EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries

Introduction, content of the course and course requirements. Introductory discussion: Which role(s) does the EU play as an international actor and which role(s) does it play in its (eastern) neighbourhood? - 18 February 2025

Introduction to the course, introduction to its structure and requirements for passing.


The topic of the introductory lecture and discussion: 

What ambitions does the EU have and which role(s) does it actually play as an actor in its (Eastern) neighbourhood?

In the literature on the EU as an actor in international relations, the "traditional" role of the Union as a civil or normative power is often described. In what ways and through which policies and instruments has the EU played these roles and how successful has it been in these roles? 

What changes have been brought in this area with the emergence of the European Neighbourhood Policy and, subsequently (2009), with the establishment of the Eastern Partnership? What are the benefits, prospects, but also limits and failures of these policies? What are the implications of the current events in Eastern Europe (the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and subsequent war and other events that have followed in Eastern Europe in recent years)? 

The lecture, accompanied by a discussion, introduces the EU as an actor in international politics and relations. Attention is first paid to the changes brought about by the Lisbon Treaty in the field of the CFSP/CSDP and in the light of these changes the question of vertical, institutional and horizontal coherence (cohesion) of EU external policy in the post-2009 period is commented upon. We will discuss the EU's "activism" in the international arena, the concepts of "civilian" and "normative power" and their application in the context of the EU's (Eastern) neighbourhood.

EU actorness in international relations, its various forms, possibilities and limits will be further discussed directly in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, its eastern dimension and the Eastern Partnership policy (an assessment of the benefits so far as well as the problems and shortcomings, but also the impact of current events in Eastern Europe).

Questions for discussion: 

Which roles as an actor does the EU play now (should play) in its Eastern neighbourhood?

Can we describe the EU as a normative actor that tries to spread and promote certain norms/values in its neighbourhood? Is it succeeding or failing in this endeavour? What are the obstacles? 

Should the EU also aspire to play a greater role as a security actor? In which areas/dimensions?

Is it time for fundamental changes in the EU's approach to the eastern neighbourhood? (Eastern Partnership policy vs. enlargement policy)

Literature (indicative, recommended):

Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard (2024): A crisis of one´s own: The politics of trauma in Europe´s election year. Policy Brief 22 17 January 2024. On-line:

Mark Leonard (2023): The Ukraine war and European identity. Commentary. 12 May 2023. On-line:

Pernille Rieker and Marianne Riddervold (2022) Not so unique after all? Urgency and norms in EU foreign and security policy, Journal of European Integration, 44:4, 459-473, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2021.1977293

Dick Zandee and Adája Stoetman (2023):  The war in Ukraine.  Adapting the EU’s security and defence policy. Clingendael. Netherlands Institute of International Relations. July 2023. On-line:

Further recommended:

Josep Borrell (n.d.): A Window on the World - Blog by HR/VP Josep Borrell. On-line: 

Sjursen, H. (2017): Principles in European Union Foreign Policy. In Hill, Christopher; Smith, Michael and Vanhoonacker, Sophie (eds.; 2017): International Relations and the European Union. Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 443-462

The Diplomatic Service of the European Union. On-line:

Further recommended links:

Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center (n.d.):

EEAS: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP):

EEAS: Eastern Partnership:

European Council on Foreign Relations (n.d.): 

Clingendael Institute: Europe - beyond the borders:


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