Review Sustainable energy development analysis: Energy Trilemma Luisa Martia , Rosa Puertasb, * a Group of International Economics and Development, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022 (Spain) b Group of International Economics and Development, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022 (Spain) A R T I C L E I N F O Article History: Received 1 December 2021 Accepted 8 January 2022 A B S T R A C T Sustainable development is perceived as a socioeconomic system focused on meeting human needs while making long-term progress, with the end goal of ensuring well-being and improving quality of life. The objective of this article is to analyse the sustainable development policies assessed by the World Energy Trilemma Index (WETI) for 2020, based on its three pillars (Energy security, Energy equity and Environmental sustainability) and the political and economic context of 128 countries. To that end, cluster analysis and contingency tables are used. The first of these methods allows us to determine whether nations' economic profile influences their sustainable energy development, while the latter method is used to establish the possible connection between the political and economic context and the different aspects of sustainable development. The results of the cluster analysis reveal the existence of three homogeneous groups of countries, showing that the economies with the lowest GDP growth and the highest incomes hold the top positions in the WETI ranking. However, this association is not as clear when analysing the three energy trilemma pillars separately, pointing to the need for a more in-depth examination of each one. The contingency tables confirm the association between the Country context and sustainable energy development, showing that countries that are assigned a better grade for political and economic aspects adopt more appropriate energy measures. The research reveals the need for leaders’ active engagement in the implementation of international agreements on climate change, thus facilitating the path towards sustainable development. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Keywords: Energy trilemma Cluster Contingency tables Country context Introduction The concept of sustainable development (SD) originally appeared in the Brundtland report published in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED, 1987). It was the first time that the negative consequences of globalization had been documented, turning the focus of attention to industrialization and uncontrolled population growth. The term has now been extended and linked to all areas of society. It is based on three closely related basic pillars: environmental protection, social development and economic growth. Attempts to tackle challenges such as climate change or water scarcity are only viable if SD is promoted. In short, SD is about trying to meet people's needs in the present without compromising those of future generations. According to the Brundtland report, governments have to adopt population control measures in order to guarantee essential needs: education, health and housing; food security; access to drinking water and sanitation; and the conservation of biodiversity. At the same time, they must reduce fossil fuel consumption and encourage the use of renewable energies. SD can never be linked to unlimited economic growth, as it would be unsustainable and thus oxymoronic (Bolis et al., 2014; Hummels & Argyrou, 2021). Many different definitions of SD have been proposed, some of which contradict each other, making it difficult to grasp the scope of this term (Klarin, 2018). More than two decades ago, Dobson (1996) documented over 300 definitions of SD; however, despite some differences between them, they all revolved around the original concept established by the WCED. SD can be understood as a socioeconomic system focused on meeting human needs while making long-term progress, with the end goal of ensuring well-being and improving quality of life, all within a framework of respect for the environment (Zhang & Zhu, 2020). The need to achieve SD at all levels has prompted more than 30 years of international agreements and numerous action plans. This terminology has been included in all the United Nations (UN) programmes, from the Rio de Janeiro summit held in 1992—which gave rise to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development—to the Chile climate summit held in Madrid in 2019. Despite this, however, the joint international effort needed to guarantee success has not yet been achieved (Hak et al., 2018). According to * Corresponding author at: Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. E-mail addresses: (L. Marti), (R. Puertas). 2773-0328/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NCND license ( Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship Van Opstal and Huge (2013), it is because of leaders' lack of proactivity that SD has not had a sufficiently far-reaching influence on the world’s population. It is essential that decision-makers evaluate the potential impact of all their proposals on society and the environment (Nogueira, 2019). The Paris Agreement on Climate Change in 2015 and the publication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the same year marked a turning point in the struggle for a sustainable society. Both entail binding agreements, requiring not only a profound economic and social transformation, but also a commitment from all parties involved: governments, civil society, science and business (Huan et al., 2021). Sachs et al. (2019) propose six transformations needed to achieve the SDGs: (1) education, gender and inequality, (2) health, well-being and demography, (3) energy decarbonization and sustainable industry, (4) sustainable food, land, water and oceans, (5) sustainable cities and communities, and (6) digital revolution for SD. This study focuses on the third transformation, aimed at ensuring access to modern energy sources, achieving the decarbonization of the energy system by midway through the century, and reducing pollution of the soil, water and air (WEO, 2017; WEO, 2016; K€ummerer et al., 2018). We use the World Energy Trilemma Index (WETI) for 2020 to carry out a thorough examination of this transformation through an analysis of the constituent pillars—Energy security, Energy equity and Environmental sustainability—while also assessing the specific political and economic context of the different countries. The results will provide answers to the following research questions: Q1. Does the economic profile of a country influence its sustainable energy development? The answer to this question can be found through a cluster analysis of the three pillars of the energy trilemma (Energy security, Energy equity and Environmental sustainability) and their association with the macroeconomic situation of the country measured in terms of GDP growth and GDPpc. Q2. Is there a direct connection between the political and economic context and the different aspects of sustainable energy development? Contingency tables can be used to measure the frequency of countries in the sample with similar categories in the analysed dimensions as well as the strength and sign of the association between public and private politics (assessed by the Country context) and the dimensions of the energy trilemma. Building on the existing paradigm, the analysis in this research makes the following novel contributions: (1) it identifies the possible relationship between the economic situation and the energy sustainability (SDG 7) of a large group of countries; (2) it examines the extent to which the policies adopted by public and private decisionmakers affect SD; (3) it uses a large database made up of 128 countries, on the basis of which different performance profiles of the countries in the sample are identified; (4) by avoiding the use of the overall WETI score it ensures that the conclusions obtained are not affected by potential shortcomings associated with a method of aggregating the pillars that does not account for possible differences between countries, (5) it uses up-to-date information referring to the year 2020, meaning that the conclusions drawn can be immediately implemented by leaders and can serve as a guide to future decisions on actions to take. The rest of the article is structured in the following sections. The research on energy sustainability and economic growth is reviewed in Section 2. The composition of the sample and the methodology used in the research are presented in Section 3. The results are analysed in Section 4 and the main conclusions are discussed in Section 5. Literature review: energy sustainability and economic growth In the 2030 Agenda approved by the UN in 2015, the 17 SDGs proposed are aimed at ensuring the SD of the entire planet. They address major challenges related to social, economic and environmental issues. When implementing actions aimed at achieving these goals, there is a need to account for the interrelationships among them all in order to harness synergies and thus guarantee the success of the measures adopted (Lusseau & Mancini, 2019; Jimenez-Aceituno et al., 2019; Lucatello & Huber-Sannwald, 2020; Fartash et al., 2020). For example, SDG 7—affordable and clean energy—is central to efforts to eradicate poverty (SDG 1, SDG 2) and make progress on basic issues such as health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4) or care of the biosphere (SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15). International agreements on climate change seek a proper transition to clean energy, reducing CO2 emissions. They do so in a context characterized by continuous growth in energy demand driven by population growth, urbanization and industrialization (Lee et al., 2018). Specifically, SDG 7 sets three targets to be achieved by 2030: ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services; increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix; and double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Alongside this ambitious goal (SDG 7), the Paris Agreement prioritizes keeping the global average temperature rise compared to preindustrial levels well below 2°C. Against this backdrop of multiple interrelated objectives, the complexity involved in assessing the progress made by different countries becomes clear. Consequently, there has been an immediate reaction from the research community, with the publication of abundant literature on the development of synthetic indices that enable comparative analyses, which in turn guide the decisions to be taken by the responsible parties (DiazSarachaga et al., 2018; Venghaus & Dieken, 2019; Horan, 2020). For example, the International Energy Agency measures both the production and consumption of energy as well as energy self-sufficiency and global energy intensity (IEA, 2019). The International Index of Energy Security Risk estimates global energy security risks using a qualitative and quantitative reference model in order to better understand their importance (Global Energy Institute, 2018). The World Energy Council's WETI, used in this research, measures the energy performance of more than a hundred countries. The WETI is used internationally as a tool to support decision-making in energy policy and governance. Due to the broad spectrum covered by this index, it has given rise to an extensive literature, seeking to highlight the lack of political and ecological aspects, and linking energy security—understood as security of supply—to the other two dimensions of energy equity and environmental sustainability (WEC, 2020). The WETI establishes an energy performance ranking of countries based on the aggregation of four weighted pillars. This aggregation has sparked a number of controversies due to the underlying differences between the assessed countries. As an alternative, Song et al. (2017) suggest applying stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis to determine the holistic acceptability indices, facilitating the exploration of the weighting space for each country. Likewise, Sprajc et al. (2019) question the methodology behind the configuration of the index, deeming it somewhat unreliable if only the overall result is evaluated. Asbahi et al. (2019) use the WETI to provide evidence of a negative correlation between Energy security and Environmental sustainability. They call for all countries to commit to achieving sustainable energy use, with the development of new technologies that ensure efficiency in terms of affordable, clean and reliable energy. Another branch of the literature has focused on investigating the possible association between the energy trilemma and economic growth. Khan et al. (2021) propose an index merging the three pillars of the energy trilemma, from which they obtain the independent variable used in the second part of their study, where the impact of the energy trilemma on economic growth is analysed. The authors show that in the most advanced countries according to the WETI there is a positive relationship between the two variables over the long term. According to Esen and Bayrak (2017), this positive association L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 2 requires an efficient use of energy, with the authors reporting evidence of a negative relationship between the level of income and the effect of energy consumption on economic growth. Khan and Hou (2021) expand on these conclusions by showing that higher energy consumption is associated with intense growth and notable CO2 emissions. Following this line of research, Armeanu et al. (2021) investigate the possible linkages between energy, CO2 emissions, economic growth and urbanization at a global scale, using a sample of 106 countries spanning 25 years. Based on the results, some specific recommendations can be made. For example, countries classified as low income by the World Bank should use renewable energy to reduce their energy intensity, and authorities should be encouraged to levy additional charges on carbon emissions. Jun et al. (2021) examine the impact of globalization, non-renewable energy consumption and growth on CO2 emissions in South Asia. The study shows that the consumption of non-renewable energy increases environmental pollution, with a positive relationship found between economic growth and environmental pollution up to a threshold, at which point the relationship is reversed. Asiedu et al. (2021) investigate the effect of renewable and non-renewable energy on growth in 26 European countries, finding bidirectional causality between renewable energy consumption and economic growth, as well as between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption. European governments are urged to invest in renewable energies, which will reduce CO2 emissions over the long term. Furthermore, the analysis of the connection between the macroeconomic situation and the three dimensions of the energy trilemma has also focused on specific countries such as Pakistan (Nawaz & Alvi, 2018), Brazil (Prado et al., 2016), Germany (Coester et al., 2020), and Japan (Gasparatos & Gadda, 2009), among others. This research broadens the scope of action by analysing 128 countries with the latest available information, corresponding to 2020, allowing valuable conclusions to be drawn. Material and methods The World Energy Council has published the WETI annually since 2010. Its objective in doing so is to provide an assessment of the performance of the energy systems of 128 countries, establishing a ranking based on the dimensions of the energy trilemma and the countries' political and economic context. Specifically, the analysed aspects are grouped into the following pillars: - Energy security (30%): ability to meet current and future energy demand, taking into account management efficiency, reliability and resilience to shocks that entail supply disruptions. - Energy equity (30%): ability to provide the population with access to an energy supply, with a focus on the affordability of the sup- ply. - Environmental sustainability (30%): ability to avoid environmental degradation and the impacts of climate change. The focus here is on productivity and efficiency of generation, distribution, decarbonization, and air quality. - Country context (10%): measures macroeconomic and governance conditions, the stability of the economy and the government, as well as the country's attractiveness to investors and capacity for innovation. The percentage indicates the weight of each pillar in the calculation of the overall index score; as such, changes in a country's energy performance have a greater impact than any change in its macroeconomic or governance conditions. The WETI score ranges from 0 to 100, and is used to generate a ranking of the 128 countries based on the aggregation of the aspects considered. The three dimensions of the energy trilemma are quantitatively assessed and a letter (A, B, C, or D) is assigned according to the quartile to which they belong. Country context is not given a numerical score but is just assigned a grade of a, b, c, or d depending on the level attributed on the basis of certain facts about the country. By tracking the scores over several years leaders can get a fair assessment of the progress they have made, and benchmark against the successes or failures of their counterparts (Table 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A in the Appendix). Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of the three dimensions of the energy trilemma. All of them have been used to calculate the clusters, thereby responding to the first research question. Table 1 shows a wide dispersion in Energy equity among the countries analysed. In contrast to the highest score registered by Luxembourg (100), there are countries like Niger, which scores just over 8.2 points. Luxembourg is a small, densely populated nation, lacking natural energy resources, but with the highest GDPpc in Europe and a strong connection to international energy markets. All this, together with its low road fuel taxes, contributes to an affordable and accessible energy supply. In the Environmental sustainability dimension, Switzerland registers a score of 90 points, closely followed by Sweden and Norway. These are economies that are keenly aware of the need for transformation and the orientation of new technological advances towards renewable energy supplies. They enjoy a very diversified energy system, counting on government support to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Lastly, in Energy security it can be seen that all countries still have a long way to go to improve their grade. Canada, Finland and Romania top the ranking with 77.1, 75.4 and 74.5 points, respectively. These are countries with abundant hydrocarbon resources and markedly diversified and decarbonized energy systems, giving them an advantage over the rest. The empirical part of the research is based a cluster analysis of the 128 countries in the sample, as well as the construction of contingency tables relating the pillars of the WETI. Cluster analysis is suitable for studies aimed at the grouping of data and has been widely used in several areas: agriculture and the food industry (Reiff et al., 2018), sustainable development indicators (Megyesiova & Lieskovska, 2018), renewable energy and economic growth (Ntanos et al., 2018), climate change (Puertas & Marti., 2021) and waste treatment (Marti & Puertas, 2021). In this paper, it has been applied to identify groups of countries similar to one another in terms of their energy performance (Energy security, Energy equity and Environmental sustainability). By so doing, we can determine the possible connection with the countries' macroeconomic situation (Q1). Specifically, Ward's method has been used to identify which clusters to merge in successive steps, taking the squared Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity. This method is preferable to others because it minimizes the variance within each cluster, emphasizing internal homogeneity (Ward, 1963; Lance & Williams, 1967). The Kruskal-Wallis test is then used to confirm the adequacy of the defined groups, by verifying that the mean of each one is statistically different from the rest. Based on the pillars of the WETI categorized into four levels (A, B, C, D), contingency tables have been created to provide an answer to Q2. The aim is to explore the association between the political and economic context and each one of the pillars of the energy trilemma. Three contingency tables have been created, with the following structure (Table 2). Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the dimensions of the energy trilemma. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Mean 56.38 76.35 67.93 SD 11.27 23.79 11.44 Min 27.70 8.20 39.00 Max 77.10 100.00 90.00 L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 3 Based on the data in Table 2 the expected frequencies are calculated using the following expression: Eij ¼ ni ¢ n¢ j N ð1Þ where, N is the total number of observations in the table, ni, is the number of observations in row i, and n,j is the number of observations in column j. Both the observed and expected frequencies are necessary to perform the x2 test showing whether the variables considered in the study are independent or not. The result of the x2 test confirms whether the levels of a qualitative variable influence those of another variable. The x2 test is defined by the following expression: x2 ¼ Ph i¼1 Pk j¼1 nij À Eij À Á2 Eij ð2Þ where, nij is the observed frequency, and Eij is the expected frequency. The null hypothesis is that of independence between factors. The alternative hypothesis is that of dependence between factors. In addition, the Gamma coefficient, which indicates the strength of the link between the two analysed variables, is used as a measure of association. Its value ranges between -1 and 1, with the sign indicating either a direct or inverse relationship between the pillars studied. This method has been widely used in the literature; it can be applied to any field of research to determine the frequency of association between two variables (Sujova & Remen, 2018; Zelterman & Louis, 2019; Mahieu et al., 2020; Sumekar and Al-Baarri, 2020). Results and discussion The pillars of the WETI are aimed at assessing the complicated goals governments face when attempting to guarantee competitive energy supply and access to energy, while also striving to protect the environment. Based on these pillars and countries' macroeconomic situation, this study first seeks to establish a hierarchy of the different countries in the sample to identify similarities in their sustainable energy systems (Q1). Q1. Does the economic profile of a country influence its sustainable energy development? The dendrogram resulting from the application of the cluster method reveals three homogeneous groups of countries; the first is composed of 78 countries, the second 27 and the third 23 (Table 5A in the Appendix). The Kruskal-Wallis test confirms the adequacy of the grouping by identifying significant differences between the means of each group (x2 is significant at a p-value<0.05). Table 3 shows the mean values for the total sample, as well as those for the three resulting clusters. By comparing the mean for the sample of 128 countries included in the WETI and the mean for each of the clusters, we can define profiles of their Energy performance (Table 3). These values have been compared with the mean values for economic growth, measured in terms of GDP, and the level of wealth (GDPpc) of the countries that make up each of the resulting clusters. This comparison provides an answer to Q1, clarifying whether the pillars of the energy trilemma are influenced by countries' macroeconomic situation. The clusters can be characterized as follows: - Cluster 1 (C1) is made up of 78 countries with a high level of wealth (€26,108/inhab) and a mean GDP growth of close to 2.5%. Fig. 1 shows the 10 countries that hold the top WETI positions in this cluster according to their overall score, with all of them registering more than 80 points: Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Finland, France, UK, Canada, Germany and Norway. They all have a GDPpc of over $40,000 (Luxembourg with $116,640, Switzerland $82,797 and Norway $81,697) and show moderate growth, ranging from 1.3% in Norway to 2.8% in Switzerland. However, there is no uniformity in the levels reached in the three dimensions of the index. On the one hand, all these nations show a strong commitment to environmental sustainability by allocating substantial resources to achieving clean, environmentallyfriendly energy, while the situation is very different in the dimensions Energy equity and Energy security. France, Germany and Sweden hold a much lower position in Energy equity (32nd, 33rd and 39th, respectively) compared to other countries such as Iran or Lebanon (9th and 17th, respectively); the latter are characterized by their precarious economic situation (zero growth and a GDPpc of $5628 in Iran, and 0.2% growth and a GDPpc of $ 8270 in Leba- non). Regarding Energy security, the performance of Norway and Luxembourg is noteworthy: while they achieve good scores in the other two dimensions, they register just 60 and 54.3 points, respectively, in this dimension. They both lie behind countries such as Nigeria, Guatemala or El Salvador, all of which are categorized as lower middle income by the World Bank. One of the reasons for this is that Luxembourg's score is influenced by the size of its geographical area, which limits its diversity and capacity to generate energy resources (Belaïd, 2017). The situation in Norway is very different: the results analysed capture the impact of COVID-19. This is a country whose exports far exceed its domestic consumption; however, in the last year the authorities have decided to reduce oil production to help stabilize the world market. Hence, the results contradict those reported in the study by (Asbahi et al., 2019), where Norway held the top position for this dimension in 2015 according to an index based on WETI proposed by the authors. Table 2 General structure of contingency tables of observed frequencies. INDICATOR “A” Criterion i A B C D Total INDICATOR “B” A n1,1 n1,2 n1,3 n1,4 n1,  B n2,1 n2,2 n2,3 n2,4 n2,  C n3,1 n3,2 n3,3 n3,4 n3,  D n4,1 N4,2 n4,3 n4,4 n4,  Total n,1 n,2 n,3 n,4 n5,  Table 3 Kruskal-Wallis test and the mean values of the indicators for the 3 clusters. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability GDP Growth (%) GDPpc (PPP US $) Number of countries Total Mean 56.38 76.35 67.93 3.19 18,333.20 128 C1 Mean 62.70 89.52 69.47 2.49 26,108.99 78 C2 Mean 47.55 75.37 71.36 3.13 10,384.52 27 C3 Mean 45.32 32.81 58.68 5.66 1294.17 23 Test Kruskall-Wallis x2 61.81 71.02 20.74 p-value 0.000 0.000 0.000 L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 4 - Cluster 2 (C2), comprising 27 countries, with a mean GDPpc of over $10,300 and economic growth of 3.13%, occupies an intermediate position. This group is composed of nations that are very proactive on environmental issues; indeed, it is the cluster that shows the strongest commitment to decarbonization and cutting CO2 emissions. Fig. 2 shows the top 10 countries in C2 terms of overall WETI score, with values ranging between 66 and 72 points: Singapore, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Albania, Panama, Armenia, Montenegro, Paraguay and Georgia. This group shows a marked disparity between dimensions of the energy trilemma. They all hold very low positions in Energy security (with scores for this pillar ranging between 54.5 for Georgia and 37.9 for Singapore), more middling positions in Energy equity, and they are among the top 10 countries in the full sample in terms of Environmental sustainability (with Albania in 4th place, Panama 6th and Costa Rica 7th). They are characterized as having focused their policies on mitigating and preventing environmental degradation and the impacts of climate change. In short, these are economies focused on efficient productivity, decarbonization and air quality. Furthermore, it can be seen that countries such as Singapore, Cyprus and Hong Kong, whose income ranges from $28,159 per capita in Cyprus to $64,582 in Singapore, obtain a very low score in Energy security (37.9, 42.7 and 37.9), while they hold the top positions in Energy equity (with a score of 92.5, 98.1 and 98.1), and Energy sustainability. Authors such as Veloria (2020) demonstrate that Singapore in particular does not need to increase its endowment of energy resources; rather it needs technological innovation policies that make it possible to reduce the existing energy gap between supply and demand, along with international agreements that promote and facilitate its participation in the global energy system. For their part, Ligus and Peternek (2021) propose a composite index incorporating 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Switzerland Sweden Denmark Austria Finland France UK Canada Germany Norway indexpoints Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Overall score Fig. 1. Energy trilemma of the top 10 countries in cluster 1 according to the WETI overall score. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CostaRica HongKong Singapore Albania Panama Georgia Armenia Cyprus Paraguay Montenegro Indexpoints Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Overall score Fig. 2. Energy trilemma of the top 10 countries in cluster 2 according to the WETI overall score. 5 L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 all the dimensions of the energy trilemma—the Energy Development Aggregated Index—according to which Cyprus is in the penultimate position of all the European countries, only ahead of Bulgaria. - Cluster 3 (C3), composed of 23 countries, brings together African and Asian countries with limited economic resources (Mozambique, Niger and Myanmar with $499, $414 and $1326 per capita) and countries with high growth rates (Armenia, Montenegro and Georgia with growth rates of 5.2, 5.1 and 4.8%). In general, they have very low scores in all the aspects assessed by the energy trilemma, showing huge room for improvement in energy competitiveness and environmental protection. Fig. 3 shows the 10 countries in C3 that register the highest WETI score (with values between 46 and 56 points): India, Ghana, Kenya, Myanmar, C^ote d'Ivoire, Cambodia, Cameroon, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. When assessing the whole sample, all these countries are in the bottom quartile in terms of Energy equity and five of them are for Environmental sustainability (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan, India and Nigeria). Regarding Energy security, they are split between the third and fourth quartile, with Pakistan and Bangladesh standing out as the worst rated (41.6 and 39 points, respec- tively). According to Oliver Wyman (2015) the countries that are weakest in terms of energy performance should focus on improving their efficiency to reduce energy demand and increase energy security and economic competitiveness. In this vein, Jain and Goswami (2021) show that the endowment of energy resources, the production of renewable energy, the price of crude oil, population density and GDPpc are all factors that significantly influence the energy efficiency of countries in South Asia. Alemzero et al. (2021) develop a composite index of energy security in Africa, based on which they call for more intense intraregional trading of energy, as well as investments in renewable energy and energy infrastructure to guarantee supply and ensure environmental sustainability. Summing up, in answer to Q1 it can be said that the established clusters show that the countries characterized as having lower growth and higher income on average (cluster 1) are found in the top positions of the WETI. However, when analysing the pillars of the energy trilemma this association is less clear. For example, Luxembourg, which has GDP growth of more than 3% and the highest GDPpc in the analysed sample, holds the top position in Energy equity, but just 15th place in Environmental sustainability and 78th in Energy security. This confirms that the score obtained is not so dependent on the country's macroeconomic situation or on the volume of resources available. Energy security is strongly influenced by the country's ability to decarbonize energy systems and introduce alternative energies. Regarding Energy equity, public instruments play a key role in supporting this dimension through the adoption of policies that foster extraction and transport of supply. The Environmental sustainability pillar essentially depends on countries' degree of engagement in international agreements on climate change. Thus, in this dimension, Albania, with a per capita GDP of only $5269, rubs shoulders with countries classified as high income by the World Bank. This is due to its ratification of the Paris Agreement and its effective commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions (0.017% of global emissions). Q2. Is there a direct connection between the political and economic context and the different aspects of sustainable energy development? In response to the second research question, three contingency tables have been created to measure the level of association between the political and economic context and the three pillars of the energy trilemma (Table 4). The result will indicate whether macroeconomic stability, government effectiveness and innovation capacity influence countries’ ability to achieve a top score for the performance of their energy systems. The results of Pearson's chi-squared test (p-value<0.05) confirm the association between the Country context and the three pillars. The value of the Gamma statistic (p-value<0.05) reveals the positive relationship between the analysed dimensions. As reflected in the contingency tables, the extreme categories for each of the variables (the first quartile A and the fourth quartile D) contain the most countries (Table 4). For example, those countries that get good grades in Environmental sustainability also score well in Country context (17 countries). These are countries with a highly innovative profile, macroeconomic stability and a good perception of the quality of public services and policies. In general, this association is repeated for the other pillars. Based on these results, we can answer Q2: the countries' political and economic context underpins the scores obtained in 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 India Ghana Kenya Myanmar CotedIvone Cambodia Cameroon Pakistan Bangladesh Nigeria Indexpoints Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Overall score Fig. 3. Energy trilemma of the top 10 countries in cluster 3 according to the WETI overall score. L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 6 the SD dimensions. Decision-makers responsible for implementing energy measures should foster the introduction of new technologies and proactive policies aimed at integrating clean, accessible energy for all citizens. These suggestions are supported by the conclusions reached in other studies carried out by the research community (Warren & Jack, 2018; Quitoras et al., 2020; Grigoryev & Medzhidova, 2020). Conclusions Achieving the SDGs requires a global commitment from all nations to ensure the adaptation of not just their economies but also of their way of life, moving towards a situation that is more conducive to SD. These goals cannot be analysed in isolation. They constitute a package that needs to be addressed from all possible perspectives: social, economic and environmental. This research carries out a comprehensive analysis of the pillars of the energy trilemma (SDG 7) in order to guide decision-makers, both public and private, in their task of implementing measures that foster the use of clean, affordable energy. The results show that countries' macroeconomic situation does not determine all the aspects assessed. The active involvement of leaders in the implementation of international agreements on climate change is required. This will ensure that all nations orient their policies in the right direction, fostering the implementation of sustainable energies, avoiding international dependence and guaranteeing that the entire population has affordable access to energy. In addition, the study provides evidence that these measures, assessed in Country context, are strongly associated with the level achieved in the different dimensions of the energy trilemma. The main limitation of this analysis is that it is a dynamic study, requiring regular updates with new statistical information. A country's evolution and involvement in SD issues tends to be notably affected by the political orientation of its leaders; hence, any change in government can alter the situation in the country and change its course. All this underlines the need to continue adapting the conclusions to a multifaceted situation in which the implementation of the established agreements is assured. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Appendix Table 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A and 5A Table 4 Results of contingency tables. Country context Environmental sustainability A B C D Total A 17 (13.3%) 8 (6.2%) 6 (4.7%) 2 (1.6%) 33 (25.8%) B 14 (10.9%) 5 (3.9%) 14 (10.9%) 7 (5.55%) 40 (31.2%) C 3 (2.3%) 4 (3.1%) 10 (7.8%) 11 (88.6%) 28 (21.9%) D 2 (1.6%) 5 (3.9%) 8 (6.2%) 12 (9.4%) 27 (21.1%) Total 36 (28.1%) 22 (17.2%) 38 (29.7%) 32 (25%) 128 (100%) Pearson's chi-squared: 30.060 (p-value: 0.000) Gamma: 0.496 (p-value: 0.000) Country context Energy equity A B C D Total A 26 (20.3%) 6 (4.7%) 3 (2.3%) 3 (2.3%) 38 (29.7%) B 10 (7.8%) 15 (11.7%) 15 (11.7%) 6 (4.7%) 46 (35.9%) C - 1 (0.8%) 12 (9.4%) 5 (3.9%) 18 (14.1%) D - - 8 (6.2%) 18 (14.1%) 26 (20.3%) Total 36 (28.1%) 22 (17.2%) 38 (29.7%) 32 (25%) 128 (100%) Pearson's chi-squared: 89.267 (p-value: 0.000) Gamma: 0.788 (p-value: 0.000) Country context Energy security A B C D Total A 15 (11.7%) 7 (5.5%) 6 (4.7%) 5 (3.9%) 33 (25.8%) B 12 (9.4%) 5 (3.9%) 13 (10.2%) 7 (5.5%) 37 (28.9%) C 4 (3.1%) 7 (5.5%) 10 (7.8%) 3 (2.3%) 24 (18.8%) D 5 (3.9%) 3 (2.3%) 9 (7%) 17 (13.3%) 34 (26.6%) Total 36 (28.1%) 22 (17.2%) 38 (29.7%) 32 (25%) 128 (100%) Pearson's chi-squared: 26.002 (p-value: 0.002) Gamma: 0.383 (p-value: 0.000) Table 1A Dimensions of the energy trilemma of Africa. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Algeria 55.2 85.6 57.9 Angola 69.4 54 79 Benin 35.6 20.9 39 Botswana 41.9 70.4 63.9 Cameroon 51.7 34.1 61.8 Congo 35.2 8.4 73.7 Cote dIvone 55.6 36.5 63 Egypt 58.1 84 44 Eswatini 41.1 66 71.5 Ethiopia 36 31.5 61.5 Gabon 58.9 79.5 62.5 Ghana 53.1 46.3 68.4 Kenya 59.9 33.8 70.9 Magascar 43.8 11.2 67.2 Malawi 43.5 8.9 63.1 Mauritania 43.4 33 59.2 Mauritius 42 81 74.6 Morocco 46.1 79.3 65.6 Mozambique 44.8 18.3 60.7 Namibia 42.6 55.3 78 Niger 30.5 8.2 43.3 Nigeria 64.1 31.4 45.7 Senegal 40.8 32.6 57 South Africa 52 77.4 58.6 Tanzania 43.4 22.1 68.1 Tunisia 56.4 83.8 61.4 Zambia 43.1 31.6 60.5 Zimbawe 42.8 38.6 57.8 L. Marti and R. Puertas Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 1 (2022) 100007 7 Table 2A Dimensions of the energy trilemma of Asia. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Australia 63.2 95.8 66.9 Azerbaijan 68.4 85.8 69.2 Bahrain 60 99.7 42.2 Bangladesh 39 50.4 56 Brunei 54.1 94.4 60.7 Cambodia 46.1 52 55.9 China 64.5 80.8 57.7 Hong Kong 42.7 98.1 72.9 India 59.7 60 49.1 Indonesia 67.9 72 64.5 Iran 65.1 98.7 54.4 Iraq 42 85 49.7 Israel 50.6 97.3 67.5 Japan 59.4 94.3 74.5 Jordan 41.1 69.9 60.9 Korea Rep 60.5 97.1 64.3 Kuwait 59.8 99.8 47.2 Lebanon 27.7 97.3 60.7 Malaysia 64.3 86.7 69.4 Mongolia 46 77.5 44.3 Myanmar 57.7 45.9 64.1 Nepal 31 47.5 49.9 New Zealand 64.9 94.6 78.9 Oman 50.9 99.7 50.6 Pakistan 41.6 51.5 53.7 Philippines 59.6 56.4 68 Qatar 65.5 99.8 42.9 Saudi Arabia 59.9 99 44.3 Singapore 37.9 98.1 70.3 Sri Lanka 53.8 60.3 71 Tajikistan 45.4 67.5 63.2 Thailand 54 78.5 66.2 United Arab Emirates 59.3 99.8 49.2 Vietnam 61.4 76 61.1 Table 3A Dimensions of the energy trilemma of Europe. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Albania 46.5 83.8 85.8 Armenia 54.5 78.3 73.8 Austria 70.2 96.3 81.9 Belgium 60.4 95.2 77 Bosnia and Herzegovina 58.8 74.6 61.4 Bulgaria 72.2 85.9 73 Croatia 67.8 88.1 77.8 Cyprus 37.9 92.5 68 Czech Rep 72.4 93.6 72.4 Denmark 74.4 96.2 83.4 Estonia 62.5 94.8 69.5 Finland 75.4 93 78.1 France 68.3 95.1 85.5 Georgia 54.5 76.5 73.8 Germany 72 95 77.8 Greece 53.8 90.7 73.2 Hungary 72.1 94.5 75.8 Iceland 56 99.3 75 Ireland 56.2 98.1 77.9 Italy 66.6 95.8 81.5 Kazakhstan 69.2 88.2 58.6 Latvia 74.1 83.7 74.6 Lithuania 60.9 95.7 79.2 Luxembourg 54.3 100 80.3 Malta 46.1 95.8 78.8 Moldova 48.7 68.6 56.2 Montenegro 50.4 78.4 73 Netherlands 59.2 98 72.5 North Macedonia 56.7 87.7 69.6 Norway 60 95.1 87.2 Poland 62.7 84.7 65.9 Portugal 63.7 92.2 78.1 Romania 74.5 78.8 79 Russia 69.1 97 62.5 Serbia 62.1 77.7 62.2 Slovakia 70.1 84.2 80.3 Slovenia 67.9 93.4 77 Spain 65.7 92.4 79.8 Sweden 72.8 94 87.5 Switzerland 66.4 97.9 90 Turkey 56.7 83.8 66 UK 68.4 96.3 82.5 Ukraine 70.2 75.4 69.9 Table 4A Dimensions of the energy trilemma of America. Energy security Energy equity Environmental sustainability Argentina 63.1 95.9 75.5 Barbados 56.1 90.4 75.2 Bolivia 59.8 73.7 62.6 Brazil 72.6 77.8 83.4 Canada 77.1 95.6 73.4 Chile 62 82.3 71.9 Colombia 63.7 75.8 83.8 Costa Rica 53.2 84.6 84.7 Dominican Rep 47.7 83 71.2 Ecuador 65 84.5 78.6 El Salvador 61.1 75.9 78.2 Guatemala 63 65 71.2 Honduras 49.3 67.1 69.7 Jamaica 40.7 82.5 67.2 Mexico 59.9 84.6 69.6 Nicaragua 50.1 59.7 69.6 Panama 45.2 83.9 84.9 Paraguay 50.9 77.4 78.1 Peru 67.3 73.5 74.9 Trinidad and Tobago 50.3 97.9 48.6 Uruguay 60.8 91.2 84.2 USA 72.2 96.7 71.6 Venezuela 67.4 86.2 74.1 Table 5A Countries in each cluster. Countries CLUSTER 1 Bahrain, Barbados, Brunei, Croatia Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Rep, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea Rep, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, Bolivia, Egypt, El Salvador, Indonesia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Gabon, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, North Macedonia, Peru, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela CLUSTER 2 Cyprus, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tajikistan, Armenia, Eswatini, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mauritius, Moldova, Morocco, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Albania, Angola, Botswana, Costa Rica, Dominican Rep, Jamaica, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Namibia, Panama CLUSTER 3 Bangladesh, Benin, Cambodia, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Zambia, Mauritania L. 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