121 SPSS FOR SOCIAL SCIENTISTS 'tur ntroduction to SPSS for Windows This workbook is based upon the personal computer version of SPSS, SPSS for Windows. One if the advantages of using the Windows version of SPSS is that many of Ihe features will be _amiliar to usere of other programs which operate in a Windows environment suC" as Hw word processing package Word for Windows or Ihe spreadsheet package Excel for Windows. SPSS is a computer sort ware package that is specifically designed to perform statistical iperations and facilitate data analysis and is by far the most popular statistical package used „>y social scientists. It is worth pointing out at this stage that one of the best sources of information and help about SPSS and its various functions is literally at your fingertips, and can be accessed through Ihe comprehensive Help menu within Ihe SPSS program. Some of Ihe mportant features of this Help menu include: The Online Tutoriál f his provides a good introduction to the program and adopts a clear step-by-step approach to the various features of SPSS. The Slalislks Couch This provides some basic assistance with many of the statistical procedures available in SPSS, •or more detailed statistical explanations you are advised to consult the SPSS applications guide or any good introductory statistics text. The Contextual Help System This provides information on specific features of SPSS. Pointing the mouse at the specific »articular feature or control you want to know more about and clicking the right mouse key ictivates this help facility. Sotting started on SPSS _The SPSS program (assuming, of course, that il is installed on your computer) is accessed by -licking on the Start button situated on the bottom left-hand side of the computer screen and -- »electing SPSS for Windows from Ihe Programs menu. (You should note that the menu system may be configured slightly differently on Ihe -computer you are using and therefore the location of SPSS may not be identical to that lluslratedtfn Figure O.Ia.) *' This will start SPSS (the SPSS icon will appear in the Windows Task bar at the bottom of the screen) and the Data Editor window will open up automatically. — Once opened, there are a number of ways to begin using the SPSS package. The opening dialog box (shown in Figure O.lb) offers five options and you can proceed by clicking on the -■required option bulton and then on OK. ORIENTATION 13 Figure 0,1a Starling SPSS OhWiwIiIb l Jíl— OfetOcc«r*< i.- '• £0;m 0 i'r. Dy,io. m^T^~-~r~ t ßäXanmCU«« <£3Mbgbfl »Wtítnee . 3hVu**Crnvu«d - (SlJtelgnAňMu',.".' lŤfQSftHU>|Sr . ' ,'LjjlQÍtltl %RW '■ (_ňs«Mn*Í ' - ĚÉB8BB » @S>of)D . i IP**»)«!* Btrltl - VSS««a*«E.:d ;' i'Sfr to»** ráiáftji '•/_'. E"iOosnow,' j ŠfsréiióráwMwit " spss a o PtDi'ioi i k*> ^SPS^IQOI-njxWaa^fafiBBB Start button ■\:?BSa>iÄ&'*> Task hü r It is worth pointing out that this dialog box may not always appear when you open SPSS (for example, if Ihe previous user has clicked on the TJon't show this dialog box in the future' option) Fortunately, all of the options available in the opening dialog box can be accessed through the SPSS menu system. The opening dialog box can also be removed by dieting on Cancel and, as we want to take a closer look at the Data Editor window, you can do Ihis now. The Data Editor window is blank a| Ihis stage and contains no data (see Figure 0.2). You will need to become familiar with the window in Figure 0.2 if you are to navigate around SPSS successfully. Some of its main features are explained below. (1) The Tille bar The lop section of the window is known as the Title bar and by clicking and dragging on this you can reposition the window anywhere on the screen. On the right-hand side of the Title bar are three small squares: