Politická a ekonomická antropologie

Týden 3 - 5.3. Geneze moderního státu, Vznik a rozšiřování kapitalismu, odpor a resistence


Max Weber. 1998. Protestantská etika a duch kapitalismu. In Metodologie, sociologie a politika. Praha: OIKOYMENH. Str. (s.195-225 kapitola "Duch" kapitalismu )

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Graeber David. 2006. Turning modes of production inside out: or, why capitalism is a transformation of slavery. Critique of anthropology 26(1):61-85

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Balandier.2000. “Podoba tradičního státu”. In Politická antropologie. Praha: Dauphin, 45-81

Aihwa Ong. 1996. Anthropology, China and modernities: the geopoloitics of cultural knowledge. In Moore, H. (ed.). The Future of Anthropological Knowledge. London: Routledge, 60-92

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Taussig, M. 1980. Devil and Commodity Fetishism in America.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (vybraná kpt.)

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Nancy Fraser. 2013. How feminism became capitalism's handmaiden - and how to reclaim it

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Silvia Federici. 2004.  Introduction, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation. AUTONOMEDIA, 1-18 nebo si poslechněte toto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2KjabftIvE

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a Odpor a resistence


Braveman, Irus. 2009. „Uprooting Identities: The regulation of olive trees in the Occupied West Bank.“. PoLAR, 32 (2):237-264.

Graeber David. 2009. Direct Action: An Ethnography. Oakland: AK Press

Lila Abu-Lughod. 1990. The Romance of Resistance: Tracing Transformations of Power through Bedouin Women. American ethnologist

Sauders, Robert R. 2011. „Whose place is this anyway? The Israeli separation barrier, international activists, and graffiti.“ Anthropology News, 52 (3): 16

Lewellen, Ted. C. 2003. „The power of the people: Resistance and rebellion.“ Political Anthropology: An Introduction. London: Praeger. 111-130.