and took place anonymously. Participants were not informed about the identity of others in the group; they made their contribution decisions simultaneously, and, once the decisions were made, they were informed about the other group members' contributions. The only and crucial difference between the P experiment and the N experiment was that participants in the P experiment could punish each of the other group members after they were informed about the others' investments, whereas the N experiment ended after participants were informed about the other group members' contributions. A punishment decision was implemented by assigning the punished member between zero and 10 deduction points. Each deduction point assigned reduced the punished member's earnings by three tokens and cost the punishing member one token. All punishment decisions were made simultaneously. Participants were not informed about who punished them. One of the goals of our experiment was to see whether and at what level punishment stabilized cooperation in the P experiment compared to the N experiment. To allow for the emergence of different cooperation levels, we therefore repeated the experiment 10 times under both conditions, keeping the group composition constant. Because we were interested in whether people behave differently under the exact same cir- Punishment of free riding (negative deviations) Anti-social punishment (non-negative deviations) Boston Melbourne Nottingham St. Gallen Chengdu Zurich Bonn Copenhagen Dnipropetrovs'k Seoul Istanbul Minsk Samara Riyadh Athens Muscat Deviation from punisher's contrib. ■20,-11] ■10,-1] [0] [1,10] [11,20] Fig. 1. Mean punishment expenditures for a given deviation from the punisher's contribution. The deviations of the punished participant's contribution from the punisher's contribution are grouped into five intervals, where [-20, -11] indicates that the punished participant contributed between 11 and 20 tokens less than the punishing participant, [-10, -1] indicates that the punished participant contributed between 1 and 10 tokens less than the punishing participant, [0] indicates that the punished participant contributed exactly the same amount as the punishing participant, [1, 10] indicates that the punished participant contributed between 1 and 10 tokens more than the punishing participant, and [11,20] indicates that the punished participant contributed between 11 and 20 tokens more than the punishing participant In Boston, for example, participants (including nonpunishers) expended 0.96 money units on average for all cases of negative deviations between [-10, -1] and 2.74 money units on average in cases of deviations between [-20, -11]. Participant pools are sorted according to their mean antisocial punishment Fig. S2 and tables S3 and S4 provide complementary analyses. 3 2 10 12 Mean punishment expenditures cumstances, some methodological challenges arose. First, with regard to procedures, we followed the rules established in experimental economics (13). A second challenge was maximizing participant pool comparability to avoid confounds of participant pool differences with variations in sociodemographic composition. To minimize sociodemographic variability, we conducted all experiments with university undergraduates (n = 1120) who were similar in age, shared an (upper) middle class background, and usually did not know each other. We administered a postexperimental questionnaire to be able to control for further sociodemographic background characteristics (see table S2 for details). Results. We first analyze people's punishment behavior across participant pools. Our perspective is how an individual who has contributed a certain amount to the public good punishes other group members who contributed either less, the same amount, or more than them. Figure 1 therefore displays punishment expenditures as a function of how much the punished individual's contribution deviated from the contribution of the punisher. We label the punishment of negative deviations punishment of free riding because the punished group member rode free on the punisher's contribution. Put differently, from the perspective of the punisher the target member behaved less prosocially than the punisher. In case the target member contributed the same amount or more, he or she behaved at least as prosocially as the punisher. We therefore call the punishment in these cases antisocial punishment. Punishment behavior differed strongly across participant pools (Fig. 1). This holds in particular for antisocial punishment. A regression analysis of punishment behavior, which controls for the deviation, period effects, and sociodemographic composition, shows that antisocial punishment differed highly and significantly across participant pools [x2(14) = 64.9, P = 0.000; tables S3 and S4]. Although there was very little antisocial punishment in some participant pools, in others people punished those who contributed the same or more than them as harshly as those who rode free on them. By contrast, punishment of free riding was only weakly significantly different across participant pools [%2(14) = 23.1, P = 0.059; tables S3andS4]. The punishment of free riding is likely triggered by negative emotions that arise from a violation of fairness norms and from feeling exploited (1, 2, 18). But what explains antisocial punishment? One plausible reason is that people might not accept punishment and therefore seek revenge (8-10). Revenge is a "human universal" (19) and part of a culture of honor in many societies. Our measure for vengeful punishment is the punishment people mete out as a function of received punishment in the previous period. Controlling for contributions of the punisher and the punished participant, we find a highly significant increase in antisocial punishment across all participant pools as a function of the amount of punishment received o CS cn cs >, % 2 ■8 Ph e o "Sq c c a o -a < 0.01. Numbers in parentheses indicate robust standard errors. Dependent variable: group average contributions in period 2 to 10 Group average contributions in period 1 0.779" 0.720*** (0.052) (0.065) Group average punishment of free riding 0.521** 0.480** (0.201) (0.200) Group average antisocial punishment -2.247*** -1.256*** (0.350) (0.325) Constant 5.057*** 5.899*** (0.688) (1.221) Participant pool dummies No Yes Adjusted r2 0.60 0.67 Ftest 136.9 31.3 P value 0.000 0.000 N 273 273 o CM <=2 o c o O co ■ Copenhagen (11.5) ▲ Dniprop. (10.6) ■ Minsk (10.5) O St. Gallen (10.1) O Muscat (10) ♦ Samara (9.7) A Zurich (9.3) ♦ Boston (9.3) ♦ Bonn (9.2) O Chengdu (8) □ Seoul (7.9) ♦ Riyadh (7.6) ♦ Nottingham (6.9) A Athens (6.4) ■ Istanbul (5.4) A Melbourne (4.9) 1 ~i-1-1-r- 3 4 5 6 Period 10 Fig. 3. Mean contributions to the public good over the 10 periods of the N experiment. Each line corresponds to the average contribution of a particular participant pool. The numbers in parentheses indicate the mean contribution (out of 20) in a particular participant pool. finding stands in contrast to previous results from experiments conducted in the United States and Western Europe, where punishment always increased cooperation in experiments with comparable fixed-group designs and parameters (8, 10, 20-22). The reason for this result is related to antisocial punishment: the higher antisocial punishment was in a participant pool, the lower was the rate of increase in cooperation in the P experiment relative to the N experiment (Spearman's p = -0.76, P = 0.001, n = 16). Furthermore, participant pools' average cooperation levels in period 1 of the P experiment (where participants had not yet acquired any experience with punishment) were significantly negatively correlated with their subsequent mean expenditures on antisocial punishment: The more a participant pool expended on antisocial punishment in the later stages of the experiment, the lower was its initial cooperation level (Spearman's p = -0.78, P= 0.000, n = 16). What explains the large participant pool differences in antisocial punishment and hence cooperation levels? Punishment may be related to social norms of cooperation. Social norms exist at a macrosocial level and refer to widely shared views about acceptable behaviors and the deviations subject to possible punishment (23, 24). Thus, if participant pools held different social norms with regard to cooperation and free riding, they actually might have punished differently. An interesting set of relevant social norms are norms of civic cooperation (14) as they are expressed in people's attitudes to tax evasion, abuse of the welfare state, or dodging fares on public transport. These are all situations that can be modeled as public goods problems. The stronger norms of civic cooperation are in a society, the more free riding might be viewed as unacceptable and the more it might be punished in consequence. The flip side of the argument is that cooperators, who behave in the normatively desirable way, should not get punished; strong norms of civic cooperation might act as a constraint on antisocial punishment. The strength of the rule of law in a society might also have an impact on antisocial punishment. If the rule of law is strong, people trust the law enforcement institutions, which are perceived as being effective, fair, impartial, and bound by the law (25). Revenge is shunned. If the rule of law is weak, the opposite holds. Thus, the rule of law reflects how norms are commonly enforced in a society. We construct the variable norms of civic cooperation from data taken from the World Values Survey (13) (fig. S1A). The variable is derived from answers of a large number of selected representative residents of a country to questions on how justified (on a 10-point scale; 1 is fully justified; 10 is never justified) people think tax evasion, benefit fraud, or dodging fares on public transport are. The more reproachful these behaviors are in the eyes of the average citizen, the stronger are a society's norms of civic coopera- o CS cn cs >, % 2 ■8 Ph e o "Sq c E u CJ c B- a o -a