Sociology of identity

Week 1 Introduction to the course and brief overview of the content.

Making acquaintance with the group, interactive practice “Who am I? Who are we?”

Provide a video/audio/an object that could reflect on the identity you are interested in or are associated with. 

Please read the syllabus. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Activities, requirements, expectations and grading:

 1)    ATTENDANCE - Participation and attendance at lecture classes is mandatory and worth 1 point for each session.

 2)    PARTICIPATION IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS AND GROUP ACTIVITIES - During the class, students will have the opportunity to present their work or ask questions, receiving up to 4 points for contributing to the discussion (see also below). Participation* in class discussion - active discussion is encouraged, with an additional 4 points for each participant. The highest scores (3-4) is given to: a reflection or question about the material presented, reasoned and containing direct references to cases, practices or sources of literature that are considered in the course. The lowest grades (1-2) are given to questions, comments on presentations that do not contain critical remarks, reflections or considerations on the part of the student.  Speeches or questions that do not relate to the topic of the class are not evaluated. 

In order to record these points, each student who participated in the discussion during the class must come to the teacher after the end of the class and record their participation so that the teacher can mark it during the evaluation.

 3)    CLASS DISCUSSION FACILITATION Discussion facilitation is a mandatory assignment during the semester and is worth 10 points. The group of facilitators must consist of maximum 4 students (better 1-2 facilitators) per class and the whole discussion should not exceed 30 minutes.


The course project consists of designing and conducting an in-depth interview with a key informant (respondent) on a topic related to the study of a particular aspect of identity. It worth 10 points.

 5)    FINAL EXAMBased on the practical assignment you should write an analytical essay. At the end of the semester, students will receive a written assignment, the completion of which will prove that they have passed the course30 points.  


The final grade consists of:

1)    Attendance and participation in the discussion (up to 50%)

2)    Discussion facilitation (10%)

3)    Practical assignments during the course (10%)

4)    Final exam (30%) based on compulsory readings and practical assignment.