French study on Quality and Safety of Organic Food French study on Quality andFrench study on Quality and Safety of Organic FoodSafety of Organic Food Summary of the resultsSummary of the results §§ OttoOtto SchmidSchmid FiBLFiBL CHCH Archived at Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 How was the study done?How was the study done?How was the study done? §§ Main work: literature review of 300 publications based on clearMain work: literature review of 300 publications based on clear selection criteria (same as applied in the Soil Associationselection criteria (same as applied in the Soil Association study): exclusion of undefined conditions, exclusion of undefined conditions, etc. §§ Main focus on comparative studies since 1980.Main focus on comparative studies since 1980. §§ 44 French experts involved (only 5 from the organic agriculture44 French experts involved (only 5 from the organic agriculture research), majority sceptical of Organic Agricultureresearch), majority sceptical of Organic Agriculture §§ 1 Swiss expert (Coordinator of the sub-group Food safety)1 Swiss expert (Coordinator of the sub-group Food safety) §§ 7 meetings of the whole group from Oct 01- July 037 meetings of the whole group from Oct 01- July 03 §§ Several meetings of the 2 subgroups (quality and safety)Several meetings of the 2 subgroups (quality and safety) §§ Hearing in October 2002 with European expertsHearing in October 2002 with European experts §§ Report in August 2003 (ca. 200 pages)Report in August 2003 (ca. 200 pages) Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 ReferenceReferenceReference §§ AfssaAfssa (2003): Evaluation des(2003): Evaluation des risquesrisques et deset des bénéficesbénéfices sanitairessanitaires etet nutritionelsnutritionels des alimentsdes aliments issusissus de l`agriculturede l`agriculture biologiquebiologique.. §§ Study can beStudy can be downlowdeddownlowded from:from: www.www.afssaafssa..frfr §§ Richard, Aline. (2003) Le bio est il vraiment meilleur pour laRichard, Aline. (2003) Le bio est il vraiment meilleur pour la santé? In ,,La Recherche" Septembre 2003 No. 367, p 32-38santé? In ,,La Recherche" Septembre 2003 No. 367, p 32-38 Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Results depending on point of viewResults depending on point of viewResults depending on point of view §§ The results confirm similar studies (DK, A, DE, Soil Association Study)The results confirm similar studies (DK, A, DE, Soil Association Study) §§ The overall nutritional benefit of organic food seems not to be tooThe overall nutritional benefit of organic food seems not to be too different from conventional food, however there are interestingdifferent from conventional food, however there are interesting findings with regard to specific compounds of organic foodfindings with regard to specific compounds of organic food §§ The results of the evaluation indicates only tendencies, but which areThe results of the evaluation indicates only tendencies, but which are in the majority of cases rather in favour of organic agriculture and foodin the majority of cases rather in favour of organic agriculture and food §§ Food safety issues: dealing with prejudgements and different point ofFood safety issues: dealing with prejudgements and different point of views about risks,views about risks, §§ The study shows some deficits in organic agriculture but alsoThe study shows some deficits in organic agriculture but also interesting potentials to reduce problems with the system approachinteresting potentials to reduce problems with the system approach and to improve the quality of organic foodand to improve the quality of organic food Is the glassIs the glass half full (organic point of view )half full (organic point of view ) or half empty (non-organicor half empty (non-organic point of view)?point of view)? Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Nutritional aspects: dry matter, minerals, vitaminsNutritional aspects: dry matter, minerals, vitaminsNutritional aspects: dry matter, minerals, vitamins §§ Dry matter: no significantDry matter: no significant difference in fruit and fruitdifference in fruit and fruit vegetables (tomatoes, etc.)vegetables (tomatoes, etc.) §§ Minerals and trace elements:Minerals and trace elements: strong variation dependingstrong variation depending on soil and cultivationon soil and cultivation conditions: no clearconditions: no clear tendencies except fortendencies except for magnesium and ironmagnesium and iron Higher contents of organic food:Higher contents of organic food: §§ Dry matter content of certainDry matter content of certain root and leaf vegetablesroot and leaf vegetables (weak tendency)(weak tendency) §§ Magnesium and iron inMagnesium and iron in certain vegetables (weakcertain vegetables (weak tendency)tendency) §§ Vitamin C in certainVitamin C in certain vegetables and potatoesvegetables and potatoes "Certain Organic Food"Certain Organic Food processing methods forprocessing methods for certain food might preservecertain food might preserve more minerals, fibres andmore minerals, fibres and trace elements"trace elements" Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Nutritional aspects: proteins, fatty acids and secondary metabolites Nutritional aspects: proteins, fatty acids and secondaryNutritional aspects: proteins, fatty acids and secondary metabolitesmetabolites §§ In general lower raw proteinIn general lower raw protein content in cerealscontent in cereals §§ Lipids,Lipids, glucidsglucids, proteins:, proteins: strong variation, onlystrong variation, only tendencies, no clear picturetendencies, no clear picture §§ More studies are neededMore studies are needed about secondaryabout secondary metabolites: impact onmetabolites: impact on health should behealth should be investigatedinvestigated Higher contents of organic food:Higher contents of organic food: §§ Cereals: more balancedCereals: more balanced composition of essentialcomposition of essential amino acidsamino acids §§ Fatty acids: higher content ofFatty acids: higher content of non saturated fatty acids innon saturated fatty acids in meat / other profilesmeat / other profiles §§ In the majority of studiesIn the majority of studies higher content ofhigher content of polyphenolspolyphenols oror flavenoidsflavenoids in organic foodin organic food (apples, tomatoes, peaches,(apples, tomatoes, peaches, pears, wine, olive oils)pears, wine, olive oils) Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Food safety aspects: pesticides, nitrates, heavy metalsFood safety aspects: pesticides, nitrates, heavy metalsFood safety aspects: pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals §§ Controversial view pointsControversial view points with regards to risks ofwith regards to risks of conventional pesticidesconventional pesticides §§ Certain risk associated withCertain risk associated with plant based products usedplant based products used as plant protection agentsas plant protection agents which are not registeredwhich are not registered officiallyofficially Problems mainly related withProblems mainly related with high registration costs for smallhigh registration costs for small firms offering such productsfirms offering such products Less risks with syntheticLess risks with synthetic pesticides:pesticides: §§ Less pollution of environmentLess pollution of environment (including ) water(including ) water §§ Large majority of studies noLarge majority of studies no residues of conventionalresidues of conventional pesticidespesticides §§ Very few cases ofVery few cases of contamination withcontamination with conventional pesticides butconventional pesticides but with very low residue levelswith very low residue levels Nitrates:Nitrates: §§ Majority of studies show lowerMajority of studies show lower nitrate contents of organicnitrate contents of organic vegetablesvegetables Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Food safety aspects: mycotoxins, microbial risks, parasites/veterinary treatments Food safety aspects: mycotoxins, microbial risks,Food safety aspects: mycotoxins, microbial risks, parasites/veterinary treatmentsparasites/veterinary treatments §§ Mycotoxins: ControversialMycotoxins: Controversial view points with regards toview points with regards to risks ofrisks of because of the non-because of the nonuse of many fungicides anduse of many fungicides and small scale processingsmall scale processing Conclusion: no higher risksConclusion: no higher risks with organic food withwith organic food with mycotoxinsmycotoxins §§ Microbial risks:Microbial risks: certain risks associated withcertain risks associated with the use of farmyard manure,the use of farmyard manure, butbut no scientific evidenceno scientific evidence ofof higher risks in that risk inhigher risks in that risk in organic farmingorganic farming Less potential risks withLess potential risks with mycotoxins:mycotoxins: §§ Use of indirect measures like Use of indirect measures like good rotation, good soilgood rotation, good soil management, no growthmanagement, no growth regulators may reduce risks regulators may reduce risks Microbial risks:Microbial risks: §§ Less risks because of the nonLess risks because of the non use of sewage sludge and theuse of sewage sludge and the application of compostingapplication of composting practises for manure treatmentpractises for manure treatment Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Food safety aspects: parasites/veterinary treatmentsFood safety aspects: parasites/veterinary treatmentsFood safety aspects: parasites/veterinary treatments Parasites:Parasites: §§ more parasites inmore parasites in outdoors systems (notoutdoors systems (not only in organic farming),only in organic farming), §§ risks associated withrisks associated with limited use oflimited use of medicaments and use ofmedicaments and use of non-registered productsnon-registered products Veterinary treatments:Veterinary treatments: §§ Less risk with residuesLess risk with residues (double withholding(double withholding period)period) §§ High importance ofHigh importance of preventive measurespreventive measures might reduce use ofmight reduce use of antibiotics (resistanceantibiotics (resistance riskrisk)) Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Other Food safety aspects: additives, GMO, heavy metals, BSE Other Food safety aspects:Other Food safety aspects: additives, GMO, heavy metals, BSEadditives, GMO, heavy metals, BSE §§ Controversial view pointsControversial view points with regards to risks ofwith regards to risks of additives, GMO and BSE:additives, GMO and BSE: no consensusno consensus AdditivesAdditives §§ Very limited list of additives forVery limited list of additives for organic food: less risks with allergicorganic food: less risks with allergic reactionsreactions GMO:GMO: §§ Non-use of GMO reduces risksNon-use of GMO reduces risks Heavy metals:Heavy metals: §§ Less risks (no sewage sludge,Less risks (no sewage sludge, copper restrictions, less feedcopper restrictions, less feed concentrates)concentrates) BSEBSE §§ The risk might be potentially lowerThe risk might be potentially lower (Long-time no use of meat meal for(Long-time no use of meat meal for ruminants, restrictions for broughtruminants, restrictions for brought in animals, developed inspectionin animals, developed inspection systems)systems) Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 Potential food safety risks : evaluation of direct and indirect potential effects of standards/regulations for organic food production Potential food safety risks : evaluation of direct and indirect potentialPotential food safety risks : evaluation of direct and indirect potential effects of standards/regulations for organic food productioneffects of standards/regulations for organic food production Direct potential effects Indirect potential effects Potential food safety risks ++ + = - -- ++ + = - -- Future issues General food safety risk management ++ + ++ + D, M, R 1 Risk of parasites = = M, R 2. Risks from bacteria: E. coli, etc. + = M, R 3 Risks of fungi/diseases: = + M, R 4 Risks of viral diseases + + M 5 Risks of chemicals, pesticides ++ + + M, D 6 Risks of additives ++ ++ R 7 Risks of veterinary treatments ++ + M, D, R 8 Nitrates, nitrites, nitrosamines risks + + M, R 9 Heavy metals risks + ++ M 10 GMO risks ++ + ++ M, D, R 11 Dioxins risks (e.g. in eggs) = = M 12 BSE risks + + M, R Influence* : +++ very positive ++ positive + positive tendency - negative tendency -- negative -- very negative gfl = general food legislation / like in conv. agriculture Proposed actions: D = broad discussion M = more specific monitoring, R = eventually more restrictions in standards * partly based on literature and partly on subjective expert opinions. Source: Schmid O. : Food safety debate and organic standards. In: IFOAM Proceedings Scientific conference in Victoria 2002 Organic Food Quality and Health ­ ongoing and future research Nuremberg, February 20th, 2004 ConclusionsConclusionsConclusions §§ Confirmation of most of the findings in other similar studiesConfirmation of most of the findings in other similar studies §§ Interesting findings with regard to health promoting compoundsInteresting findings with regard to health promoting compounds §§ More studies are needed (consumption studies)More studies are needed (consumption studies) §§ Several negative prejudgements about safety of organic foodSeveral negative prejudgements about safety of organic food havehave notnot been confirmedbeen confirmed §§ Regarding food safety issues: in some areas more monitoringRegarding food safety issues: in some areas more monitoring might be neededmight be needed §§ The system approach of Organic Farming is recognized:The system approach of Organic Farming is recognized: potential model for more sustainable food safety strategiespotential model for more sustainable food safety strategies