MEJUOOS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS Trotter, M. (1992)- life wiling: Exploring the practice of autoethnograpby in anthropology. Unpublished master's diesis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, True confessions; The age of the literary memoir [Special issue]. (I 996, May 12). New York Times Magazine. Turner, V, & Bruner, E. (Eds.). (1986). The anthropology of experience. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Tyler, S. (1986). Post-modern ethnography: From document of the occult to occult document. Inj. Clifford and O.E. Marcus (Eitingculture;Tbe poetics and politics of ethnography (pp. 122-140). Berkeley; University of California Press. Van Maanen, J. {1988). Tales of the field: &n writing ethnography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Van Maanen, J. (1995). An end to innocence; The ethnography of ethnography. In J. Van Maanen (Ed.), Representation in ethnography (pp. 1-35). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Van Maanen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. Albany: State University of New York Press. Wittgenstein, L- (19.53). Philosophical investigations (G. Anscombe, Trans.)H>Jcw York: Macmillan. Zola, I. K. (1982). Missing pieces; A chronicle of living with a disability. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Zussman, R. (1996). Autobiographical occasions. Contemporary Sociology, 2S, 143-148. Mi 258 '>*- 7 Data Management and Analysis Methods Gery W. Ryon and H. Russell Bernard ♦ Texts Arc Us This chapter is about methods for managing and analyzing qualitative data. By qualitative data we mean text: newspapers, movies, sitcoms, e-mail traffic, folktales, life histories. We also mean narratives—narratives about getting divorced, about being sick, about surviving hand-to-hand combat, about sel ling sex, about trying to quit smoking. In fact, mosrofthearchaeo-logically recoverable information about human thought and human behavior is text, the "good stuff" of social science. Scholars in content analysis began using computers in the 1950s to do statistical analysis of texts (Pool, 1959), but recent advances in technology are changing the economics of the social sciences. Optical scanning today makes light work of convening written texrs to machine-readable form. Within a few years, voice-recognition software will make light work of transcribing open-ended interviews. These technologies are blind to epistemological differences. Interprerivists and posiuvists alike are using these technologies for the analysis of texts, and will do so more and more. Like Tcsch (1990), we distinguish between the linguistic tradition, which treats text as an object of analysis itself, and the sociological tradition, which treats text as a window into human experience (see Figure 7.1). The linguistic tradition includes narrative analysis, conversation (or 259 Dolo Management and Analysis Methods discourse) analysis, performance analysis, and formal linguistic analysis. Methods for analyses in this tradition are covered elsewhere in this Handbook. Wc focus here on methods used in the sociological tradition, which we take to include work across the social sciences. There are two kinds oť written texts in the sociological tradition: (a) words or phrases generated by techniques for systematic elicitation and (b) free-flowing texts, such as narratives, discourse, and responses to open-ended interview questions. In the next section, we describe some methods for collecting and analyzing words or phrases. Techniques for data collection include free lists, pile sorts, frame clicitations, and triad tests. Techniques for the analysis of these kinds of data include componcntial analysis, taxonomies, and mental maps. We then turn to the analysis of free-flowing texts. We look first at methods that use raw text as their input—methods such as key-words-in-context, word counts, semantic network analysis, and cognitive maps. We then describe methods that require the reduction of text to codes. These include grounded theory, schema analysis, classical content analysis, content dictionaries, analytic induction, and ethnographic decision models. Each or these methods of analysis has advantages and disadvantages. Some are appropriate for exploring data, others for making comparisons, and others for building and testing models. Nothing does it all. ♦ Collecting and Analyzing Words or Phrases Techniques for Systematic Elicitation Researchers use techniques for systematic elicitation to identify lists of items that belong in a cultural domain and to assess the relationships among these items (for detailed reviews of these methods, see Bernard, 1994: Borgatti, 1998; Weiler, 1993; Weller &C Romncy, 1988). Cultural domains comprise lists of words in a language that somehow "belong together." Some domains (such as animals, illnesses, things to eat) are very large and inclusive, whereas others (animals you can keep at home, illnesses that children get, brands of beer) are relatively small. Some lists (such ^a the list of terms for members ma family or the names of all the Major League Baseball teams) arc agreed on by all native speakers of a language; others (such as the list of carpenters' tools) represent highly specialized knowledge, and still others (like the list of great left-handed baseball 261 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS ——i------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •no-picchcrs of the 20th century) arc matters of heated debate. Below we review some of the most common systematic elicitation techniques and discuss how researchers analyze the data they generate. Free Lists Free lists are particularly useful for identifying the items in a cultural dornen. Toclicit domains, researchers might ask, "What kinds of illnesses do you know?" Some short, open-ended questions on surveys can be considered free lists, as can some responses generated from in-depth ethnographic interviews and focus groups. Investigators interpret the frequency of mention and the order in which items are mentioned in the lists as indicators of items' salience (for measures of salience, see Robbins & Nolan, 1997; Smith, 1993; Smith Ôc Borgatti, 1998). The co-occurrence of items across lists and the proximity with which items appear in lists may be used as measures of similarity among items (Borgatti, 1998; Henley, 1969; fora clear example, see Fleisher & Harrington, 1998). Paired Comparisons, Pih Sorts, Triod Tests Researchers use paired comparisons, pile sorts, and triads rests to explore the relationships among items. Here are two questions we might ask someone in a paired comparison test about a list of fruits: (a) "On a scale of 1 to 5, how similar are lemons and watermelons with regard to sweetness?" (b) "Which is sweeter, watermelons or lemons?" The first question produces a set of fruit-by-fruit matrices, one for each respondent, the entries of which are scale values on the similarity of sweetness among all pairs of fruits. The second question produces, for each respondent, a perfect rank ordering of the set of fruirs. In a pile sort, the researcher asks each respondent to sort a set of cards or objects into piles. Item similarity is the number of times each pair of items is placed in the same pile (for examples, see Boster, 1994; Roos, 1998). Iryi triad test, the researcher presents sets of three items and asks each respondent either to "choose the two most similar items" or to "pick the item that is the most different." The similarity among pairs of items is the number of times people choose to keep pairs of items together (for some good examples, see Albert, 1991; Harman, 1998). 262 Data Monagemenl and Analysis Methods Frome Substitution In the frame substitution task (D'Andrade, 1995; D'Andrade, Quinn, Nerlove, Si Romney, 1972; Frake, 1964; Metzger 6c Williams, 1966), the researcher asks the respondent to link each item in a list of items with a list of attributes. D'Andrade et al. (1972) gave people a list of 30 illness terms and asked them to fill in the blanks in frames such as "You can catch_____ from other people," "You can have_____and never know it," and "Most people- get_____at one rime or other" {p. 12; for other examples of frame substitution, see Furhec &c Benfer, 198.3; Young, 1978). Techniques for Analyzing Data About Cultural Domains Researchers use these kinds of data to build several kinds of models about how people think. Componential analysis produces formal models of the elements in a cultural domain, and taxonomies display hierarchical associations among the elements in a domain. Mental maps are best for displaying fuzzy constructs and dimensions. We treat these in turn. Qomponentiaf Analysis As we have outlined elsewhere, componential analysis (or feature analysis) is a formal, qualitative technique for studying the content of meaning (Bernard, 1994; Bernard & Ryan, 1998). Developed by linguists to identify the features and rules that distinguish one sound from another (Jakobson & Halle, 1956), the technique was elaborated by anthropologists in the 1950s and 1960s (Conklio, 1955; D'Andrade, 1995; Frake, 1962; Goodenough, 1956; Rushforth, 1982; Wallace, 1962). (Fora particularly good description of how to apply che method, seeSpradley, 1979, pp. 173-184.) Componenrial analysis is based on the principle of distinctive features. Any two items (sounds, kinship terms, names of plants, names of animals, and so on) can be distinguished by some minimal set {In) of binary features—that is, features that cither occur or do not occur. It takes two features to distinguish four items {21 » 4, in other words), three features to distinguish eight items (21 « 8), and so on. The trick is to identify the sniiillest set of features that best describes the domain of interest. Table 7.1 shows that just three features arc needed to describe kinds of horses. 263 METHOOS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS MtO' TABLE 7.1 A Component ial Analysis of Six Kinds or Horses Noma Female Neuter Adult Moro + - + Stollion - + Gelding — + + Foal - -f- - Filly* +■ Colt"____________________=_______________=_______________=________ SOURCE: Adapted hrom D'Andrade(1995). Componcntial analysis produces models based on logical relationships among features. The models do noc account for variations in the meanings of terms across individuals. For example, when we tried to do a com-ponential analysis on the terms for cattle [bull, cow, heifer, calf, steer, and ox), we found that native speakers of English in the United States (even farmers) disagreed about the differences between cow and heifer, and between steer and ox. When the relationships among items are less well defined, taxonomies or menta! models may be useful. Nor is there any intimation chat componcntial analyses reflect how "people really think." Toxonomies Folk taxonomies are meant to capture che hierarchical structure in sets or terms and are commonly displayed as branching tree diagrams. Figure 7.1 presents a taxonomy of our own understanding of qualitative analysis techniques. Figure 7.2 depicts a taxonomy wc have adapted from Pamela Erickson's (1997) study of the perceptions among clinicians and adolescents of methods of contraception. Researchers can elicit folk taxonomies directly by using successive pile sorts (Boster, 1994; Perchonock 6c Werner, 1969). This involves asking people to continually subdivide che piles of a,, free pile sort until each item is in its own individual pile. Taxonomie models can also be created with cluster analysis on the similarity data from paired comparisons, pile sores, and triad tcscs. Hierarchical cluster analysis (Johnson, 1967) builds a taxonomie tree where each item appears in only one group. 26-1 »íl 265 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS i ______________^^^_____— Interinrormanr variation is common in folk taxonomies. That is, different people may use different words to refer to the same category of things, Some of Erickson's (1997) clinician informants referred to the "highly effective" group of methods as "safe," "more reliable," and "sure bets." Category labels need not be simple words, but may be complex phrases; for example, see the category in Figure 7-2 comprising contraceptive methods in which you "have to pay attention to timing." Sometimes, people have no labels at all for particular categories—at least none that 5iey can dredge up easily—and categories, even when named, may be fuzzy and may overlap with other categories. Overlapping cluster analysis (Hartigan, 1975) identifies groups of items where a single item may appear in multiple groups. M&ntal Maps Mental maps are visual displays of the similarities among items, whether or not those items are organized hierarchically. One popular method for making these maps is by collecting data about the cognitive similarity or dissimilarity among a set of objects and then applying multidimensional scaling, or MDS, to the similarities (Kruskal 6c Wish, 1978). Cognitive maps are meant to be directly analogous to physical maps. Consider a table of distances between all pairs of cities on a map. Objects (cities) that are very dissimilar have high mileage between them and are placed far apart on the map; objects that are less dissimilar have low mileage between them and arc placed closer together. Pile sorts, triad tests, and paired comparison tests are measures of cognitive distance. For example, Ryan (1995) asked 11 literate Kom speakers in Cameroon to perform Successive pile sorts on Kom illness terms. Figure 7.3 presents an MDS plot of the collective mental map of these terms. The five major illness categories, circled, were identified by hierarchical cluster analysis of the same matrix used to produce the MDS plot.1 Data from frame substitution tasks can be displayed with correspondence analysis (Weiler &c Romiicy, 1990).1 Correspondence analysis scales both the rows and the columns into the same space. For example, Kirchler (19V2) analyzed S62 obituaries of managers who had died in 1974, 1980, and 1986. He identified ^ 1 descriptive categories from adjectives used in the obituaries and then used correspondence analysis to display how these categories were associated with men and women managers over time. Figure 7.4 shows that male managers who died in 1974 and 1980 were seen 2Ó6 Data Management and Analysis Methods Figure 7.3. Mental Map of Kam Illness Terms by their surviving friends and family as active, intelligent, outstanding, conscientious, and experienced experts. Although the managers who died in 1986 were still respected, they were more likely to be described as entrepreneurs, opinion leaders, and decision makers. Perceptions of female managers also changed, but they did not become more like their male counterparts. In 1974 and 1980, female managers were remembered for being nice people. They were described as kind, likable, and adorable. By 1986, women were remembered for their courage and commitment. Kirchler interpreted these data to mean that gender stereotypes changed in the early 1980s. 15y 1986, both male and female managers were perceived as working for success, but men impressed their colleagues through their knowledge and expertise, whereas women impressed their colleagues with motivation and engagement. 267 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS iw 1,15 - •71 - .28 m c -.16 n -.59 2 •1,03 ■IM eomredelŕ« coiucicniious active MALE 'MouBUiHling l-intelliBCTl MALE'« experienced expert «W»« ho nesl lespeuied t r cílil ieiil pioneer und likable FEMALE I iilinabk FEMALE 74 faithful sdmir.'bk entrepreneurial irwtaicaw ipiril MALE '86 opinion leader work oriented uaMUlsh decision maket sociable dring amiable foreign led hnjhlf commiKcd coumgcoui FE M ALK -.70 ~l---- •M V S ,3í .60 ÍM .39 1.65 1 91 .17 Dimension 1 Figure 7.4, Correspondence Analysis of rhe Frequencies of 31 Disruptive Obituary Categories by Gender and Year of Publication SOURCE: Erich Kirchler, "Adorable Woman, Expert Man: Changing Gender Images of Women and Men in Management," European Journal of Social Psychologu, 22 (1992), p. 371. Copyright 1992 by John Wiley & Sons Limited. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited, ♦ Methods for Analyzing Free-Flowing Text Although taxonomies, MDS maps, and the like are useful for analyzing short phrases or words, most qualitative data come in the form of Iree-fiowing texts. There are two major types of analysis. In one, the text is segmented into its most basic meaningful components: words. In the other, meanings are found in large blocks of text. 26« Dolo AHonogemení and Analysis Methods Analyzing Words Techniques for word analysis include kcy-words-in-coutext, word counts, structural analysis, and cognitive maps. We review each below. Key-Woros-in-Corrtexf Researchers create key-words-in-concext (KWIC) lists by finding all the places in a text where a particular word or phrase appears and printing it out in the context of some number of words {say, 30) before and after it. This produces a concordance. Well-known concordances have been done on sacred texts, such as the Old and New Testaments (Dartori, 1976; Hatch oc Redpath, 1954) and the Koran (Kassts, 1983), and on famous works of literature from Euripides (Allen &c Itálie, 1954) to Homer (Prcndcrgast, 1971), to Beowulf (Bcssingcr, 1969), to Dylan Thomas (Farringdon& Farringdon, 1980). (On the use of concordances in modern literary studies, see Burton, 1981a, 1981b, 1982; McKinnon, 1993.) Word Counts Word counts are useful for discovering patterns of ideas in any body of text, trom field notes to responses to open-ended questions. Students of mass media have used use word counts to trace the ebb and flow of support for political figures over time (Danielson Sc Lasorsa, 1997; Pool, 1952). Differences in the use of words common to the writings of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton led Mosteller and Wallace (1964) to conclude that Madison and not Hamilton had written 12 of the Federalist Papers. (For other examples of authorship studies, see Martindale 6c McKenzie, 1995; Yule 1944/1968.) Word analysis (like constant comparison, meinoing, and other techniques) can help researchers to discover themes in texts. Ryan and Weisner (1996) instructed fathers and mothers of adolescents in Los Angeles: "Describe your children. In your own words, just tell us about ihein." Ryan and Weisner identified all the unique words in the answers they got to that grand-tour question and noted die number oi times each word was used by mothers and by fathers. Mothers, for example, were more likely to use words like friends, creative, time, and honest; fathers were more likely to use words like school, good, lack, student, enjoys, independent, and extremely. This suggests that mothers, on first mention, express concern 269 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS i — »no-over interpersonal issues, whereas fathers appear to prioritize achievement-oriented and individualisiic issues. This kind of analysis considers neither the contexts in which the words occur nor whether the words are used negatively or positively, hut distillations like these can help researchers to identify important constructs and can provide data for systematic comparisons across groups. Structural Analysis and Semantic Networks f .• Network, or structural, analysis examines the properties rhat emerge from relations among things. As early as 1959, Charles Osgood created word co-occurrence matrices and applied (actor analysis and dimensional plotting to describe the relations among words. Today; semantic network analysis is a growing field (Barneti &c Danowski, 1992; Danowski, 1982, 1993). For example, Nolan and Ryan (1999) asked 59 undergraduates (30 women and 29 men) to describe their "most memorable horror film." The researchers identified the 45 most common adjectives, verbs, and nouns used across the descriptions of the films. They produced a_45(word)-by-59(person) matrix, the cells or which indicated whether each student had used each key word in his or her description. Finally, Nolan and Ryan created a 59(person)-by-59(person) similarity matrix of people based on the co-occurrence of the words in their descriptions. Figure 7.5 shows the MDS of Nolan and Ryan's data. Although there is some overlap, it is pretty clear that the men and women in their study used different sets of words to describe horror films. Men were more likely ro use words such as teenager, disturbing, violence, rural, dark, country, and hillbilly, whereas women were more likely to use words such as boy, little, devil, young, horror, father, and evil. Nolan and Ryan interpreted these results to mean that the men had a fear of rural people and places, whereas the women were more afraid of betrayed intimacy and spiritual possession. (For other examples of the use of word-by-word matrices, see Jang 6c Barnett, 1994; Schnegg EC Bernard, 1996.) This example makes abundantly clear the value of turning qualitative data into quantitative data: Doing so can produce information that engenders deeper interpretations of thv„mcanings in the original corpus of qualitative data. Just as in any mass of numbers, it is hard to see patterns in words unless one first docs some kind of data reduction. More about this below. As in word analysis, one appeal of semantic network analysis is that the data processing is done by computer. The only investigator bias intro- 270 Data Management and Analysis Methods GENDER o*Malc 9 Female Figure 7.5. Multidimensional Scaling of Informants Based on Words Used in Descriptions of Horror Films duced in the process is the decision to include words that occur at least 10 times or 5 times or whatever. (For discussion or computer programs that produce word-by-text and word-by-word co-occurrence matrices, see Borgatti, 1992; Docrfcl & Barnett, 1996.) There is, however, no guarantee that the output of any word co-occurrence matrix will be meaningful, and it is notoriously easy to read patterns (and thus meanings) into any set of items. Cognitive Maps Cognitive map analysis combines theyntuirion of human coders with the quantitative methods of network analysis. Carley's work with this technique is instructive. Carley argues that if cognitive models or schemata exist, they arc expressed in the texts of people's speech and can be represented as networks of concepts (see Carley & Palmquist, 1992, ď ď o" ** «r ša a ď * ° " , ?e* 0 g Q 9 271 METHODS OF COLLECTING ANO ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS -1(0' p. 602), an approach also suggested by D'Andrade (1991). To the extent that cognitive models are widely shared, Carlcy asserts, even a very small set of texts will contain the information required for describing the models, especially for narrowly defined arenas of life. In one study, Carley (1993) asked students some questions about the work of scientists. Here are two examples she collected: Student A; 1 found that scientists engage in research in order to make discoveries and generate new ideas. Such research by scientists is hard work and .often involves collaboration with oilier scientists which leads to discoveries which make che scientists famous. Such collaboration may be informal, such as when they share new ideas over lunch, or formal, such as when they arc coauthors of a paper. Student B: Ir was hard work to research famous scientists engaged in collaboration and I made many informal discoveries. My research showed that scientists engaged in collaboration with other scientists are coauthors of at least one paper containing their new ideas. Sonic scientists mukc formal discoveries and have new ideas, tp. 89) Carley compared the students' texts by analyzing 11 concepts: /, scientists, research, hard work, collaboration, discoveries, new ideas, formal, informal, coauthors, paper. She coded the concepts for their strength, sign (positive or negative), and direction (whether one concept is logically prior to others), not just for their existence. She found thac although students used the same concepts in their texts, the concepts clearly had different meanings. To display the differences in understandings, Carley advocates the use of maps that show the relations between and among concepts. Figure 7.6 shows Carley's maps of two of the texts. Carley's approach is promising because it combines the automation of word counts with the sensitivity of human intuition and interpretation. As Carley recognizes, however, a lot depends on who does the coding. Different coders will produce different maps by making different coding choices. In the end, native-language competence is one of the fundamental methodological requirements for analysis {see also Carley, 1997; Carley & Käufer, 1993; Carley & Palmquist, 1992; Palmquist, Carley, ÖC Dale, 1997). Key-words-in-context, word counts, structural analysis, and cognitive maps all reduce text to the fundamental meanings of specific words. These reductions make it easy for researchers to identify general patterns and 272 Dato Management and Analysis Methods hard ww diitiivrrlcs idCOllltS hard work »\ research \ discoveries I \ collaboradon* new ideas formal inform» paper ■ ii.'mii ' paper iiijiiiliin'i Shared Concepts ......................................................... 11 Shared Statement* ...................(I bidirectional - X rclallum) S Shared Concepts Riven Shared Relationships...................... 5 Concept» Student A Only .............................................. * Concept* Student II Ooly .............................................. 0 StatemmcsStudent A Only ............................................ 13 Statements Studcot D Only ............................................ 9 positive relationship i negative relationship Figure 7.6. Coded Maps of Two Students' Texts SOURCE: Kathleen Carley, "Coding Chokes for Textual Analysis: AComparison of Content Analysis .ind Map Analysis," in V. Marsden (Ed.), Sociological Methodology {Oxford: Bl.iekwcll,l993),p. 104. Copyright 1993 by the Association. Reproduced by permission of the American Sociologičtí Association. make comparisons across texts. With tlie exception of KW1C, however, these techniques remove words from the contexts in which they occur. Subtle nuances are likely to be lost—which brings us to the analysis or whole texts. 273 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS •IK)' Analyzing Chunks of Text: Coding Coding is the heart and soul or whole-text analysis. Coding forces the researcher to make judgments about the meanings uf contiguous blocks of lext. The fundamental tasks associated with coding are sampling, idem Hying themes, building codebooks, marking texts, constructing models (relationships among codes), and testing these models against empirical data, We outline each task below. We then describe some of the major coding traditions: grounded theory, schema analysis, classic content analysis, content dictionaries, analytic induction, and ethnographic decision 11< < v We want to cmphasi/e that no particular tradition, whether hum.mi-.ii. i »r posirivistic, has .1 monopoly on text analysis i Sampling Investigators inn« first identify a corpus of texts, and then select the units of analysis within the texts. Selection can be either random or purposive, but the choice is not a matter of cleaving to one-epistemological tradition or another. Waitzkin and Britt (1993) did a thoroughgoing inter • prctive analysis of encounters between patients and doctors by selecting 50 texts at random from 336 audiotaped encounters. Trost (1986) used classical content analysis to test how the relationships between teenagers and their families might be affected by five different dichotomous variables. He intentionally selected five cases from each of die 32 pOHl blc combinations of ihe five variables and conducted 32 x S ■ 160 interviews, Samples may also be based on extreme or deviant cases, cases that illustrate maximum variety on variables, cases that are somehow typical of a phenomenon, or cases that confirm or disconfirm a hypothesis. (For reviews of nonrandom sampling strategies, sec Patton, 1990, pp. 169-186; Sandelowski, 1995b.) A single case may he sufficient to display something of substantive importance, but Morse (1994) suggests using at least six participants in studies where one is trying u> underhand the esscmr- nt experience, Morse also suggests 30-50 interviews for ethnographies and grounded theory studies. Finding themes and budding theory may require fewer cases than comparing across group» and testing hypotheses or models. Once the researcher has established a sample of texts, the next step is to identify the basic units of analysis. The unils may be entire texts (books, 274 Dato MatxHjvnwnt and Analysis Methods intervieW Iters start with some general themes derived from reading the literature and add more themes and subihemes as they go. Shelley (1992) followed ilns advice in her study of how social networks alle, t people with end stage kidney disease. She used flic Outline of Cultural Materials (Murdoch, 1971) as the basis of her coding scheme and ihen added themes based on a close leading of the text. Itulin.r (1979) lists 10 different sources of themes, including literature reviews, professional 275 57 9 45 METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING LMI'IHICAL MATERIALS i _^__^^^^^^_^^_^^^^^^^^^^^___^^__^____^^_^^_ definitions, local commonscnsc constructs, .md researchers' values and prior experience*. He also notes thai investigators' general theoretical ori-OntatiOflt, die richness oř the existing literature, ami the characteristics of the phenomena being studied influence the themes researchers are likely to find. No matter how the researcher actually does inductive coding, by the time he or she has identified the themes and refined ihetn to the point where t tic v can be applied to an entire corpus of texts, a lot of interpretive «úlVMS .ilready been done. Miles and llubcniuii (1994) say simply, •< oding is analysis''(p. 56). Buiklirtq Codobooks («uli'lmoks arc simply organized lists of codes (nlten in hierarchies). ] |nw i n .c.n, lu'i can develop a codebook iv - ovi rod in detail by Dey (1993, pp. 95-151), Crabtrec and Miller (1992), and Miles and Huhermnn (199**, pp. 55-72). MacQuecn, McLellan, Kay, and Milstcin (1998) suggest that a good codebook mould include a detailed description of each code, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and exemplars of real text for each theme. If a theme is particularly abstract, we suggest that the researcher also provide examples of the theme's boundaries and even some cases that are closely related but not included within the theme. Coding is lUppoacd io be data reduction, not proliferation (Miles, 1979, pp. 593-594). The codes themselves arc nmemona devices used to identify or mark the specific themes in a text. They can be either words «r numbers— whatever the researcher finds easiest to remember and to apply. Qualitativ! researchers working as a team need to ,igree up front on what lo include in their codebook. Morse (1994) suggests beginning the pi i >ccss with a group meeting. MacQueen et al. (1998) suggest that a single team member should be designated "Keeper of the Codebook"—we strongly agree. Good codebortks arc developed and refined as the research goes along. Kurasaki < 1997) interviewed 20 sansei—third-generation Japanese Amer-ii .ms and used a grounded theory approach to do hei analysis of ethnic identity. She started with seven major themes, As the analysis progressed, ihfl -plit the major themes into siiblhcmcs. ľvcutiially, she combined two of the major themes and wound up with six major thnncsand a total of IS sublheines. (KicHards Öc Richards, ľ''»!, disuiss the theoretical principles related to hierarchical coding strmiiires thai emerge out of the data. 276 Dato Monogemonf oner Aj>ntysls Mrtfíiods AraujOi 1995, uses an example from his own rastattt) <>n the traditional British manufacturing industry to describe the process of designing and ' ■ I * 11 n 11; hierarchical codes.) Tha development and refinement of coding categories have long been COntral tasks in classical content analysis (see llerelson, 1952. pp. 147-168; Holsti, 1969, pp. 95-126) and are particularly important in the construction of concept dictionaries (Deese, 1969; Stone, Dunphy, Smith, & Ogilvie, 1966, pp. 134-168). Krippendorf (1980, pp. 71-84) and Carey, Morgan, .md Oxtoby (1996) note that much of codebook refinemenr comes during the training of coders to mark the text and in the act of checking lor intcrcodcr agreement. Disagrectnrm aiming multiple coders shows when the codebook is ambiguous and confusing. The first run also allows die researcher to identify good examples CO include in the codebook. Morhng Texts The act of coding involves the assigning of codes to contiguous units of text. Coding serves two distinct purposes in qualitative analysis. First, codes au is/«*) to mark off text in a corpus In: lain retrieval <>i indexing, lags in- noi i-.., h iated with any fixed unit! "I C*XtJ Hi.-v < .im mark simple phrases oi extend across multiple pages Second, codes act M values assigned to fixed units (sec Bernard, 1991, 1994; Seidel Öc Kelle, 1995). Here, codes are nominal, ordinal, or ratio wale values that are applied to fixed, nonoverlapping units of analysis. The nonoverlapping units can be ■i I -.u. h .is paragraphs, pages, documents), episodes, cases, or persons. Code» as tags arc associated with grounded theory and schema analysis {reviewed below). Codes as values are associated with classic content analysis and content dictionaries. The two types of codes are not mutually exclusive, but the use of one gloss—code—for both concepts can be misleading. Aruily/ifu) Chunks of Te-'s Building Conceptual Models (JnCfl Che researcher identifies a set it things (i hemes, concepts, beliefs, behaviors)) the next step is to identify how these things SM linked to each other in a theoretical model (Miles Öi, 1994, pp. 134-137). Models aie sets of abstract constrmts and the relationships among them 277 9738