Evidence-based therapy * Systematic collation & appraisal of findings is indispensable for informed practice & policy making. * But debate about & distrust of the principles of applying research evidence to change psychotherapy practice. * Fears that unreliable or misleading evidence may be prematurely & simplistically applied. * Even that the nature of psychotherapy is inimical to the research paradigms of evidence based medicine. Problems with RCT evidence * The RCT drug metaphor breaks down at a number of points. * Therapist and patient cannot be blinded to the intervention being delivered, and there are profound difficulties with placebo treatments in therapy. * The intervention can never be entirely specified or standardised - therapists are responsive to emergent issues, changing what is being delivered throughout the course of treatment So is evidence based therapy a special case or is there too much special pleading? * Perhaps predictably, both statements are true to an extent. * Evidence based therapy needs some modification of the rules of evidence based medicine, but Parry (2000) argues that these adaptations are few. * Claims that psychotherapy, in any variant, is uniquely outside the discourse are insupportable.