Týden 8 - 9.4. Debata substantivisté vs. formalisté
Keith Hart. 1986. Heads or Tails? Two sides of the Coin.. Man, New Series, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 21, No. 4, pp 637-656
Bloch, Maurice – Parry, Jonathan. 1991. Introduction: Money and the morality of exchange. In Money and the Morality of Exchange. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-32.
Debata substantivistů a formalistů
Karl Polanyi.1957. Trade and Market in the Early Empires, str. 243-256
Holbraad, Menare. 2005. Expending Multiplicity: Money in Cuban Ifá Cults. JRAI
11, 231 -254
Richard. 1996. Economic Anthropology: An Undisciplned Discipline. In Economies and Cultures. 1-26.
Roseberry, William. 1988. Political Economy. Annual Review of Anthropology, 17:
Maurer, B. 2003. Uncanny Exchanges: the Possibilities and Failures of ´Making
Change´with alternative Monetary Forms. Environment and Planning D: Society
and Space. Volume 21, 317-340