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Určeno pouze pro studijní účely lndex accommodation in Children Act 1989, 84 parents' concerns about, 67 secure, 180, 201 short-term, 116 acts Adoption Act 1976,210 Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995,219 Children Act 1948, 4, 189 Children Act 1975, 6 Children Act 1989, see Children Act 1989 Children (Scotland) Act 1995, 12, 169 Children and Young Persons (Amendment)Act 1952, 4 Children andYoung Persons Act 1963, 4, 168 Children and Young Persons Act 1969, 4,159 Criminal Justice Acts 1991 and 1993, 12 Disability Discrimination Act 1995, 219 Education Act 1993, 12 Local Authority Social Services Act 1971,4 NHS and Community Care Act 1990, 99 PoIice and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, 168 Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 , 2 Public Health Act 1872, 34 Race Relations Act, 216 Sex Discrimination Act, 216 Sex Offenders Act 1997, 127 Social Work (Scotland) Act 1995, 12 Youth and Criminal Justice Act 1999, 152 adoption, 202 and drift, 5 and permanency, 5 breakdown in, 204, 207 by foster parents, 209 by gays and lesbians, 209 by single people, 208 closed or confidential, 206 conditions for, 205 evolution of, 203 history of, 202 inter-country, 207 legal framework for, 202, 210 of children with special needs, 204, 206 of older children, 203 open, 205 process of, 211 purposes of, 202 same-race, 208 statistics for, 203, 204 advocacy for children, 56 anti-discriminatorypractice, 215 and social ecological theory, 50 with loolced after children, 224 anti-oppressive practice, 215 with looked after children, 224 assessment framework for, 150 in residential institutions, 194 pitfalls in, 151 principles of, 54 attachment, 37 and bonding, 41 assessment of, 41, 42 cultural considerations in, 44 definition of, 37 in child abuse, 134 in foster care, 192 attachment -co~zti~zzled influence of ethologists on, 38 maternal deprivation in, 39, 40 models of, 41 origins of attachment theory, 38 separation experiences in, 40 types of, 43 Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW), 17, 18, 19 LAC materials, 178 child abuse, 126 awareness of, 126 categories of, 126 causes of, 134, 138 consequences of, 141, 145 deaths from, 8 definition of, 129, 131 disclosure of, 63 domestic violence, 127 emotional, 126, of children in care, 196, 238 physical, 141 prevalence of, 126, 132 .i registers, 154-156 resilience to, 143 sexual, 127, 131, 145 sociologicalviewpoints on, 138 child development attachment theory in, see attachment Bandura's theories of, 27 Bronfenbrenner's theories of, 45 cognitive, 28 cultural issues in, 30, 32 Erikson's theories of, 27 gender in, 33 Gesell's theories of, 29 in LAC materials, 178 I(oh1berg's theories of, 28 Locke's theories of, 26 Maslow's theories of, 29 moral, 29 nature-nurture divide, 20 Piaget's theories of, 28 Rousseau's theories of, 23 Skinner's theories of, 26 social construction in, 30 social ecological theory in, 45 lndex 263 stages of, see Stages of child development child-focused services, 95 child maltreatment, 128, 139 resiliency to, 143 see also child abuse arzd neglect child protection conference, 69, 75, 152 guidance for, 148 legal framework, 156 plan, 155 police powers in, 160 process, 149, 162, 163 register, 130, 154, 155 role of, 148 syslem, 147 child welfare services continuum of, 82 development of, 2 dualisms in, 15 ethnic minority populations in, see ethnic minority groups histo~yof, 2, 15 policies in, 15, 173 principles of, 172 recruitment of staff to, 239, 245 teamwork in, see teamwork Victorian, 2, 241 childhood social construction of, 14 children abused, see child abuse accommodated, see Accommodation affected by HIVJAIDS, 220 and drugs, 221 blaclc, 217, 225, 226 ethnic minority, 12, 217, 225 in need, see children in need lesbian and gay, 223 loolced after, 168 runaway and homeless, 223 teenage parents, 222 traveller, 218 with disabilities, 10, 117, 218 Children Act 1989 cultural issues in, 11 definitions or abuse under, 129 key elements of, 10, 147 family support in, 11,90, 97, 105 Určeno pouze pro studijní účely 264 lndex Children Act 1989 - corztiizzced legal framework, 11, 156 looked after children in, see looked after children origins of, 6, 228 partnership with parents in, see partnership police powers under, 160 children in need categories of, 89 cultural perspectives on, 32 definition of, 87 children's departments, 3 children's rights, 16 Gillick case, 227 UN Convention, see UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Cleveland controversy, 9 communication through video home-training, 108 use of body language in, 70 use of jargon in, 70 use of play in, 60 with adults, 65 with children, 55, 59 vocabulary in, 64 community-based child-care teams, 74 prevention programmes, 94 Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW), 17, 18, 19, 178 counselling approaches, 71, 73 place in social work, 246 crisis support services, 11 cycle of deprivation theory, 6 day care, 113 developmentalists, see child development domestic violence, 127 drugs, 221 ecological, theory, 45 transition, 50 validity, 122 eco-map, 101 education of looked after children, 176, 200 truancy, 67 emotional abuse, see child abuse environmentalists, see child development ethnic minority groups black children, 217, 225, 226 children from ethnic minority groups, 12,217,225 in Children Act 1989, 11 in adoption, 208 in day care, 115 evidence-based practice, 175 family centred s e ~ c e s ,95 centres, 105 constitution of, 182 decision-makingmodel, see family group conferences forms, 12, 243 preservation, see family preservation services single-parent, 13 reunification , 171 family group conferences, 151 issues in, 185 family preservation services criticisms of, 186 feminist perspective on, 187 purpose of, 94, 171 service provision in, 188 family reunification, 171 family support services community-based, 94 community child-care teams in, 96 contexts of, 91 crisis support senices in, 111 day care in, 113 definition of, 94 family centres in, 105 group work approaches in, 110 homemaker services in, 112 monitoring quality in, 109 neighbourhood services in, 105 organization of, 93 purposes of, 90 quality assurance in, 119 respite care in, 116 family support services -colztiizzred social networking in, 98 training in, 121 types of, 90, 94 video home-training in, 108 foster care, 180, 189 alternatives to, 200 and residential care, 189 children's identity in, 192 history of, 189 professionalisation in, 190 reasons for, 190 recruitment of carers in, 226 separation issues in, see separation training in, see training treatment or specialist, 181, 191 types of, 191 Genogram, 104 Gillick case, 227 group care, 181, 194 advantages of, 195 problems in, 195 group work, 110 approaches to, 195 $ guardian ncl litenz, 158, 161, 202, 211 HIVIAIDS, 220 homemaker services, 112 Kinship care, 180, 181 advantages of, 183 assessment of, 184 drawbacks of, 183 financial support for, 186 informal, 188 social workers' biases about, 184 standards for, 185 legal frameworlc for adoption, 202, 210 for child protection, 11, 156 for prevention, 86 Locke and the environmentalists, see child development looked after children abuse of, 196 anti-discriminatory practice with, 224 adoption of, 202 lndex 265 care leavers, 176, 183 care options for, 180 characteristics of, 169 definition of, 168 identity of, 192, 226 number of, 169 placement of, 170 residential care for, 193 secure accommodation for, 201 LookingAfter children project, 176 Plnizizirzg nrzd Review Forvzs, 178 Action nlzd Assess~zer?tRecords, 178, 237 multi-culturalism. 224 neglect, 128, 141 behavioural characteristics of children, 142 definition of, 129 negotiation, 71 pitfalls in, 72 principles of, 72 network analysis, 98 levels in, 100 orders adoption, 211 Care, 157 Child Assessment , 160 Children (Northern Ireland) , 12 Contact, 157 Emergency Protection, 158 Interim Care, 8 Place of Safety, 8 Prohibited Steps, 157 Recovery, 160 Residence, 157,212 Specific Issue, 157 Supervision, 158 parental responsibility, 10 rights, 11, 227 partnership between families and social work agencies, 68 between professionals, 75 with carers, 173 with parents, 7, 11, 66, 173 Určeno pouze pro studijní účely 266 lndex permanency movement, 5, 171 physical abuse as discipline, 133 bel~aviouralcharacteristics of children, 142 causes of, 139 consequences of, 141 definition of, 129 family dysfunction theory, 136 see also child abuse 'pindown' scandal, 196 'Pink Book', 7, 8, 171 planning permanency movement in, 5 research findings about, 174, 175 play, as communication, 60 as therapy, 61 Poor Law, 3,241 pornography, 127 poverty in relation to family support, 91 prevention and protection, 83 community-based programmes for, 94 dimensions of, 85 ecological validity in, 122 family support in, 90, 94 in postwar children's departments, 4 intervention components in, 120 legal duties regarding, 86 levels of, 86 meaning of, 85 positive approach to, 85, 89 reactive approach to, 85 protection, see child abuse nizd child protection quality assurance evidence based practice in, 175 in family support services, 119 in video home training, 109 intervention components in, 120 outcome measurement in, 119, 176 'Quality Protects' initiative, 239 racial harassment, 132 reports Barclay Report, 237 Cleveland Report, 9 Griffiths Report, 99 Ingleby Report, 4 Report of the Committee on Children and Young Persons 1960,4 Report of the Committee on Local Authority and Allied S e ~ c e s , 1968, 5 Seebohm Report, 5 Short Report, 7, 8, 9 Utting Report, 198 residential care, 181, 193 abuse of children in, 196,238 alternatives to, 200 and foster care, 189 decline of, 193, 194 historical antecedents of, 193 varieties of, 194, 199 resiliency, 143 respite care, 116 issues in, 118 rights children's, 227 parents, 11, 227 Rousseau and the developmentalists, see child development scapegoating, 136 secure accommodation, 180, 201 criteria for, 201 self-care, 63, 244 separation, 39 in foster care, 192 mediating factors in, 39 see nlso attachment sexual abuse, 131 causes of, 139 consequences of, 145, 198 definition of, 143 family dysfunction theory, 136 feminist perspective on, 137, 146 Finkelhor's model of, 139, 144 in children's homes, 197 integrative perspective on, 139 intervention in, 145, 146 investigation of, 146 of males, 137 pornography in, 127 prevalence of, 131 lndex 267 sexual abuse - colrtiizr~ed risk factors in, 143 social learning perspective on, 135 skills for work with children, 54 for work with families, 65 group work, 77 negotiating, see negotiation team work, see tea~invoi-k social class, 70 social construction in child development, 30 of childhood, 14 social ecological theory, 45 congruence with anti-discriminatory practice, 50 ecological transition, 50 exosystem, 49 macrosystem, 49, 100 mesosystem, 48, 100 microsystem, 47, 100 social nehvorlung, 98 eco-maps in, 101 strategies for, 99 see also network analysis Social Senices Departments (SSDs), 4 social work as a profession, 240, 245, 247 legal duties in, 86 professional competence in, 18 purpose of, 17 rewards of, 242 skills in, see skills with children and families, 12 stages of child development Erikson's, 28 Fahlberg's, 42 Freud's, 27 Piaget's, 28, 29 Rousseau's, 23 teamwork, 74, 96, 244 theories attachment, see attachment behavioural, 26, 33 Bowlby's (maternal deprivation), 38 cognitive developmental, 33 cycle of deprivation, 6 ecological, 138 family dysfunction, 136 maturational (Gesell), 29, 32 Maslow's, 29 nature-nurture divide, 21 psycho-analytic, 27, 33 social cultural, 138 social ecological, 45 social learning, 109, 135 social structural, 138 stage, see stages of child development training, 76, 245 for child-care providers, 114 in preventive work, 121 of kinship carers, 185 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 32, 131, 228, 229, 230 underclass, 14, 240 Video I-Iome Training (VHT), 108 Určeno pouze pro studijní účely