Antropologie chudoby

Týden 8 - Urbánní prekarita, urbánní chudoba a prekarizované bydlení (7.4.)


Lancione, M. 2019. The politics of embodied urban precarity: Roma people and the fight for housing in Bucharest, Romania, Geoforum, 101 (2019), pp. 182-191.

Powell, R., & Lever, J. 2015. Europe’s perennial ‘outsiders’: A processual approach to Roma stigmatization and ghettoization. Current Sociology, 65(5), 680–699. 


Další četba:

Čanigová, K., & Souralová, A. (2024). Coping with housing precarity: Roma women’s responses to housing insecurity in the Czech Republic. Housing Studies, 1–23.

Dotsey, S. & Chiodelli, F. 2021. Housing precarity, City, 25:5-6, 720-739, DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2021.1979802

 Lombard, M. 2021. The experience of precarity: low-paid economic migrants’ housing in Manchester, Housing Studies 

Wacquant, L. 2008. Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality. Cambridge: Polity Press (kpt.8)

Berescu, C. 2011. The rise of the new European Roma ghettos: a brief account of some empirical studies, Urban Research & Practice, 4:3, 344-352.

Florea, I., Gagyi, A. & Jacobsson, K. 2018. A field of contention: Evidence from housing struggles in Bucharest and Budapest. Voluntas 29, 712–724.

Bourgois, P. 2003. In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, Series Number 10) 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press