MILLER. Robert L. et all. 2002. SPSS for Social Scientists. Houndsmill, Palgrave. i I H! uii LI; * o ■ •' I - - i nm « i —- U 8 m = v. — L_ i c r 24 22 SPSS FOIÍ SOCIAL SCIENTISTS ■in. Firjuro 0.9 Variables dlakx) box _1 '.-, -S'-l-il .•iii.-'Hin li'lli Ijj -1 * uryúevl Label Reipcryicnľi maria! sta!us|full} Q109 ceepeye Type: Fl «Jä Miíi-ng Values: 8.9 eítiigh Measurement L*včl Hwiinat • fltCftfp titMusl.2 —' í Vakic Labels: 1 Mauied 2Uvir>gíiiiióiiwd niHH 3 Sepaio<,ed(afler matted) moiviel 1 A Divorced 5 Widowed d memcomvl 6Sř>glctnovea nianiod) mornerwí i i i mcntnohcl _iJ fioTo j Eoilo j Cloto j Help Wc ran see from Figure 0.9 thai for the variable rnarslal2, the value I represents 'Married'. Returning to the Pala Editor window in Figure 0.8, we now know that the first responded is 37 years of age and is married. More importantly, however, wc have drawn attention to a point that needs to be borne in mind as you proceed through this book. That is. for some variables ihe number values arc mmiiingftil in Ihruiuhti tfor instance 37 really docs mean .17 yeafs of age), but (or others, the values arc merely emirs for tUlfrrenl categories. This issue will be developed in more detail in Module 1. wheel we look .it the concept of levels oi measurement'. II is worth noting at this point, however, that SPSS provides a facility Cor displaying valu« labels (rather than the actual values Ihcmsclvc») in the Data F.ditor Window. Click on View in the Menu b.n anil then »lick on Value labels in Ihe drop-down menu. As you can sec from Figure O.10. the values have now been replaced by Uibeh. So. (or instance, on Ihe variable marst<»t2 Ihe word 'Married' replaces the value 1. 'Living as mariied" replaces the value 2, and so on. You will also notice lhat some variables (rage, for example) remain unchanged. Because Ihe values for these 'quantitative- variables are meanin gful in themselves there is no need for value labels. You con also 'switch' the value labels 'on' or 'off- by clicking on the Value Labels icon in the tool bar. Trie VrViuiT whulow When you begin any kind of statistical analysis in SPSS a second window, the Viewer window, opens up. This is where all the oulu/rf from your analysis is located (all Ihe tables and charts you ask SPSS to produce). The Information in lire Viewer window reproduced in Figure O.ll is the outcome of a request lhat SPSS produce a (requency table and a bar chart for Ihc variable rscx (detailed instniclions on how to get SPSS to produce frequency tables and various charts will be given in Module 2). As you can see from Figure O.l 1, the lop pari of this window '" almost *A- ORIENTATION 23 Fiťjirro O 10 Dala ("íliloi wukJow with Valu» Labnla flisplayod Click hore to display (or hicfo) value labels —i SjflSAciuTiB - SPSS DataEditoi ťilc £dJ Viaw ßal* Iianriorm Ana^ie Graphs Utlitics V/ndo TTĎ[x] Wndow m« tí m m íb c? •w ŕ? m m % % 'IÚŮGJ2 ILi íilCJO 3/ 55 51 60 33 67 26 63 51 30 [■■■u-,MV j Married : M III r,I Marríoď j Living . •Soparaia ! Married i Sínglofn Márrierj jSeparaíe Divorced L tvfirswk [ Ivhtswke \ Ivconwk -I Sk'pTC ..... 2 One hou jSkp.C I_i. 4 Skp. C 2 2 3 Skp, C 8 i Skp, C * \ > f\ Data yiow.X~VotÍÄIc Vew / Skp^C Skp, C 7ľÍUJ._ .." I SPSS ProceiMf ijicady ! Skp. C ! Skp. c • Seven •I ! Seven i "~Z j Skp.C* jSkp.C l.di. • n,; IM! ■ lab' j" Labi ; Lab'. I" Lab» Labi ] Ne Ne _►_ ■A identical to the Dala Editor window, while the botlom part is divided into two sections or panes The left-hand pane is known as the outline pane and this contains an outline view or summary of all the items lhat are included in the Viewer Window. The righthnud pane is the ift'SfrLju pane (sometimes referred to as the coufnils pane) and contains Ihe output itself, although only pari of this output is visible at any one time. To gain a better understanding of how the Viewer Window operates wc need to examine Figure O.ll in a bit more delai!.' The outline pane contains a number of icons, the first of which is labelled Output This is Ihe container for all the output in the Viewer Window and if you double dick on this icon ihe entire output disappears (double click on it again and it returns). The second icon in Iheoulline pane is labelled Frequencies and this refers to Ihe statistical procedure we requested SPSS lo carry out. All the other icons in Ihe outline pane are «presented by book jywMs and to the different parts of the output which appear m the display pane Ihe first of these book symbols is labelled Title and simply refers lo the title "I Ihe output. This is not visible in Ihe display pane in Figure Oil because the outpvl has been scrolled down to the middle of the table. The icon below this is entitled Notes and refers lo technical Information MSOCfoled with Ihe proccdme. Such information is usually hidden from view and the closed Iwk sywiW confirms this. Double clicking on a closed book symbol reveals the information (the output appears in the display pane) and double clicking on an open book MILLER, Robert L. et all. 2002. SPSS for Social Scientists. Houndsmill, Palgrave. SHHMfH tl* mm mm í-r-t^ä- 'I» 51 ri|lti| llfrífi : sr K s &S 5 Ü • ■n 3 ■: s;; 1 ■> w -" ň o> w u -< "D e ■^ ^ ; 8SÍ i o — « < -- E ľ _. 2 8 a £ i o - (0 ä !'- p- H f Ste I D!fi:í >9 .j l£* ai s» ľ 5--F - < Sl= :s 11:15 \n - i íi --. ■ — 3 C !íl ! El s, ŕ f f f f I ■ '«i ' r«! ,? £ Íft;0 ' íl»! ' 'O; • ilířfrFfířff?Iř IE íl •_ iffl ríf* mi m 5 2. -■: ra ^1 'II. íha MS- : O 3J IřffífiP 11**1 SI ř r ill _ _ O- 3 I Q)