The aim of the course is to make students acquainted with the development of the engagement of the European Union as an actor in EU neighbourhood. The emphasis is put on the Eastern dimension of EU neighbourhood policy and also on the background of the relations between the EU and The Russian Federation, which has represented the important (competing) actor in the EU´s eastern neighbourhood.
In the first part of the course the students will also discuss about the theoretical concepts concerning the role and actorness of the European Union as an actor of International Relations, both generally (taking into account also the recent development of the CFSP/CSDP) and also in the EU´s neighbourhood. The concepts of Normative Power Europe, EU as a civilian power, EU as a market power etc. will be discussed, including the discussion about the possible enhancement of the EU as an actor in the security area. Concepts of resilience, hybrid threats and cognitive warfare will be addressed in relation to the EU´s policy towards the eastern neighbourhood (Eastern Europe and South Caucasus).
But we will discuss the EU also as a transformative power and the recent changes in the EU´s policy towards the Eastern Partnership countries, which overlaps with the aims of the EU enlargement policy. Therefore, we will work also with the concepts of europeanisation and conditionality in
relation to EU neighbouring countries via both the Eastern partnership policy and
newly also via the enlargement policy, in
connection with the recent developments in the EU Eastern neighbourhood.
Significant part of the course is devoted also to the development, formation and functioning of the European Neighbourhood Policy with the emphasis on the policy of Eastern Partnership and countries that have been involved in this policy. The phenomenon of the Eastern Partnership policy as a kind of EU development policy and allso i connection with the EU enlargement policy, the requirements of the accession process and the specifics of the EaP countries that have newly transformed into the candidate countries, each of them with specific problems connected with this process, will be discussed (e.g. in case of Moldova). The importance and practical functioning of this policy will thus also be dealt with.
In the context of the past and present of the Eastern Partnership policy, we will also deal with the EU as an actor of democracy and human rights promotion (esp. in the specific case of Belarus).
We will also extensively discuss about the EU as a crisis management actor in the eastern neighbourhood, esp. in connection with the conflicts in
post-soviet area (Georgia, Ukraine, Transnistria, Nagorno Karabakch, Armenia-Azerbaijan).
After the end of the course students will be able to understand and explain the role of the European Union in the Eastern dimension of its neighbourhood, the problems of particular partner countries, which have participated at Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia). Attention will also be paid to the current context of the war in Ukraine and its influence in other areas of Eastern Europe, but also to the recent history of EU relations with the countries of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus: the problems of the democratisation process of these countries, the cooperation between the EU and these countries in the political, economic, energy etc, areas.
The students will also be acquainted with the history and present of the EU-Russia relations, the developments of the Russian foreign policy, and the political and security situation in the region in general, in connection with the EU as the external actor.
For successful passing of the course the student is required to gain min.
42 points out of 70 points
The final
grade will be calculated as a composite evaluation of four parts:
papers (3) and active participation in the particular class
discussion............................................................................................................max. 15 points
Final written
............................max. 30 points
(Group) Project + PPT presentation OR individual policy paper
+ seminar
discussion about the paper ………………………………………...............max. 25
Bonus points
Maximum: 70
Pass: 42 points
and more.
A= 70-65
B = 64-59
C = 58-53
D = 52-47
E =
1. Position
Every student is obliged to prepare and submit 3 short position papers on
the basis of literature (around 2500 characters, +/- 10 %) out of
the 5 broader topics below (the selection is up to each student) and discuss
the problems and questions included in the papers in the class.
List of broader topics:
1) EU policy towards Russia: Past and present; problems and challenges. Are there any perspectives?
2) EU
policy towards Ukraine; limits and possibilities of EU conflict response. Future of EU-Ukraine convergence
3) Moldova:
From the Eastern Partnership policy to the EU enlargement policy (successes and
4) Belarus
and the EU: Is there any future for the EU as an actor of democracy promotion?
5) Eastern
Partnership and the geopolitical crossroads of South Caucasus
These are broader issues which cover many particular aspects, problems on both the macro- (regional), but also micro- (state) level etc.In the format of a short position paper it is btetter to focus on some particular problem or several (2-3 max.) problems and explain at the beginning of the paper the aims and problems that the paper is focused on.
Position paper thus must include short summary of its structure and aims, own reflection of the particular problem on the basis of the literature and the presentatiom of the main arguments (key part of the paper). There should be a cleas conclusion + at least 1-2 questions for the further discussion. List of references is a compulsory part of the paper.
Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folders no later than 1 p.m. (13:00) of the day before the seminar for which the position paper is written (i.e. Monday).
Each paper
will be evaluated with max. 5 points (the paper + the
participation in seminar discussion).
2. (Group) Project and presentation OR individual policy paper + seminar discussion about the paper
Every student is obliged either to participate in a project (in couples - which is preferred, but it is possible also individually) or to submit an individual policy paper.
The (group) projects will be presented (PPT) in the class by particular couple or individual and submitted in the form of paper into particular folder of submitted student works.
Length of the final paper: 4,000 words for couples (+/- 10 %), 2,000 - 3,000 words for individuals. Deadline: May 9, 2025
Individual policy papers will be submitted into particular folder of submitted student works. Length of the policy paper: 4,000 words (+/- 10 %). Deadline: May 9, 2025
The individual policy papers will be dicussed during the last seminar in May 2025, every author will prepare a short presentation of the topic, findings and recommendations (without PPT).
Max. 25 points for a (group) project or individual policy paper.
The couple or individual shall select particular event which concerns current EU-Russia relations, or particular countries of Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, South Caucasus countries), their relations with the EU (or these countries as such) and analyse, how selected media reflect this event or phenomenon.
(Examples of such events: e.g. events connected with Russian foreign or internal policies, current conflicts in post-soviet area, incl. the situation in Ukraine, migration phenomenon, candidate status of some EaP countries, elections in these countries etc.).
The students are invited to consult the selection of the particular topic, media analysed
and/or method of analysis with the teacher.
Dr. Jim A.
Kuypers & Stephen D. Cooper (2005) A Comparative Framing Analysis
of Embedded and Behind-the-Lines Reporting on the 2003 Iraq
War, Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 6:1, 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/17459430500262083
Redden (2011) Poverty in the News, Information, Communication
& Society, 14:6, 820-849, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2011.586432
The task of the couple/individual is to analyse discourse concerning current EU-Russia relations, or particular countries of Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, South Caucasus countries), their relations with the EU (or these countries as such), some particular event concerning these countries and/or their relations with the EU (see above the examples of the events) and the reflection of these events/phenomena in the discourse of particular political actor/actors.
The actors can be the EU representatives, political
representatives of particular EU member state/states, Russian political
representatives, representatives of particular EaP country/countries etc. The
couple is invited to consult the selection of the particular topic, and/or
method of analysis with the teacher.
Aydın-Düzgit (2016) De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical
Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches, South European Society and
Politics, 21:1, 45-58, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2016.1147717
formulate and describe 1 particular existing problem which concerns: A)
EU and Russia; B) EU-Ukraine relations; C) EU-Belarus relations; D) South
Caucasus; E) Eastern Partnership policy as such.
Analyse the
particular problem (background, context, possible causes, actors involved).
Try to evaluate existing possibilities for solution of the problem (you can also suggest your own ways for solution) – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; possible future scenarios
recommendations for particular actors.
Do not
forget the list of sources/bibliography!
Individual policy
papers will not be presented in the formo of PPT, but the authors must be prepared
to discuss the selected topic and their recommendations in the final seminar (see above).
3. Final
written exam
Final written exam will consist of 2 open, reflexive questions, max. 15
points for each answer (max. 30 points total). The exam will be based
on the lectures and literature, but rather then focused on factual knowledge
the 2 questions will have essayistic character.
Mgr. Petra
Kuchyňková, PhD.
tel.: 549 49