Politická a ekonomická antropologie

Týden 4 - 12.3. Kolonialismus, postkolonialismus a dekolonizace


Ema Hrešanová, 2023. Comrades and spies, From socialist scholarship to claims of colonial innocence in the Czech Republic, American Ethnologist, Vol. 50(3), pp. 419-430

American Ethnologist 2023 Hresanova Comrades and spies
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Mintz, Sidney. 1986. Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. New York: Penguin Books. (části str. 52-72  a Introduction)

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Radim Hladik, “A Theory’s Travelogue: Post-Colonial Theory in Post-Socialist Space

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Aihwa Ong.2010. Spirits of resistance and Capitalist discipline Factory Women in Malaysia.

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Dipesh Chakrabarty. 2008., Provincializing Europe (2nd. ed.), “Introduction” (pp. 3-16)

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Whitehead. Tribes Make Sates and States Make Tribes: Warfare and the Creation of Colonial Tribes and States in Northeastern South America. In R. Brian Ferguson and Neil L. Whitehead (eds.), War in the Tribal Zone: Expanding State and Indigenous Warfare, pp. 127-150

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Fassin. Didier.2012. „Hieararchies of Humanity: Intervening in International Conflicts.“ In Humanitarian  Reason: Moral History of the Present. Berkeley: University of California Press.223-242

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Talal Asad. 1979. Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. In: The Politics pf Anthropology, Huizer, G. (ed.), London: Mountain Publishers, 103-118

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