■I • \ ■ t j §bö ; FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1946, VOLUME VI national collaboration. UNO was discussed only by Molotov and Bio-Three coalition was referred to, in retrospective light at that, only by Stalin, Kalinin 40 and Zhdanov." Kaganovichi2 struck openly isolationist note in his statement that "two of our most dangerous and base foes from this capitalist encirclement—Hitlerite Germany and Imperialist Japan—have been smashed" but "we must remember that our country continues to be in capitalist encirclement". Malenkov's speech deserves special note as manifestation of an attitude of total suspicion toward motives of outside world. After urging that armed forces should be strengthened so that "friends will respect us and forbear to interrupt our great constructive work", he declares that USSR has no intention of permitting others to harvest fruits of its dear-bought victory, that all those who may think of organizing new war against Soviet Union should remember that it is already a mighty power, and that USSR does not intend "to draw other peoples' chestnuts out of fire" except for its own good. Full translation of Stalin's speech and several of the others follow by despatch.43 Kennak 861.00/2-2246: Telegram The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State secret Moscow, February 22,1946—9 p. m. [Received February 22—3: 52 p. m.] 511. Answer to Dept's 284, Feb 3 [Z3] 44 involves questions so intricate, so delicate, so strange to our form of thought, and so important to analysis of our international environment that I cannot compress answers into single brief message without yielding to what I feel would be dangerous degree of over-simplification. I hope, therefore, Dept will bear with me if I submit in answer to this question five parts, subjects of which will be roughly as follows: 1) Basic features of post-war Soviet outlook. 2) Background of this outlook. 40 Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union. He resigned on March 19, 1946, because of poor health, and died on June 3. 41 Andrey Alexandrovi ch Zhdanov, member and a Secretary of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. 43 Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (after March 15, Council of Ministers). ** Despatch 2442, February 12, from Moscow, not printed. 41 .Xot printed; in this telegram the Department informed the Charge: "We should welcome receiving from you an interpretive analysis of what we may expect in the way of future implementation of these announced policies . . ." (861.00/2-1246). The policies referred to were those contained in the pre election speeches of Stalin and his associates. THE SOVIET UNION 697 (Z) Its projection in practical policy on official level. (4) Its projection on unofficial level. (5) Practical deductions from standpoint of US policy. I apologize in advance for this burdening of telegraphic channel; but questions involved are of such urgent importance, particularly in view of recent events, that our answers to them, if they de-serve attention at all, seem to me to deserve it at once. There follows Part 1: Basic Features of Post War Soviet Outlook, as Put Forward by Official Propaganda Machine, Are as Follows: (a) USSE still lives in antagonistic "capitalist encirclement" with which in the long run there can be no permanent peaceful coexistence. As stated by Stalin in 1927 to a delegation of American workers: "In course of further development of international revolution there will emerge two centers of world significance: a socialist center, drawing to itself the countries which tend toward socialism, and a capitalist center, drawing to itself the countries that incline toward capitaLism. Battle between these two centers for command of world economy will decide fate of capitalism and of communism in entire world." (Ď) Capitalist world is beset with internal conflicts, inherent in nature of capitalist society. These conflicts are insoluble by means of peaceful compromise. Greatest of them is that between England and US. (c) Internal conflicts of capitalism inevitably generate wars. Wars thus generated may be of two kinds: intra-capitalist wars between two capitalist states, and wars of intervention against socialist world. Smart capitalists, vainly seeking escape from inner conflicts of capitalism, incline toward latter. (d) Intervention against USSE, while it would bo disastrous to those who undertook it, would cause renewed delay in progress of Soviet socialism and must therefore be forestalled at all costs. (e) Conflicts between capitalist states, though likewise fraught with danger for USSE, nevertheless hold out great possibilities for advancement of socialist cause, particularly if USSE remains militarily powerful, ideologically monolithic and faithful to its present brilliant leadership. (/) It must be borne in mind that capitalist world is not all bad. In addition to hopelessly reactionary and bourgeois elements, it includes (1) certain wholly enlightened and positive elements united in acceptable communistic parties and (2) certain other elements (now described for tactical reasons as progressive or democratic) whose reactions, aspirations and activities happen to be "objectively" favorable to interests of USSR. These last must be encouraged and utilized for Soviet purposes. 698 FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1946, VOLUME VI (g) Among negative elements of bourgeois-capitalist society, most dangerous of all are those whom Lenin called false friends of the people, namely moderate-socialist or social-democratic leaders (in other words, non-Communist left-wing). These are more dangerous than out-and-out reactionaries, for latter at least march under their trne colors, whereas moderate left -wing leaders confuse people by em-' ploying devices of socialism to serve interests of reactionary capital. So much for premises. To what deductions do they lead from standpoint of Soviet policy? To following: (a) Everything must be done to advance relative strength of USSR as factor in'international society. Conversely, no opportunity must -be missed to reduce strength and influence, collectively as well as individually, of capitalist powers. (o) Soviet efforts, and those of Russia's friends abroad, must be^ directed toward deepening and exploiting of differences and conflicts between capitalist powers. If these eventually deepen into an "imperialist" war, this war must be turned into revolutionary upheavals within the various capitalist countries. ': ■ (c) "Democratic-progressive" elements abroad are to be utilized to maximum to bring pressure to bear on capitalist governments along ' lines agreeable to Soviet interests. (d) Relentless battle must be waged against socialist and social-democratic leaders abroad. Part 2: Background of Outlook ' : Before examining ramifications of this party line in practice there are certain aspects of it to which I wish to draw attention. First, it does not represent natural outlook of Russian people. Latter are, by and large, friendly to outside world, eager for experience of it, eager to measure against it talents they are'conscious of pos"^1 sessing, eager above all to live in peace and enjoy fruits of their own labor. , Party line only represents thesis which official propaganda machine puts forward with great skill and persistence to a public often remarkably resistant in the stronghold of its innermost thoughts.' But party line is binding for outlook and conduct of people who make up apparatus of power—party, secret police and Government—and it is exclusively with these that we have to deal. Second, please note that premises on which this party line is based^ are for most part simply not true. Experience has shown that peaceful and mutually profitable coexistence of capitalist and socialist states is entirely possible. Basic internal conflicts in advanced countries are no longer primarily those arising out of capitalist ownership of means, of production, but are ones arising from advanced urbanism and industrialism as such, which Russia has thus far been spared not "by THE SOVIET UNION 699 socialism but only by her own backwardness. Internal rivalries of capitalism do not always generate wars; and not all wars are attributable to this cause. To speak of possiblity of intervention against USSR today, after elimination of Germany and Japan and after example of recent war, is sheerest nonsense. If not provoked by forces of intolerance and subversion "capitalist" world of today is quite capable of living at peace with itself and with Russia. Finally, no sane person has reason to doubt sincerity of moderate socialist leaders in Western countries. Nor is it fair to deny success of their efforts to improve conditions for working population whenever, as in Scandinavia, they have been given chance to show what they could do. Falseness of these premises, every one of which pre-dates recent war, was amply demonstrated by that conflict itself. Anglo-American differences did not turn out to be major differences of "Western World. Capitalist countries, other than those of Axis, showed no disposition to solve their differences by joining in crusade against USSR. Instead of imperialist war turning into civil wars and revolution, USSR found itself obliged to fight side by side with capitalist powers for an avowed community of aims. Nevertheless, all these theses, however baseless and disproven,: are being boldly put forward again today. What does this indicate ? It indicates that Soviet party line is not based on any objective analysis of situation beyond Russia's borders; that it has, indeed, little to do with conditions outside of Russia,* that it arises mainly from basic inner-Russian necessities which existed before recent war and exist today. At bottom of Kremlin's neurotic view of world affairs is traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity. Originally, this was insecurity of a peaceful agricultural people trying to live on vast exposed plain in neighborhood of fierce nomadic peoples. To this was added, as Russia came into contact with economically advanced West, fear of more competent, more powerful, more highly organized societies in that area. But this latter type of insecurity was one which afflicted rather Russian rulers than Russian people; for Russian rulers have invariably sensed that their rule was relatively archaic in form, fragile and artificial in its psychological foundation, unable to stand comparison or contact .with political systems of Western countries. For this reason they have always feared foreign penetration, feared direct contact between Western world and their own, feared what would happen if Russians learned truth about world without or if foreigners learned truth about world within. And they have learned to seek security only in patient tut deadly struggle for total destruction of rival power, never in compacts and compromises with it. 700 FOREIGN RELATIONS, 194 6, VOLUME VI It was no coincidence that Marxism, which had smouldered ineffectively for half a century in Western Europe, caught hold and blazed for first time in Russia. Only in this land which had never known a friendly neighbor or indeed any tolerant equilibrium of separate powers, either internal or international, could a doctrine thrive which viewed economic conflicts of society as insoluble by peaceful means. After establishment of Bolshevist regime, Marxist dogma, rendered even more truculent and intolerant by Lenin's interpretation, became a perfect vehicle for sense of insecurity with which Bolsheviks, even more than previous Russian rulers, were afflicted. In this dogma, with its basic altruism of purpose, they found justification for their instinctive fear of outside world, for the dictatorship without which they did not know how to rule, for cruelties they did not .dare not to inflict, for sacrifices they felt bound to demand. In the name of Marxism they sacrificed every single ethical value in their methods and tactics. Today they cannot dispense with it. It is fig leaf of their moral and intellectual respectability. Without it they would stand before history, at best, as only the last of that long succession of cruel and wasteful Russian rulers who have relentlessly forced country;pn to ever,new heights of military power in order to guarantee external security of their internally weak regimes. This is why Soviet purposes must always be solemnly clothed in trappings of Marxism, and why no one should underrate importance of dogma in Soviet affairs. r Thus Soviet leaders are driven [by ?] necessities of their own past, and present position to put forward a dogma which [apparent omission] outside world as evil, hostile and menacing, but as bearing within itself germs of creeping disease and destined to be wracked with growing internal convulsions until it is given final coup de grace, by rising power of socialism and yields to new and better world. This thesis provides justification"for that increase of military and police power of Russian state, for that isolation of Russian population from outside world, and for that fluid and constant pressure to extend limits of Russian police power which are together the natural and instinctive urges of Russian rulers. Basically this is only the steady advance of uneasy Russian nationalism, a centuries old movement in which conceptions of offense and defense are inextricably confused. But in new guise of international Marxism, with its honeyed ; promises to ä desperateand war torn outside world, it is more dangerous and insidious than ever before. , . It should not^be thought from above that Soviet party line is, necessarily 'disingenuous and'insincere on part' of all those who puť'it forward. r Many of, them are too ignorant of outside world and mentally too dependent to question [apparent omission] self-hypno- THE SOVIET UNION 701 tism, and who have no difficulty making themselves believe what they find it comforting and convenient to believe. Finally we have the unsolved mystery as to who, if anyone, in this great land actually receives accurate and unbiased information about outside world. In atmosphere of oriental secretiveness and conspiracy which pervades this Government, possibilities for distorting or poisoning sources and currents of information are infinite. The very disrespect of Russians for objective truth—indeed, their disbelief in its existence—leads them to view all stated facts as instruments for furtherance of one ulterior purpose or another. There is good reason to suspect that this Government is actually a conspiracy within a conspiracy; and I for one am reluctant to believe that Stalin himself receives anything like an objective picture of outside world. Here there is ample scope for the type of subtle intrigue at which Russians are past masters. Inability of foreign governments to place their case squarely before Russian policy makers—extent to which they are delivered up in their relations with Russia to good graces of obscure and unknown advisers whom they never see and cannot influence—this to my mind is most disquieting feature of diplomacy in Moscow, and one which Western states-,men would do well to'keepíiň'hiihdif they would 'understand nature . of difficulties encountered here. Part 3: Projection of Soviet Outlooh in Practical Policy on Official Level We have now seen nature and background of Soviet program. What may we expect by way of its practical implementation? -•>.. ■. > ... Soviet policy, as Department implies in its query under reference, is conducted on two planes: (1) official plane represented by actions undertaken officially in name of Soviet Government; and (2) subterranean plane of actions undertaken by agencies f or which Soviet Government does not admit responsibility. . . . ,, ...... ■. ^. , ,i, Policy promulgated on both planes will be calculated to serve basic policies (a)"to~ (d) 'outlined in part 1. Actions taken'on different planes will differ considerably, but will dovetail into each .other -,f in purpose, timing and effect. '> ■ . .■-.,,-,-, i.-t..... _ On official plane we must look for following: '.' (a) Internal policy devoted to increasing in every way strength and prestige of Soviet >state: ■>intensive military-industrialization; maximum development of armed forces; great displays to impress outsiders; continued secretiveness about internal matters, designed to conceal weaknessésľand to keep opponents inäárkAíŕ-fô£lVfí- ' 'J - 5.' Russian Orthodox Church, with its foreign branches, and through it the Eastern Orthodox Church in general. . ■- 6. P^-Slav^oy^^^a^d^^erjnoyeanents (Azerbaijan,;Anne? nian, Turcoman, etc.),based oh racial groups within Soviet Union.'; r i 'ľ , 7. .Governments or governing groups willing to lend themselves to Soviet purposes. in .one, degree, .'n? ■<■• uv-., (4) We must formulate and put forward for other nations a much more positive ana constructive picture of sort of world we would like to see than we have put forward in past. It is not enough to urge people to develop political processes similar to our own. Many for- THE SOVIET UNION 709 eign peoples, in Europe at least, are tired and frightened by experiences of past, and are less interested in abstract freedom than in security. They are seeking guidance rather than responsibilities. We should be better able than Russians to give them this. And unless we do, Russians certainly will._ ^ .■; , ; . , ; ( ,. :, . .K;;;~ (5) Finally we must have courage and self-confidence to cling to our own methods and conceptions of human society.- After all, the greatest danger that can befall us in coping with this problem of Soviet communism, is that we shall allow ourselves to become like those with whom we are coping. -■ ■ Kennan 800.00B International Red Day/2-2546: Air^ram - ■ -- T.hefihargé in the Soviet Union -{Kennan) to the Secretary of State . ......-.; .,-.. Moscow, February 25,1946. ■] .'.,."."■ '.ĺ ... .'..': f j[Eeceived March 13—1: 56 pi m.]~ A-87. Full summary follows on Red. Army .Day Order issued by Red Army greets -its '28th anniversary in flower of its strength and surrounded with halo of victory. After long and grievous war it has emerged as firs^class army: with high moral fighting qualities and completely,equipped with modern arms and tried commanders. In war with fascist invaders-Red Army'showed itself more than equal to its great tasks.. -4Ü peoples of USSR are now. convinced that they can rely on Red Army,, Red Army's outstanding successes are explained first of all by fact that it is genuine people's army and defends interests of its people. Red Army's victories are further explained by fact that Communist Party educates it. * Communist Party explained' meaning and aims of war to Soviet fighters. USSR has now entered new peaceful period of its economic development and its task is to advance still further, not merely consolidating economic positions already gained,'which would lead to stagnation.-Under present conditions Red .Army's duty is to maintain vigilant protection over peaceful constructive labor of Soviet people and make frontiers of USSR impregnable to all enemies. ', In peace time first task of all soldiers, officers and generals without éxcepti6nrisHo:peŕfect,!:their military and political knowledge." In years of war Red Army's officers and generals mastered art of leading troops ron field' of battle.*í '-They 'must now fmástér art of training anS *' educating troops in peaceful circumstances. Patriotic war brought much that was new into military art and duty of Red Army'isltSuše' this precious experience not only for theoretical training but :also for developing Soviet military science. Red Army must not only WfttS«