Politická a ekonomická antropologie

Týden 10 - Dluh a role dluhu (22.4.)


Graeber, David. 2012. Dluh. Prvních 5000 let. BizBooks (kpt. 1 a 3)

Federici, S. 2014. From Commoning to Debt: Financialization, Microcredit, and the Changing Architecture of Capital Accumulation. South Atlantic Quarterly. 1 April; 113 (2): 231–244. 


Bloch, M., Parry, J. 1991. Introduction: money and the morality of Exchange. In Money and the Morality of Exchange. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-32

Peebles, G. 2010. The Anthropology of Credit and Debt. Annual Review of Anthropology39(1), 225–240.

Robbins, R. H. 2018. An anthropological contribution to rethinking the relationship between money, debt, and economic growth. Focaal, 2018(81), 99-120. 

Soederberg, S. 2014. Student Loans, Debtfare and the Commodification of Debt: The Politics of Securitization and the Displacement of Risk. Critical Sociology40(5), 689–709.

Appel, Hannah (2014). Finance is Just Another Word for Other People’s Debts: An Interview with David Graeber‘. Radical History Reviwe, 118, 159-73