Vybrané problémy dějin mezinárodních vztahů MVZ 413 Seznam referátů. 1. Bloch, Kurt (1941): Guns and Butter in Japan. Pacific Affairs, č. 4. (téma č. 2) 2. Bronfenbrenner, M (1961): Some Lessons of Japans Economic Development, 1853 – 1938. Pacific Affairs, č. 1. (téma č. 2) 3. Blanton, Robert G. – Athow, Brian (2002: Colonial Style and Colonial Legacies: Trade Patterns in British and French Africa. Journal of Third World Studies, Fall, č. 2. (téma č. 3) 4. Kelley, Lawrence (1997/1998): The Soviet Soldier in World War II: „Death Is But Four Steps Away“. Parameters, Winter, č. 4. (téma č. 5) 5. Werrell, Kenneth P. (1986): The Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II: Costs and Accomplishments. The Journal of American History, č. 3. (téma č. 6) 6. Osabu-Kle, Daniel Tetteh (2000): The African Reparation Cry: Rationale, Estimate, Prospects, and Strategies. Journal of Black Studies, č. 3. (téma č. 7) 7. Metz, Steven (1984): American Attitudes Toward Decolonization in Africa. Political Science Quarterly, No. 3, s pp 515 – 533. (téma č. 7) 8. Kay, David A. (1967): The Politics of Decolonization: The New Nations and the United Nations Political Process. International Organization, č. 4. (téma č. 7) 9. Strang, David (1990): From Dependency to Sovereignty: An event History Analysis of Decolonization 1870-1987. American Sociological Review, č. 6. (téma č. 7) 10. Garthoff, Raymond L (1985-1986): American-Soviet Relations in Perspective. Political Science Quarterly, Winter, č. 4. (téma č. 8) 11. Safty, Adel (1991): Sadat’s negotiation with the United Sates and Israel to Camp David. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, No. 3. (téma č. 9) 12. Lawson, Fred H. (1984): Syria’s Intervention in the Lebanese Civil War 1976: A Domestic Conflict Explanation. International Organization, No. 3. (téma č. 9) 13. Art, Robert J. (1996): Why Western Europe Needs the United States and NATO. Political Science Quarterly, Spring, č. 1. (téma č. 10) 14. Chernov, V. – Mazur, A. (2005): CFE Treaty: Russia Has Traveled Its Part of the Road. International Affairs, č. 1. (téma č. 11) 15. Friedberg, Aaron L. (1989): The strategic Implications of Relative Economic Decline. Political Science Quarterly, č. 3. (téma č. 12) 16. Ziegler, Charles E. (1990-1991): Soviet Strategies for Development: East Asia and the Pacific Basin. Pacific Affairs, č. 4. (téma č. 12) 17. Rix, Alan (1989-1990): Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy: A Capacity for Leadership? Pacific Affairs, č. 4. (téma č. 12)