Sociology of identity

Week 4 From “me” to the “collective.” The concept of “stigma.”

Obligatory reading:

George H. Mead. Mind, Self, and Society. 1934. Pages: 173 – 185; 253 – 280.  

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Supplementary reading

Dr. Pragya Agarwal

Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias. Bloomberg, 2020, pp. 54 – 66.

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Erving Goffman. Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. A Touchstone Book 1986. pp. 1- 31. 

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Home task:

Prepare the record discussion based on your discussion questions. Please, choose the partner(s) among your classmates, read the text(s), formulate the questions, arrange the zoom meeting and record the discussion (podcast) with your feedback on the reading.