a% SPSS FOR SOCIAL SCIFNTISI 1 E ■a o x J2 w u CO "3 u o CO CO CO a CO (N O O (N rj r O -D O OĹ LU 'i*r Figuru 0.13 Snvo Data As dialog box Click here to access the A: drive Stvt Data As Save in: ŮlSp« "3 M Ml öj IšiHjmJ _| Acrobat _J looks _J(Jbc LjSiiip» Sttup 991 U.S. General Social Survey 'i i . AMI survival Aiwety2 Anwty í IN | .. ..L-i uwe ĎSAciŕne Car» ■ jJ i U name MYDATAFlLE Suva a:(ype;. JSPSS [".sav| f R^flje. [airal ■■ i t« 3d*u | ■ il ■ iwiwtq'apr» i 3 . Eaitc Ľ J!' '! '/ ■ Typo the name you want to give your die here The suffix .sav confirms that this is a data file The (Int.) set, complete with llio modifications you made, will now have been saved to your floppy disk so you will need lo rtffltmbff to shift to the A:diive when you want lo open this hit again. V.n tii.iy wanl to Iry thfj 0> I HOW |llll M tMUM All you Cap d« I .\i til il Mh IMlttfl .«. • Save the Ctime dalaset by followlnR lite instructions described above und then close down Sl'SS by selecting Exil from the file menu. • Open up SPSS as before, only this Ume select the A:drive in the Open File dialog box. The Ctime dataset that you tut! Mved should appeat as in Figure O.U. • Simply double dick on the »con to open this file. »it ORIENTATION 27 Figuře O.I4 Opon PII« *l*>g box To accoss a file from a floppy disk cSck her« and select Ihe A: drive Look jn: | ^3)* Floppy fA;) KmyďäťäTÍLT" 3 &J fij( ctl Is«I Ffeoarr* Qpen J F*io"|yp*: |SPSS(*.wvl "3 •-.■■c ....._ _;. Cancel Saving your output fiU Siw'Ni" output tfhm yo» extl SPSS in addihon to saving the SPSS data file you may «|,o want lo save the Wrs of your SPSS analysis (the vartou» tables and cha. Is that you product durinK | session). If you have produced any outp.il || al «luring a session. SPSS will produce the prompt m Figure O.IS when you eo lu close down Ihe progrunv ö Figure 0.15 Save output prompl SPSS l"i Widows ■ M & : /l\ Soví contents c/ oulput yiewni lo Output I ' Cared • Click Yea lo open up the «Save As dialog box. TWl is jlniuit Identical lo Ihe Save Dala As dialog bo« (see Plguic Oil) and the same ptoccdiues «re followed to save the output fife So yon ntfed lo change to the Aidtivc. give Ihe output file a n*me. and click on Save. • Saving your oulput in this way means that all tlxr output that appears in the Viewer Window wil bu saved. MILLER. Roben L. et all. 2002. SPSS for Social Scientists. Houndsmill, Palgrave.