Post: Assistant Information Service Officer (Intern) Unit: Situation Room, Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (ODAP), WFP Rome Terms of Reference The incumbent will work within the overall policy, strategy and guidance established by the chief of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (ODAP), under direct supervision of the Emergency Reporting and Information Officer. The incumbent will be a member of the WFP Situation Room Team and respect the rules and processes established for this unit. He/she will help ensure efficient implementation of the humanitarian information/news service managed by ODAP (WFP News Service). The incumbent will focus on news, information and reports relevant to the humanitarian work of WFP. In particular the incumbent will: As per his/her regular functions: · Monitor the key international news-wire services/providers (e.g. Reuters, AP, AFP, BBC, CNN, etc.) and main press services in the world (e.g. International Herald Tribune, Financial Times, New York Times, Guardian, Le Monde, etc.) on a daily basis, using websites and search machines, select news articles of interest for WFP - particularly those relevant to WFP's emergency operations - compile them and disseminate electronically as News Sets to interested users at WFP and externally (i.e. donors, UN agencies, NGOs). · Select from the daily media articles the information that represents important security information of interest to WFP and disseminate it separately from the regular news sets to interested users at WFP; immediately bringing this information to the attention of the Chief of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (ODAP), Early Warning Officer, Contingency Planning Officer, Emergency Response Officer (Situation Room Coordinator), Emergency Reporting and Information Officer and Senior WFP Security Coordinator. · On the basis of daily news sets and other related information draft a regular daily summary of the main events and developments, called "Main World Developments relevant to Humanitarian Operations" (1 to 1 1/2 page long), which will provide the key information on key developments of that day for WFP senior management staff. · Forward customized IRIN news articles as regional IRIN News Sets to interested users at WFP. · Monitor OCHA's Relief Web and other humanitarian web sites on a daily basis, to identify and compile important reports and press releases issued by other UN agencies, major NGOs and donors, and disseminate them to the interested WFP users. · Maintain and regularly update distribution lists for news articles, information sets and other products of the humanitarian information/news service managed by OEP (daily news and press sets, early-warning and security data, main developments summary, other agency reports, etc.). · Make in depth search of media and other articles and reports on a specific country or matter at the request of WFP managers. · Follow-up and liaise with WFP's Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) on the integration of the WFP News Service into the corporate WFP Emergency Preparedness Web (EPWeb). · Store all information produced by WFP News Service under the format of country pages, on a structured database in EPWeb, and maintain the relevant News Section of EPWeb. · Enter and store Country Office and Regional Bureaux Situation Reports (Sitreps), Assessment Reports and other relevant documents in the relevant sections of EPWeb. Assist WFP Early Warning (EW) Service as required: · Select from the daily media articles the information that represents early warning data of interest to WFP and disseminate it separately from the regular news sets to interested users at WFP; regularly and promptly bringing this information to the attention of the Chief of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (ODAP), Early Warning Officer and Contingency Planning Officer. · Liaise with Early Warning Officer and Security Analyst to identify potential crises, which may require WFP intervention and assist EW team in producing lists of high-risk countries; establish and update weekly the list of key countries of humanitarian concern to WFP. · Assist EW in doing in-depth searches on high-risk countries, using other sources of information beside media (NGOs, UN agencies, Donors, Famine Early Warning System, academic sources and any other technical groups producing data on crops surveys, food security, alerts on natural disasters or conflicts). In case of a major crisis: · Continue to ensure implementation of the regular functions. · Upon request, compile and summarise on a daily or weekly basis the main key points of the reports related to a specific crisis produced by other UN agencies (UNHCR, OCHA, UNICEF, etc.), NGOs, ICRC and donors. · Upon request, make in-depth searches on the country where the crisis is taking place, using other sources of information beside media (NGOs, UN agencies, Donors, local governments, any other technical groups producing data on crops surveys, food security, alerts on natural disasters or conflicts). · Ensure timely update of the specific Country Page on EPWeb, posting daily news sets related to the crisis, WFP daily Sitreps, UN and Donor Agency Reports. · Upon request, liaise with Early Warning Service to produce joint reports combining various types of information relating to the crisis. · Ensure that WFP staff and external users requiring information on various regions are aware of WFP News Service and ways how to access the information (by subscribing or going into EP Web). · Take part, when advised, in any working group or other for established at WFP HQ on the matter under the direct responsibility of the incumbent (news, reports, information, etc.). · Upon request, prepare briefing notes on various matters falling under the responsibility of ODAP and WFP Situation Room. · Upon request, perform any other duties in ODAP that might be required in view of the changes in the unit ToRs, including ad hoc tasks. Selection criteria: The incumbent should possess the following criteria: · Excellent written English language skills · Excellent computer skills, including full word processing proficiency · Social sciences background and interest in world news and humanitarian affairs · Preferable previous experience with news and information management · Ability to work in a team · Ability and willingness to work under occasional time pressure · Availability for at least 3 months, preferably 6 months