Politická a ekonomická antropologie

Týden 12 - Dary, reciprocita, komodity, sféra výměny a morální ekonomie (6.5.)


Mauss, Marcel. 1999. Esej o daru, podobě a důvodech směny v archaických společnostech. Praha: Slon


Parry, J. P. 1986. “The Gift, the Indian Gift, and the ‘Indian Gift’.” Man 21 (3): 453–473.


Sanchez, Andrew, James G. Carrier, Christopher Gregory, James Laidlaw, Marilyn Strathern, Yunxiang Yan & Jonathan Parry (2017). „The Indian Gift“: A criticial debate. History of Anthropology 28 (5): 553-83 10.1080/02757206.2017.1375489 (alespoň 553-559 ale klidně i dále)


Marcoux, Jean-Sébastien (2009). Escaping the gift economy. Journal of Consumer
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Parry, J. P. 1989. “On the Moral Perils of Exchange.” In Money and the Morality of Exchange, edited by Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry, 64–93. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rakopoulos, Theodoros (2020). Cooperatives. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of
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Palomera, Jaime & Theodora Vetta (2016). Moral Economy: Rethinking a Radical Concept‘. Anthropological Theory, 16 (4): 413-32.

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